
  1. Temperature Gauge fault

    I just noticed the temp gauge on my Ibiza is reading 110 degrees I turned the car off and it settled at 70 the bottom of the gauge is 50 the car is not getting hot and I had the temp sensor replaced not too long ago. is this a fualt with the gauge or a software fix?
  2. deedaskrh

    Boost gauge Which one?

    hi all just posting a new thread to find out which boost gauge i should get id like one that is as close to the dials that are in the car already (standard) and id like the colour of the light as near as the same too! does anyone know of any good gauges that meet this? cheers ste
  3. gazcuprablk

    where to route afr gauge?

    where is the easiest place to route the afr wires as theres a big connector that looks a bit big to push through any of the grommets i want to mount it up in the pod which is on the pillar? how have you done yours? cheers gaz
  4. torquesport

    Shakey Needle - Boost Gauge

    Fitted my boost gauge and it shakes like mad on tick over makes a wierd noise sometimes, Read on here about the special t pieces for this, But mines a diesel so it plumbed into the plastic boost pipe. How can i stop it??
  5. pmcd84

    Liquid boost gauge for leon

    Hi all was wondering for people who have this in their motor, if these liquid gauges are any good and worth the money?? Have noticed these on ebay going for £200. Was thinking of fitting a boost gauge and oil temp, but these look and sound the part. Any feedback would be helpful. Sorry if...
  6. boost gauge oopsie..

    I fitted a boost gauge today on my mk4 ibiza tdi (pd100), but I think ive been reading guides on fitting them to petrol turbo engines, not knowing that diesels would be different I never thought any different.. Ive cut into my vacuum hose that goes to the manifold from the black box (what is...
  7. torquesport

    Which Gauge??

    Ive brought a gauge pod for my tdi sport which hold 3 gauges having a boost gauge in one, voltmeter for the second, and dont which one to get for the 3rd, any ideas?
  8. torquesport

    Boost Gauge - Tdi

    Ive used the search button but cant really find a straight answer where to plumb the hose in, as ive read its different for a diesel to a petrol? any pics? also wheres the best place to wire it from as its going to be sitting above the stereo? Im using a Autogauge on a pd130 sport
  9. edmong

    Anyone using this gauge holder? is it any good? Got any pics?
  10. Ibiza Mk3 Exterbal tep gauge

    I have a problem with the reading on my external temp guage does any one know where the guage is on the car and what could be the problem
  11. boost gauge fitting?

    does the standard pillar just pull off or is there a technique 2 doin it?
  12. drue1

    temp gauge

    my temp gauge keeps playing up.some times its at the norm temp then when i take a corner it goes back to most be a loose wire but where is the temp switch on the engine chers drue
  13. N249 bypass ang gauge fitting

    Hey all, I did the n249 bypass and didnt really notice much difference. i av a revo remap and forge recirc valve and did the bypass but then thought i'd do a temp boost gauge fitting, when gauge fitted the car ran amazin with amazin power and then when gauge not on its back down 2 normal and...
  14. vwbassett

    boost gauge hose

    Hi, Ive got an autometre gauge and dont want to use the supplied hard hose. What hose is recommended to replace it and how have you connected it to the gauges threaded sensor? cheers
  15. Boost Gauge And A Pillar Mount??

    Hi all does any1 know where i can get a decent boost gauge and pillar mount from? Im looking for the complete Apillar with the gauge part attacthed and not just the add on mount to the pillar???
  16. andy_tratter

    cupra r gauge pods

    evnin lads, Am i right in thinking that the cupra r gauge pods will fit into cupras? guessing they will but how are they held on? is it just a case of some double sided tape or are there screws invovled? ive done a search and couldnt find exactly what im looking for cheers, Andy
  17. Fuel Gauge

    Hope some one can help. My Fuel & temp gauges have stopped working for some reason. I put the car on diagnostics yesterday and it came up wit 2 codes. 00771 for the fuel and 01039 for the temp and it read that there was an earth problem. Could it be a fault in the clocks or a wiring fault?
  18. justin_cupra

    Temperature gauge warning light

    Hi all, The red flashing warning light on my temperature guage started flashing on Saturday (just once) and Sunday (again only the one time). It only did it from cold, once warmed up it stopped. My coolant was a touch low, but not below minimum, I topped it up and now that light has...
  19. Jam_Cupra

    Update on my MK4 Ibiza Cupra - Blueflame Exhaust & Boost Gauge

    took some updated pics and a video today.... last week I had a blueflame cat back exhaust fitted which I got off ebay for £285 delivered. Must say, well impressed with the look and sound of it, not too loud when pottering around but when you put your foot down it gives off a nice roar. Had to...
  20. godber225r

    Auto Gauge boost gauge. How to wire up correctly!!!!

    Seen lots of threads on here about wanting to know how to wire up the halfords auto gauge boost gauge. lots of people wanting to know what wire goes where so here it goes!!!:) This is a guide on the correct way to fit/wire it up so you get it to light up and save the setting you last had it...
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