
  1. Temperature gauge fault.

    I just thought i would pass this on...... I have a 53 plate 1.9tdi Sport, and a couple of years ago the water temp gauge went a bit bonkers, with the needle going up and down from 0 to 130 as i was driving along. This was fixed at the stealers under warranty, and the temp sender unit was...
  2. Jam_Cupra

    Boost Gauge

    i'm looking for a boost guage which is standard looking for the cupra i.e white backround and red back light. any suggestions??
  3. bateman fr

    boost gauge

    can anyone tell me how to stop the boost gague rattle [:@] before i smash the dam thing thanks
  4. p34ch3y

    help with wireing AUTOMETER oil temp gauge

    ok so like a rite noob ive lost the wireing instructions for this automeret oil temp gauge i have all the wires in place ready to be atached to the rear of the gauge...ive had a go but just cant seem to get it rite could some one please tell wich wire comes from where on to where if you...
  5. Petrol Gauge not working

    Hi, I have recently bought an Ibiza 130 TDI PD SPORT (2003). Already have a few issues and wondered if anyone has had similar or managed to fix them cheaply. First up is the Petrol Gauge. Sometimes the gauge works and sometimes it doesent, went for a long drive today and the gauge was...
  6. gauge installation

    ok... ..looking to get a boost gauge fitted to my 02 leon cupra looking at on made by AUTOGAUGE or maybe blue stepper? any other recommendations? do i want bar or psi? how easy are they to fit? simple DIY or best getting it done at a garage? thanks
  7. boost gauge

    hi all i have tried the search bit but cant find anything i was just wondering if any1 sells a a-pillar single pod for a boost gauge i dont want a univesal one as i dont think the look that good i can find them for a mrk3 but not the mrk 4 by the way i have a 2006 petrol cupra thanks alot
  8. SeanyK

    Oil temp gauge weird readings (just installed)

    Hey folks, After scratching our hands to bits installing an oil temp gauge sensor today for both myself and Pulsebass on here, both of us now have strange, clearly incorrect readings. The gauges are Proshift, and came with a 1/8npt sender, so I purchased a 1/8 to m10x1converter...
  9. robo999

    help!!! boost gauge

    i know there are loads of threads on this but need some quick help,.... on the dimmer for the dash lights wich wire is the permanant live?? and also in the guide ive read the bloke fitted his t piece into the dump valve... got told that this isnt the best place an to go off the fpr?? what has...
  10. J0N

    Oil Temp Gauge Sender

    Is this where the electrical sender unit goes for a Halfords Autogauge Oil Temp Gauge and if so, does anyone know what size adaptor I need?
  11. unstable water temperature gauge

    Hi, can anyone offer any advice on what would cause the temp gauge to randomly drop from 90oC down to nothing in a few seconds then rise back to 90oC during steady driving? The engine warms up fine and can sit at steady temp all day then drop back and forward on other journeys! Cheers.:confused:
  12. robo999

    Gauge pod mount

    Alrite people, any body know where bouts i can get a pillar mount my leon?? dont really fancy a universal 1. cheers
  13. rikwheeler

    Another gauge question sorry

    Decided to get the boost and oil temp autogauges from Halfords but can't seem to find the oil temp one :confused: Searching for Autogauge on the website brings back the following...
  14. fitting a boost gauge to my lcr

    hi there can any body help me out im trying to fit a boost gauge to my seat leon cupra r 225 and im not to sure with pipe i use ie; the boost line if anyone no's i'd be graetfully of the info a photo would be even better thanks:confused:
  15. s1l3nc3r

    temp gauge weird readings.?

    Dont no if anyone else has this been my first winter with the cupra... couldnt find much on this when searched... i noticed recently when its cold outside like 10 degrees or below my engine temperature gauge will not go upto the 90 mark sits there fine when its warm outside not overheating...
  16. SeanyK

    Oil filter sandwich plate/adaptor size? (for gauge sender)

    Hey folks, had a search, plenty of m10x1 threads regarding oil temp or pressure sensors to put in the block bolt above oil filter or use the sump nut etc. However, I am looking at a sandwich plate which screws onto where the oil filter goes, then the oil filter screws onto that. Advantage...
  17. jamesypyk

    liquid boost gauge

    hey ppl just wondering if any one has saw this . cant find much on it and is it worth buying or has any one got it .any one help with some info plz
  18. Trublu07

    autogauge oil temp gauge from halfords - no sender?

    I have done a search and now I am even more confused. I bought an autogauge oil temp gauge from halfords. When AMD went to fit it they said i need some sort of sump plug sender which didnt come with it. What is the part I exactly need and are these sposed to come with the gauge. I have no idea...
  19. Boost gauge with red numbering and black background?

    looking to install a new boost gauge (psi) as I have decided (as cheap and as effective my autogauge is - bar), it could be a better match and I also want to switch to PSI I want to get an oil temp gauge to match too. Looking at a maximum of £40 per gauge does anyone know where sells a...
  20. Gauge locations

    Hi all. Thinking of purchasing a boost gauge for my LC. Not really too keen on having it mounted on the pillar though. Any other locations that it is possible to mount it without the view being obstructed by steering wheel etc or without having to break my neck to see it if it was on the...
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