
  1. Really can't wait any LONGER!!!!!! How long did you have to wait??

    Ordered my Candy white leon fr tdi, with Xeons, bluetooth, conv and winter packs with the must have 18" wheels back in the 1st week of April promised pick up date 20th of this month just been told today that it will now be the 27th!!!! Don't know if i can wait any longer!!! To make things...
  2. S8N

    Long Term Ownership - your thoughts?

    Well I am nearly 3 months in now (ok.. so not long long term) but I had a thought today about my old Focus. I just don't miss it one bit :D I am now more in tune with the Leon than ever these days. Got the perfect driving seat position I haven't changed for months. Everything just works and...
  3. swissrebel

    How long..

    Have you all managed to go without spending money on your Leon? I've only had mine 6 days and already i've managed to buy a new aerial, wipers, mud guards and a damn sweet keyring. I have a sneaking suspicion this will be the cheapest week ;)
  4. ChrisBowe82

    Got my FR 20VT!!!!!! Oficially one of the family now! *long post* big pics

    Yeeeeeaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! Got my black magic FR 1.8 20vt on friday! Not stopped driving it yet, picked it up at 6 from David Cook in Chadderton, Oldham. Took 2 weeks from order to me picking it up, well impressed with the service and help I got there from Dave, and the other lads and would...
  5. How Long do your tyres last

    As above, please put your engine, BHP, tyre manufacturer and typical mileage for changing tyres. 1.9 TDI 160BHP Pirelli P-Zero. 17K roughly between needing new tyres. is this good? :think:
  6. philameena

    How long do brakes last ?

    a 54 plate TDi just approaching it's 30K service. A couple of times in the past week I've felt a judder in the brake pedal when heavy braking. Now I think it's just ABS at work, but made me think that apart from the usual oil & filter changes it's had nothing done to it since new. Will my...
  7. "Long" Break Pedal

    Gents, The breaks on my 1997 Cupra 8V have developed excesive travel. Pedal still firm and pulls up square, any ideas? Stace
  8. badtastebear

    How long does Seat take to build a Cupra

    Hi Guys Does anyone know the factory build time of the Cupra..Our is build week 13 which was last week we think.. Dealer reckons it gets built as a standard then goes round the corner to the Seat race factory(or something like that) and then get spec'd up but how long does all that take...
  9. bigalot

    How Long

    Hey fellas, what is the max lifespan (mileage) of a well looked after Cupra R engine? Can they live 4evere??!! :think:
  10. How long does the engine last?

    Hi all. I was wondering what the lifetime of a Cupra engine is likely to be. I drive an MX5 and people have gone up to 200,000+ miles without any problems to the engine at all. They are just fed their yearly dose of oil and they are happy to carry on. So what is the likely lifetime of a...
  11. jcs356

    How long have you owned your Mk2??

    Reading the 'you know you've got a Mk2 Ibiza when' thread made me think despite all those characteristics, we still love our Mk2s. So, who has owned a Mk2 for the longest? I bought L930JCF ten years ago from Southern Garages Seat in Camberley, and 73,000 of my miles later and the odometer on...
  12. Ibiza Long Life Servicing

    can anyone tell me if its possible to swap my partners 1.4tdi from a short to a long life service. She currently does 20-25000 mile a year so bigger service intervals would help. However whats the price hike for long life services and will it have any detrimental effects?
  13. FR - Long wait now over

    Took delivery today of a not so shiny Red Tdi, and to be honest I'm gutted re the quality of the car. It's arrived (after 16 Weeks of waiting) with a faulty MFD, and one of the rear alloys having been kerbed somewhere between Sunny Espana and the not-so-sunny East of Scotland. The interior...
  14. jon1

    How long have you been waiting for your FR?

    Just wondering how long people have waited/ been waiting for FRs Iv orderd a Yellow TFSI FR with 18". (No options other than wheels) and iv been given a delivery date of 26th April, is it worth complaining? i wanted to order early to get the new reg on the 1st of march but end of april sounds...
  15. FinerDetails

    LCR full de-swirl detail - a very long day

    A trip out of Rochdale today, and a drive north to Lancaster. Here's the car on my 9am arrival: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r272/finerdetails/JonWiseguy/IMG_2690.jpg?t=1168954086 http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r272/finerdetails/JonWiseguy/IMG_2692.jpg?t=1168954136...
  16. Long pause between mp3 tracks

    Anyone else noticed htel ogn pause between mp3 tracks? Takes around 7 seconds which gets quite annoyign after a while. Anyway to get rid of this? Also, did anyone ever confirm what size speakers were in the new LEON? Thanks
  17. ibiza_95

    I know its a long shot but my girlfriend has a saxo 1.1 problem

    Ok, ive been, regsitered, posted, and waited, on saxo sports and no one replied so i thought i may as well try you guys. .....please dont say bin it either ;) Its a 1.1 SX 'R' Plate Saxo but it has real difficulty starting and maintaining revs when its being driven. To best describe...
  18. stoneyfordNI

    coolant sensor , long term

    hello , a friend has a mk3 cupra , and is getting funny readings on her water temp display first thing in the mornings , flashing lights and beeps etc , the temp sensor has been replaced for the green type , i remember reading somewhere ( possibly by m0rk) that there is a different sensor that...
  19. eyco

    some Mk3 pictures, long time didnt post ;)

    basicly with the same T3s60 setup, just added HID's and replace my Greddy RS bov with a type R bov... my girl;) Greddy type RS Greddy type R
  20. is it just me? (very long, sorry!!)

    That has bad luck with garages? Every time my car goes into the garage for some work, either a service or mot, it comes out worse than when it went in. I won't bore you with past problems, but the most recent is winding me up.... Took the car for an mot to Farmers of Leicester, who are...
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