
  1. SeanyK

    Coolant bottle top pipe hose size?

    Hey folks! When I was doing the various things on my car last weekend, I noticed the top coolant bottle pipe appears to have a split in it. Im pretty sure it's an 'overflow' pipe, as coolant doesn't run through it from what i'd imagine. It's the pipe that is pretty much right at the top...
  2. 110tdi intercooler pipe part number??

    I have a 110 tdi seat toledo and i recently noticed that a have a split in an intercooler pipe. I was wondering if anyone had a link to where i could purchase a replacement pipe or a part number for it. It is the the pipe behind the drivers side wheel running parallel with the driveshaft and...
  3. arron2004

    Split pipe

    Hey guys does any one know what part for this pipe or if you can buy just that certain part as i has split and let my coolant leak every where :( gutted :(
  4. pipe part number needed

    hi, i need a new pipe for my leon. it's a 2002 cupra 4 tdi 150. it's #16 in this picture anyway, i need the part number for this pipe. it's the one that runs between the turbo and the intercooler, round the front of the engine. it's cracked at the top, and the metal clip is broken too...
  5. 8v breather pipe

    hi guys im fed up with searchingi need a breather pipe on a seat cupra 8v where can i find 1 please
  6. Pipe going into airbox !!

    Not wanting to sound like an idiot but I'm thinking about putting an induction kit on my car so I was wondering where would I put the thin pipe coming out of the airbox that goes to I think the inlet manifold can't quite remember now .Strange realy the car has been tuned with chip, cams and full...
  7. tdi black smoke pipe off

    hi everyone i've just bought a leon cupra fr 150bhp diesel. i gots a problem already, the pipe from the turbo blew off and black smoke went everywhere, this is a problem easily resolved however at the turbo end of this pipe the attachment has been modified. someone has bolted a piece of...
  8. UncleFester

    PD130 and PD150 Pancake pipe

    PD130 and PD150 Leon Pancake pipe. Does ANYONE know if these things are the same at either end? I don't care what goes on between them just that the entry and exit are in the same place.
  9. karls cupra

    charge pipe to plastic pipe...

    can people show me how there intercooler pipe work goes from the charge pipe to the plastic pipe or if you have changed it to alloy pipe how did you do it and what hoses did you use cause i want to change that plastic pipe for a alloy piece but not sure if there is enough room to put it there..
  10. skullmunki

    Boost pipe removal

    I'm just about to fit my boost gauge and will be tapping into the plastic boost pipe. Quick question though...is the whole pipe in one piece, as it looks like it might seperate in the middle? Looks a bit fiddly to get down behind the radiator to the clip at the other end.
  11. 3inch down pipe

    ive orderd my 3inch down pipe and now i heard that they throw up lights on dash can anyone tell me if its true as ive payed for it and waiting for delivery. the pipe has two holes for lamda senssors thanks lads
  12. Boost Pipe Blown Off

    Hi All, Just had this issue again (page 2 of below thread) and have the rescue guys coming around in an hour. Does anyone know if this is fixable without a visit to the garage. This was never an issue until I got the belts changed, do you guys think I have a case for a free repair as its...
  13. p34ch3y

    exhaust wrap on the charge pipe

    ok just wondering if anyone has done this? i was thinking of doing this to mine as the charge pipe strate over the engine and thought this may help reduce intake temps
  14. flexi brake pipe front

    any idea what cars have the same pipe as gotta get one today and no where is open apart from loca scrappy. Please help!!!
  15. DaNnY_LaD

    LCR Charge pipe for better flow...

    Would the charge pipe of a LCR fit on to the ibiza? Like hoochs ect? i know i need to get a golf washer bottle and re-route my cooler pipe work to the other side.... Just that i did some logs today and i was getting 6 cf's over 1 & 4 cylinder and 4cf's on 2&3 cylinder... on tesco's 99...
  16. p34ch3y

    PCR H-Flow Intercooler Pipe

    PCR H-Flow Intercooler Pipe for 1.8t cars...
  17. jasengine

    Decat down pipe?

    Hase anyone bought one of the THS decate pipe from THS? Any good? Just the flexible section looks rather short compaired to the OEM pipe.... http://www.thsperformance.co.uk/acatalog/info_59.html
  18. Timthebrief

    Rear washer/leak pipe off

    In the cold snap last week I think the water jet pipe to the rear washer (fabia style) has come adrift somewhere. Have been getting a pathetic trickle on to the rearscreen and have now realised why the boot carpet is damp and smelly :doh: Each time I squirted it washer fluid has obviously...
  19. Nutkin

    Pipe From Airbox to Engine

    Want to change this to silicon :) what size is it? Leon 110 TDI :)
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