
  1. How long for the DPF?

    Does any one know how long a DPF filter is supposed to last and how often you are supposed to change it? Thanks.
  2. kineticz

    How long have you owned your Leon and how much spent?

    Hello, I'm curious as to how long SCN members have owned their beloved Leons and how much have you spent on mods? [B)] Cheers!
  3. Timing chain concerns! How long can it last?

    Hi all, i am just a newbie to the forum and also a new seat 1.2 sport owner. i have read in the forum that quite a lot of you have had problems with timing chains after about 30k- 50k miles. I am currently at 3k and a little worried about what I have read so far, I was hoping to get some good...
  4. thewilfmeister

    haven't posted in a good long while

    well its been a very very long time since i posted on here last time i did the ibiza was working fine but after a blown head gasket and work commitments i haven't been able to anything for it and its sat in my garage for 8 months but now i'm getting a 1.8 16v golf gti engine on the cheap...
  5. Long life servicing

    When I got recovered by the AA the other week due to CV joint failure I was have a chat with the AA man who used to work for VW as a techie and owned a Touran 2.0tdi 140. Anyway I mentioned that I thought it was a con that VW engines can go 20k for an oil service where as Seat only 10k. The guy...
  6. how long?

    looking at changing the clutch this weekend as mine started slipping last week. how long am i looking at doing it? what needs to come off the get the box out? i'm doing it on a ramp so makes things a bit easier. cheers ian
  7. shaunw

    long term battery disconnection ( non Seat)

    My Dads had a stroke and he wants me to prepare his car for storage in his garage; get it up on blocks, drain the fuel etc. My question is what (if any) effect long term disconnection of the battery may have on the cars electrical systems (ECU, bluetooth, etc). I'm not sure if any of these...
  8. long term fuel trim lean multi,will it fail MOT?

    having trouble with long term fuel trim running lean multi,replaced n75,spark plugs,maf,vaccuum hoses except on from actuator-n75,lambda bank1,coolent temp sensor,forge tip.still not cured if anyone can help? also wondering with this fault will it fail mot?:think: fault seems to only comes...
  9. How long would you keep a Leon Cupra?

    Reading threads on here about the longevity of the 1.8T engine, it seems fairly reliable. However problems with my car recently have made me think it's time to change. The engine may be mechanically solid, but it seems to me that the sensors are the weak points. My car's an '01 reg and has done...
  10. craig87

    a long shot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Right is there anyone on this forum or anyone that has a mate that can fix amplifiers??? I dont really know the parts that have blown but basically a lot of smoke etc came out and it looks to be transistors blown!! I cant really afford a new amp so close to christmas so hoping to get this...
  11. crezz

    How Long???

    How long did you have too look for your ideal ibiza before you purchased it. ive been looking for a gti 16 valver for a couple of months now and still nothing. found a few but are 150miles + away from me! By the time i could arrange to go and view it, it had been sold:( maybe soon :drive1...
  12. What would you do.... (quite long)

    I'd like you thoughts on the following: We bought our Altea about 9 months ago from a Seat dealership. All went well for a while, but then the car has had to be returned 3 times in the last 6 months due to different airbag problems.... frustrating but fixable. This isn't my main cause of...
  13. darrenh

    How long do your tyres last?

    I've got a remapped Cupra, and a few months ago - I was mocking a friend for going through his tyres very quickly... and now I'm the bloody same!? I drive conservatively sometimes and 'spirited' others so pretty average for the type of car I'd imagine?! I've not had my Toyo's a year, and...
  14. speedsix

    R badges don't last long do they

    Think all 3 of mine are starting to lose the laquer/corrode. :( Bout a fiver each aren't they?
  15. Another tale of Woe (long)

    Hi All, Sorry to put another tale of woe in the altea forum, but I'd appreciate your advice (sorry for the long post as well). Here goes..... I bought an ex-demo Altea FR Tdi (9K miles, reg in june last year) from Dealer 1 in February. About a week later it went into limp mode so it went...
  16. Punch IT!

    how long do i wait?

    HI all, im a little :confused: i ordered the twin gauge pod from RGM styling on ebay on sunday 1st and still have not received it. i called them twice already and both times they said it had left the factory and i should receive it by courier. i still have not got it and was wondering if this is...
  17. how long to idle in the morning before setting off?

    30 seconds..1 minute...2 minutes? or on any journey if the engine has cooled down i suppose ?
  18. Starbank

    Autocar Long Term Cupra

    Just a wee note to those that don't already know, Autocar have taken delivery of a new yellow Cupra - first report in this weeks mag. First impressions:- 1. Not too sure about the 'challenging' styling (yawn). 2. Driving position is superb and terrific seats (more comfortable than 350Z)...
  19. bigfella_V5

    Not long now!!

    A week today my Toledo will be going to the body shop to have the following done. Yes I have given in to the upper rear window spoiler and bought one! List is: Cupra front bumper and splitter. Cupra skirts. Boot spoiler. Rear window spoiler (as mentioned above). Side mouldings and...
  20. Jolly

    Hello All! Long time lurker needs your opinion

    Hi everyone, I used to have a Re mapped Red LC and had it to sell to settle cash problems and think it was the biggest mistake i ever made :cry: ...... saying that, the gods have smiled on me and through saving, luck, etc i have saved around 10K in order to get myself an LCR My question...
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