
  1. Insurance

    Who is everyone insured with? I basically need the names of a few reputable companies that allow mods. I'm 22 with 1 years NCB and currently with Norwich Union, although my 1 years NCB hasn't been declared due to me earning it on a car I owned whilst I had the Cupra. Basically had 1 policy going...
  2. Cupra 225 Insurance

    Hi due to take possesion of 54 plate Leon Cupra 225 in January. :D Unfortunately, I'm 24 and have so far only be listed as a second driver on a family car, :( Trying to find a company that will offer me a suitable quote for the car. I've never had any convictions or accidents, and I'm...
  3. Georgie

    Insurance companies

    what insurance companies do you all use for your cars and who does the best deals? i am currently with Tescos and my premium is at £700 ish, this was before my claim for my golf and this is with a 10% pass plus discount and a 10% buy online discount. i am 21 and have only been driving 6...
  4. Insurance impact of fitting Forge DV007P

    My insurance co. tell me that if I fit a new Forge DV007P to replace the standard DV, it will increase my excess by £100, and add an extra £100 to the yearly premium. Is this normal? Any thoughts?
  5. Insurance Quote

    I will soon be new to Ibiza ownership, and wondered if this quote sounds reasonable? With Adrian Flux: 2001 MK3 Ibiza Cupra Value £6250 Mods: Alloys, Revo Stage 1, 007 Dump Valve, Backbox I'm 21, and have 4 years NCB. Fully comp: £945 I thought that sounded an ok price...
  6. Insurance For Seats

    Who do you think is the best/cheap insurance for modded Cordoba SX???? need cover asap and a lot of companys dont offer insurance for modiffied cars :( Heard adrian flux is a good one for modded cars. let me know if you know better cheers J.C.S
  7. Insurance Claim - Advice Please

    Anyone know anything about how insurance claims work? Had an accident in August where the guy who drove into me admitted liability on the scene, plus I have a witness who confirms this who my insurance company has already been in contact with. Repair has been carried out and claim is being...
  8. WTF is going on with Insurance..

    I'm a bit Baffled I've just realised my insurance is up in a few weeks so thought I'd start to look around and to my amazement it's shot up by £300 about 45-50%!!!!! I cannot understand this as although I have moved I'm still in the same postcode CM, I'll be 25 by then, have a years NCB...
  9. s22jcd

    New Leon Insurance

    What is everyone paying for insurance on their new leon? I have been quoted £807.45 with Bell Direct, with the following details 20 year old, 3 years ncd, no points or claims. up to 10000 miles Garaged at night
  10. Insurance Woes

    Hi there, I ain't a Cupra owner yet, me and my Mrs share a Mk2 Ibiza 1.4SXi. Me and the boss have finally agreed that I can get a Mk3 Cupra, and bless her heart, she'll insure me in her name as well. :thumbup: In her name with me as a named driver (I'm 18 BTW), the premium comes to...
  11. didgy2

    ihi insurance

    bill, ben, mad etc can you give me any idea of which insurance company you've found the best and how much it increased from k03s please :thumbup:
  12. LEO LION R

    What is reasonable for mods / insurance ?

    I have been quoted about £80 extra from my insurance company for an exhaust system, is that reasonable comapredwith others quotes ?
  13. Anybody got reasonably priced insurance?

    Been looking for quotes on a V5 and had prices around £650-£720 p/a for 29 year old driver, 29 year old bint also covered (will get slapped if she reads that remark! :p ) and with a SP60 on the license :grump: (I think the copper would have given me a fixed penalty notice were it not for the...
  14. Insurance

    Okay work this out.....! I was insured with a Insurance Company through a broker on my Golf and that was cool, then I got the Beeza and so I appraoched the same broker to insure me on the beeza as well! Now the company already had all my details especially details of my ban that I finished...
  15. Cheap insurance

    I'm 22, with 2 years no claims. Any body know where the best place to get insured? and how much its going to be for someone like me? ------------------
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