
  1. Long Locking Wheel Nuts

    Maybe one for the Badger this... What length locking wheel nuts are needed for cupras running spacers? Im assuming the tapered seat is 60*? I belive the standard lockers are 26.4mm, so somthing like a 42mm would be sufficent? Cheers :)
  2. Donnyboy

    how long before oil turns black??

    Got my car serviced on Tuesday and checked the oil level tonight. The oil is black already and I can't see any signs of the slightest spill of oil anywhere near the cap, or the filter!! Is it normal for the oil to turn black so quick. Have they actually changed it!!!???
  3. long life service intervals? how to change

    is it possible to change the service intervals on a Tdi FR 150, from standard 10k services to the long life intervals yourself?[B)] cheers rob
  4. LEON_FR

    How long can i leave the service for?

    The Leon is due the 20.000 service but im skint big time! so i just wondered how much over the 20K can i go over before the car loses the warranty??
  5. Mk1 long distance ride

    Drove to brimingham and back yesterday (approx 230 miles). This was my first long drive since i purchased the leon. However i found the following: Excellent and enjoyful acceleration :D Passengers at the front and back found the ride very unconfortable. :( Can i assume this is due to...
  6. Blue Monday

    Pick up the Car today at Long Last

    :funk: The car is now registered and i pick it up afterwork today
  7. Cupra_power

    Cupra R surging when cold and long raised idle time

    Hi all, Getting a very slight surging when the car is cold, for about 2 minutes after start up if I hold the pedal constant, which I never had in my cupra, anyone else get this surging on start up ? Also my raised idling +- 3 minutes, when the car has just been started seems to lasted much...
  8. Why do we have to wait sooooo long!?!?

    Hi Guys, I am getting very frustrated at how long it is taking for my factory build. I could understand if it was because it was an FR but i'm only waiting for the 2.0 TDi Reference Sport. I have been waiting 10 weeks now is anyone else having the same problem? Has anyone else got the...
  9. best mpg on a long trip

    just got back from surrey and managed a fantastic 54.2 mpg what have other peopole had the trip took 3. 45 hours! Edit: the pic proving it
  10. How Long?

    Morning Having posted a thread yesterday about my tempreture gauge going up and down i was also wondering how long from cold your cars take to reach 'normal' (90). This morning mine took about 5 minutes or 2 miles. This seems to be very quick from standing overnight. Is this normal? I suppose...
  11. loadswine

    Altea long term test in Whatcar

    There is a long term test report in August edition of Whatcar, not a glowing report, as the tester can't figure out what the Altea wants to be. Well it was always going to be seen like that by the press, I think. Its what you want it to be that determines how it works for you. There is also a...
  12. Hairy

    How long is a piece of string?

    Well not quite that bad but... Can any one tell me how much I could expect to pay for a half decent, but nothing to flash, 6 disc CD changer to fit in a Leon, with the adapter so that it can be controlled by the standard single disc HU. Cheers.
  13. Klang J

    How long is the running in process

    Got my FR 1.8t as i said in a previous thread, now getting improved MPG. So how long is the running in period. and what is classed as over use at this time? i currentlyl got 120 miles on it
  14. commiemidget

    Extra Long Bolts Required

    Hi All Please note need to get some extra long bolts for the rear wheel spacers, used to look on trackstore.co.uk but site no longer seems to exist, does anyone know or has used another site? Any help would be great cheers commiemidget
  15. Oil light on - how long?

    Oil light came on last night - 12 month old LCR. Booked in for a 12mth service on Monday but I need the car in the mean time. Is it safe to drive until then? (50miles max).
  16. prc

    how long is long

    Debating replacing my green filter with another due to the already long life it's had. Basically even after cleaning it looks like shite...;) It's basically been in for 180K miles...:blink: :blink: Should I replace it? or do you think it's still OK?
  17. STOCKY

    That didnt take very long

    I havent even seen a facelifted ibiza yet on the road and they have already wrecked it with this stupid Kit http://www.topspeed.com/cars/je_design/je_design_seat_ibiza-ar3928.html :lol:
  18. m0rk

    Stoneacre is dead - long live MK SEAT (Milton Keynes)

    I drove past this morning & spotted the lack of Hyundai's & Daywoo's out front - drove back & the sign had changed too! So I popped in & had a chat. The place is getting the overhaul it desperately needed - I've not been in for several months, but it's getting the attention it needs...
  19. BMcN

    Turbo not working on long journeys

    When on a long, constant speed journey I find my turbo will stop kicking in. I can still hear it spinning, just not boosting. If i let the car cooldown and start it will be fine. Feels almost like the dump valve sticking so I will phone Forge for a service kit. Was wondering if there is...
  20. A long wait

    I have ordered my TDI sport which I am really looking forward to getting, unfortunately my expected delivery date is mid Feb and it was suggested to me that I leave it until March so I can pick up the 06 plate. It looks like I will be doing a fair bit of walking over the next couple of...
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