
  1. Czechboy

    GTI 16v insurance group 10????

    Hiya all, Just wanted to double check with you guys: Is it true that the 16v 2.0 GTI beeza is only an insurance group 10 car??? I know that the 16v gti "cuprasport" is an ins gr 14, but have read that the GTI is only a group 10. Can anyone confirm this for me.If so, it would mean I could get...
  2. Insurance & Revo - is there any point?

    As per other thread i'm thinking of getting my TFSI Revo'd, now to insurance, what kind of hit have you taken on your premium with the added BHP - did you bother letting insurance company know you've had it done? I think i'd feel happier with the insurance company knowing about it but i'm...
  3. chrisbond69

    what insurance company are you with

    i need to get new insurance and i wondered what insurance companies you lot used, as the ones i seem to find so far will do modifications but wont replace modified items like for like, please help, Ive had a quote of 397 from bell direct but they dont replace like for like so please help
  4. Insurance for our new FR

    Hello folks, Firstly apologies if this should be on another part of the forum. I'm new around here but we're about to order our black FR TDI. It's been a few years since we've had insurance (our Ibiza 130 Sport was a lease car). Can anyone recommend some decent (and by that I mean good...
  5. Insurance after Revo

    Been thinking about getting my car chipped. Figured it's a good idea to check with Insurance company first. Call went something like this; Me - How much would my insurance go up if I chose to have the ECU on my car re-mapped. NU - ECU, what's that? ME - It's the engine...
  6. Insurance..!!

    Hi there lads and lasses, I am in need of soem help, the other day my beloved Ibiza Gti was written off by some stupid old bloke in a van who was paying no attention, it was a competely standard mint condition 1999 8v, I know the insurance will offer me a stupid price for it, I have looked long...
  7. chris285

    insurance group diff mk3 and mk4

    ok i am confused as to why the mk3 and the mk4 cupra's are different in terms of insurance groups mk3 is 15 for cupra and 17 for cupra r, where mk4 is 12 for fr and 15 for the cupra now same power and same engine from what i have seen, so why the difference? also why with mk3's do they...
  8. Insurance For Young Drivers

    Hi I Am 20...have Had Seat Ibiza Cupra For A Yr Now Need To Get New Insurance Paying 1600 With Elephant But Looking For Cheaper Any Ideas Of Where To Get Qoutes (cheap As Chips) And Wht Are Ppl Paying?? Cheers
  9. blackturbo

    Remap Vs Insurance!

    This may be a debatable thread but I am looking into getting a remap and whether or not to declare it to the insurance company (which I would prefer to do for piece of mind but unfortunately it puts my insurance up by £900 (double) Just wondering what people think! Declare Yes or No??
  10. chris285

    insurance quotes for a gti

    ok i am 23 with 0 ncb, will be getting 1st year in the next month or so as i ditched my car about 16months ago so as explained 1 claim, no speeding fines or points. would like to get a gti and the quotes for the 16v having been coming back around a grand for me, is this right? car is...
  11. karl.w

    big brakes Cheaper insurance

    If i fit uprated brake pad and discs to my car. Should i get cheaper insurance. Or will they find some way of putting it up. Even thow its a saftey mod. has this happened to anybody ?
  12. insurance renewal

    Just had my renewal quote through from adrian flux and it seems like there trying to skank me. Im 21, 3 years no claims but 3 points, there saying £850 tpft,£1450 fully comp..(paid £740 last year tpft) Anyway ive heard if you ring as a new customer it comes up cheaper, but surely when i give...
  13. Considering a Cupra (Insurance)

    Hi! New to the forum so it's my first post. I'm considering buying a Ibiza Cupra, after having a ride in my friends i'm impressed. The problem i'm having boils down to insurance. I'd be looking at buying the car after i'm 21, but with 0 NCB (not had insurance in my own name before) it's a...
  14. insurance sorted

    thanks to all who helped with my insurance problems i was really panicing,, adrian flux came to my rescue with an awesome quote of 650 quid, well happy, thanks again, daz :D :D
  15. fmic insurance help!!!!

    no one will in sure me with my fmic, who do you guys use????? please help i need cover as of friday, daz
  16. Georgie

    Insurance Renewal...

    well as i am sure most of you are aware i have never sold a car to a person.. only to a tescos insurance company due to them both being declared total losses.. been driving 11 months and had 2 accidents. killed the last leon and before i bought a new one i made sure that i would be able...
  17. Revo and very high insurance!!

    Hi Guys, I had my tdi revo'd going back a few months and my insurance is now due for renewal so I am expecting a reasonable price increase. To complicate matters I am also moving into a postcode area which has high thefts. The cheapest ive found is from churchill who are want nearly 1300...
  18. Insurance Claim question

    I need to make a claim on my Insurance (second time in a year :( ) and I would like some quick advice if I may? I am going to claim for a larhge dent on the rear passenger side, cause by me and a wall, but I also have a deep scratch on the rear drivers side door that I have beenmeaning to...
  19. Insurance Renewal

    Hi Just got my renewal quote for my biza 20vt and im not that pleased with it, im with adrian flux and its like £718:censored: im like 25 with 6 years no claims bonus. no accidents but just 3 points, my car has alloys and full blueflame system, and forge fmic, forge 007p, green panel filter...

    Insurance Deal

    Having spent the last few years with Tesco insurance I was phoning around for quotes again today as renewal due. Picked up a flyer for SEAT insurance from the dealer while the car was getting checked for the recall today and much to my surprise they were the cheapest quote. And when I...