
  1. Jay'sFR

    post modification insurance

    Just weighing up some choices at the moment on modifying v's selling the ibiza. I have just phoned my insurance company who could not quote me for an increase to 210bhp. Whats te best place to get insurance if i do chip it, and roughly what sort of % increase cash wise is it? I have done...
  2. MR T

    insurance question

    hi there through no fault of my own when my car was parked on the pavement outside my house one of the absent minded neighbours reversed into the side of it damaging the door, wing and window regulator. my question is this what is the realistic cost of replacing a 1997 2.0 16v cupra sport...
  3. Sanjay

    Leon Tdi FR+ insurance

    Hi guys. I've just part exchanged my MY01 Leon Curpa for a My05 Leon FR+ Tdi (the one with the Cupra R bodykit and alloys). I get it on Thursday and can't wait! I've asked my current insurance company (First Alternative) to move the cover to my new car. I told them that the car comes with...
  4. Neel-Cupra

    dynatwist/milltek Insurance

    hi guys .. Does anyone have a rough figure for how much your insurance goes up when you have a dynatwist or a milltek cat back system on a yearly premium? any help would be good :confused:
  5. mr. Hedgehog

    312mm Brakes insurance Q?

    I've just called direct line up to get the final word on my new brakes for the fabia. I had previously told there would be a cost for upgrading to the 312mms(cross drilled zimmermans). However, I’m now being told there is no 'category' for brake upgrade, therefore there will be no charge, just...
  6. Young people + LCR - What insurance?

    I'm looking to gauge what people between 21 and 23 are paying to insure there Leon Cupra R's and what no claims etc that is with [B)] Thanks :)
  7. Another insurance thread

    At the moment I'm on my mum's insurance, on CIS, and pay about £720 a year. I want to get my own policy so I can start attempting to get No Claims bonus, and be able to drive my girlfriend's dads BMW 6 series around country roads. I'm 18, no no claims bonus or claims as I've never had my...
  8. Vicky M

    Insurance on a 130 PDi

    Just wondering what everyone pays to insure their FR or Sport 130 diesel. Seriously considering as a replacement for the SX (still thinking about a new Leon as well) Had a quote from current insurer at £275 for 3dr 130 FR 2006 model How does this compare???
  9. Eternal Rage

    Insurance Renewal (Greenlight)

    Only owned my own car for two years now so my insurance has been a killer: £800 - Cordy 1.6 SXE (Direct Line) £1200 - Leon 1.6 S ( £2600 - Leon 20VT Cupra ( i was kinda reluctant to get my hopes up for any change in the pattern. I have a lovely fast...
  10. brad_cupra05


    Ive had a look but cant seem to find anything, When you go for a 10 month bonus accelerator scheme from companies like elephant when you have completed the 10 months does this count as a years no claims if i went to another company, or does it just mean elephant will offer me a renewal quote...
  11. Insurance...

    Anyone 23 (or under) and paying less than £500 a year on a mk3 Cupra with... Fully Comp protected no claims hire car £200 excess mods declared garaged cat 1 alarm/immob with 1 extra older family named driver If so, who are you insured with?
  12. mr. Hedgehog

    Insurance issues - reccomendations?

    Just come to get quotes on the VRS mapped (not even mentioned the intention to add the intercooler) - and i'm really struggling! The quotes are coming back way higher than the mapped Leon! Greenlight refused point blank to insure it - they no-longer insure VRSs, and A Flux quoted me £920 - i'm...
  13. bry

    Insurance - New cost of car

    Anyone know if you can buy aftermarket insurance that will pay you what you paid for your car. That is they will make up the difference between the market value (covered by your own insurance) and what you paid for it 15555. It was offered by dealer for 300 quid for 3 years
  14. insurance- which company?

    i wanted a tdi 150 but in the end couldnt warrant spending the money, im looking at 1.8 t 20v cupra, and the cupra R. the best insurance quote i've been able to get is £1900 which is too expensive :cry: i've currently got a mk2 golf gti 8v which is insurance group 14 and the cupra is a...
  15. R953 VSE

    cupra r insurance

    Sorry for starting yet another insurance thread but couldn't find what i wanted in a search. i currently own a mk2 cupra sport and am looking to buy a mk3 cupra or cupra r. i have came across a great chance of a 2002 cupra r but i've tried loads of places for insurance quotes and most...
  16. g60jet

    Insurance Time yes another insurance thread

    You know the score. TDI FR 6months old, 20k miles a year, where have you guys got insurance from? Direct line are the ceapest for me so far at 659 next are admiral present insurer, 859, quoting me un happy. no power mods, tracker anyone got anyone to try...done thats...
  17. moonman374

    insurance problem

    alright guys have been insured on my ibiza cupra since april and it is up for renewel at the end of this month. last eyar i paid £1700 with elephant buying it over the internet. just had my renewal price and it is £2800. i aint made a claim but back in jluy i got caught speeding on the...
  18. wrc

    Insurance Quotes

    well it's that time of year again, & my insurance is up at the end of this month. i have been searching on the internet for sometime now, for cheap insurance qoutes. i am 42 yrs old, with full 15 yrs NCD. the results are as follows: worst: NORWICH UION DIRECT £444:00 TESCO...
  19. Craig!

    19/20yr Old Cupra Drivers... Insurance Companies??

    Basically as the topic says, wondering what insurance company your with if you own a Mk3 Cupra and are between the ages of 18~20 years old? Even if I cant get insured on a Cupra they should be able to give me a decent quote on my own car!!
  20. Scotty_b

    AA insurance that came withe the LCR

    Does anyone know what the 4 year AA cover that came with the LCR in around 2004 actually covers? Or was it a dealer bonus and know one knows! Im trying to find some information on it as my mondeo broke down this morning and the girl on the phone was about much use as a chocolate tea pot...
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