
  1. Kharleon

    Front Brake pads

    Hi, I need help in buying Bosch brake pads, I have a seat Leon 1.6 2012 and it seems like Bosch brake pads have two different part numbers? can someone help me My reg is bn62 bkl Thanks in advance
  2. Woody_72

    Brake system A guide to replacing the rear pads and discs (272 mm) on a Mk. 3 Leon with independent rear suspensi

    A guide to replacing the rear pads and discs (272 mm) on a Mk. 3 Leon with independent rear suspension: The only difficult bit about this job is removing the caliper carrier bolts. The factory tightening spec is 66 ft/lbs plus 90 degrees which is very tight indeed. If the fasteners are rusty...
  3. Cupra 280 Brakes

    Had my car in for a thermostat housing leak at a dealership (should be a reasonable price as family friend works there) “complementary” health check video shows need for front brake discs/pads. I’ll see how much they quote me but what good after market options exist? I know ferodo ds2500...
  4. JoshoRH

    Bocanegra Brake Discs?

    Hello! Just joined the forums today and I’m in the process of buying myself a 61 plate Bocanegra (6J). I have had a test drive in the car today and these cars kick out a lot of power but I noticed that the discs are a bit worn and the breaking distance wasn’t really that great... I was...
  5. Brake Disks and Pads

    Does anyone know if I'd be able to do a straight swap from the stock disks and pads on a 1.6 to cupra r disks and pads?? Thanks in advance, Paul.
  6. knight85

    unsure on what discs and pads

    so finally got myself some TT calipers and carriers...for quite cheap ;) have seen on ebay a company selling the whole kit..discs/pads/calipers and carriers for £245...but i thought this was a tad expesnive so I bought second hand calipers and carriers for £90.. but I only need to get...
  7. jpcibiza90

    groved discs and mintex pads ;)

    this weekend i got some grooved discs of ebay n some mintex pads, pretty easy to fit just a few bolts were abit stiff! and needed a piston retracting tool. here's a few pics front pads were wrong so sent back and waiting for them before i do the fronts. old pads were...
  8. Teasy

    Brake Discs & Pads Question

    Anyone fitted Mintex brake discs & pads front & rear ? :think: :help: Reason I'm asking is I've seen them and I do fancy a bit of Mintex
  9. What brake pads for my LCR?

    Hi all, i need front pads for my 04 Cupra R, i don't hammer her or brake late and heavy so i don't need high performance pads, discs are good just feels spongy and a fair bit of travel but brake fluid has just been topped up by garage i bought her from last week. Loving her by the way, should...
  10. Brake pads

    My front brake pads feel a bit worn and was thinking of upgrading them, any1 got any advice on different pads?
  11. front brake pads

    hi, i have a seat leon 1900 tdi 2001, can anyone tell me how to change my front brake pads please. thanks dennis.
  12. Brake pads recomended?

    I want to upgrade the pads on my cupra, happy with the discs, just want pads. Can anyone recomend some good pads that arent specificaly for track use??
  13. -=Rob=-

    Standard Replacement Pagid Pads

    Does anyone run the OE Pagid pads on the front of the Cupra? I know a popular combo is DS2500 front / Pagid rear, but I don't think I need 2500's as I don't track the car or do any major braking, are the Pagids up front ok? Cheers...
  14. GlanzaV

    Brembo's: Inner Pads wear quicker?

    Hey, My GF phoned me up in a panic thinking the car was going to explode, on getting home I took it for a drive and it sounded like the pads were at the metal! squealing as I'm driving. Pulled up, had a look and there looks to be approx 2-3mm on the outer pads? Probably at the point if not...
  15. mouse1989

    brake pads

    hey. quick question.. im looking to buy a MK4 cupra which is an 08 plate with 4,000 miles on the clock, its currently been sitting a dealers since before xmas , but when i went to have a look at it the other day, i saw that the brake pads wernt sitting flush with the disk. :( The top of...
  16. Anyone used Ferodo DS3000 pads for road use ?

    Hi all Was wondering if anyone has used Ferodo DS3000 pads for road use ? Am looking for a set of front pads for the Passat (312mm) and was going to go ahead with DS2500s, but then I read about the DS3000. Are these useable on the road, or is the cold performance quite poor ? Also -...
  17. Aimez

    What brand of Brake discs & pads is popular/good value?

    I am buying these for 312mm conversion and there is too much choice! I do not want drilled just grooved.
  18. TazB

    Is this a good price for front pads?

    Well my car just passed its 1st MOT test. But advised the front pads need replaced urgently. The dealer is saying £143 fitted. Not sure if that includes VAT so i'll assume it doesn't. Is that a reasonable price?
  19. flegz16

    changing front brake pads help please

    hi all, me and my mate was doing a service to my car last night but when it came round to fitting my new brake pads and disc's, we couldn't get the pins out of the calipers to get the pads out. can anyone help us out and does anyone no how much 4 new pins would be? its a tdi cupra so iv got 4...
  20. HEEELP new front pads needed and i keep ordering the wrong ones

    car is Seat ibiza cupra petrol turbo 2004 had to order Cupra R disks as the other disks were too small am i correct that i have AP brakes as standard if so what pads to order very odd that i keep ordering Red Stuff pads that are too small or do i have an R car, me thinks not as i...
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