
  1. extra fuel pump probs

    with my bt setup i fitted a extra fuel pump (bosch 044) at the front of the car as a temp measure to get it mapped, was very noisey as i coundnt rubber mount it. i have since tried to fit the pump at the rear (on rubber mounts) and car sometimes wont run, surges on part throttle and is still...
  2. __B3NNY__

    LCR fuel Pump with Revo stg2. (Surging problems fixed)

    I`ve had my k03s running on a revo stg2 for well over a year now and ever since having the k03s fitted its pulled back on WOT from low down and surged like crazy, it got to a point where it was awful to drive and felt like it took ages to catch up with itself once it started pulling back, Bill...
  3. fuel sender unit

    Hi, is there anyone out there that can help me?? my old toledo 2.0 sxe fuel gauge is constanstly stuck on empty and the petrol light stays on . even when filled to the brim. I suspect the fuel sender unit has gone kaput on me, but do you think I can get hold of one reasonable priced...
  4. TDI Power Drop and Fuel Consumption Issues

    This is my first post and I cannot see anyone else having this problem so I hope I'm not wasting people's time having missed a similar issue in another forum on SC. My 04 150PD Cupra has been running slightly slowly for the last few months and fuel consumption has dropped. On a cold morning...
  5. Fuel pump problem. help!!!

    I'm fitting a 2001 ibiza cupra (AYP) engine into a mk2 golf. I've used an ibiza loom and ancilaries, I'm ready to try starting the engine but i'm havinga problem with the fuel pump. The pump will not pump when fitted to the loom, (the pump works when tested on 12v PSU), and the level sensor...
  6. __B3NNY__

    Fitting LCR fuel pump

    Picked up my LCR fuel pump today and wanting to get it fitted ASAP as i understand it cant damage anything by fitting it before my hybrid and stg3 map go`s on? My question is apprently to enable the LCR pump to work correctly one of the hoses needs to be blocked off, could anybody explain or...
  7. Husbandofstinky

    Fuel smoke at around boost on/off pressure.

    Any ideas please? Have had this on the car for almost a year now. It is nothing serious, just annoying and happens at the pivotal on/off boost pressure point. All I can think of is a possible air leak. Everything else is absolutely fine, hardly any smoke on full song, fuel consumption...
  8. 3" MAF housing and LCR fuel pump

    Hi guys, needing these two items to complete my 290bhp conversion. Can anyone tell me part numbers or best place to go to get them. Also, is all i need the MAF housing or the sensor too? Thanks Walshy ps i have done a search and have had no luck
  9. Looking for a fuel pump online, narrowed down to two models, which one?

    I've been looking around this site for a while now and there's no section that recommends online parts retailers. I'm looking for a fuel pomp, there are a few on ebay but before I buy it, can anyone else recommend any online shops that does spare parts? I have a 1998 seat ibiza 1.0i I can...
  10. NickLCR

    Fuel Guage Accuracy?

    Hey guys, Just wondering if any of you knew how accurate the ananlogue fuel guage is compared to the digital one? Only i was driving earlier, digital guage stating '0' miles, with the analoge guage still up a few mm from the end. Anybody shed any light on it, or is the analogue gauge on...
  11. gazbrum

    How many litres of fuel is left when petrol light comes on?

    car is leon cupra 20vt light seems to come on rather erlier then i thought it would have? the last white bar but ardly anywhere near the red . just want to no how many miles / litres is left
  12. Reserve Fuel Tank On Leon 1.9 TDi FR

    Does anyone know how big the reserve fuel tank is on the Leon 1.9 TDi FR? The reason i ask is becuase i drove to work this morning the diesel light came on and i was only half way to work... So ive got to work the needle is on the bottom of the red and on the comp is says a big fat "0"...
  13. What governs my diesel fuel mixure?

    People on this site tell me my car doesn't have an o2 sensor. Ok, that is probably true. What then checks the exhaust gases to make sure that the right mixture is being created? How does it know when to change the mixture? and when it can use the EGR valve? I have been reading loads...
  14. Fuel Filter change on 130 Ibiza

    Has anyone changed a fuel filter on a Mk 4 Ibiza 130 TDI, I can only see links to other types of VAG group filters, where you release 5 screws, take the metal lid off and change the actual paper filter that's inside, my replacement filter is the whole part, the metal case. There are loads of...
  15. MrBen2k7

    Fuel Additives...

    Hi guys, Does any of you use any additives to your fuel? Do they do what they promise? Are they worth it? Which ones are good? Ben
  16. problem with speedo and fuel gauge

    does anyone know anything about why my speedo doesn't work at all but at the same time my fuel gauge is going crazy as when the tank is half empty and u turn a corner the light comes on with the high pitched beeping and its driving me mad! anyone kno what it could be? is it something to do with...
  17. Newbie- Ibiza fuel warning light problem

    New to the forum, here's my first post: Got a 54 Ibiza Sx, recently bought. A couple of times I have heard a 'ding' noise and noticed that the low fuel warning light ( yellow dot under fuel guage) has come on. The point is that the car has 3/4 of a tank full. Any idea what problem is and how...
  18. I think my fuel pump is shagged, how to test?

    So my car wont start, it's turning over but just won't fire. it started for about 2 seconds there a while ago but just petered out, kind of spluttery. I lifted up the back seat and had a mate turn the key but not start it. Isn't the pump supposed to make a sound when you turn the key? I didn't...
  19. Gordz

    How to open fuel filler cap?!?!?!

    Basically my question is... How do you open the fuel filler cap?!?!?!?! My brother has just bought one and can't figure out how to open it, i've suggested doing it the way we do for our mk3s, but by the sounds of it that doesn't seem to work. Please help!!!! Oh, and before you...
  20. help needed asap fuel and temp gauge not working

    as above. i have got a ibiza cupra mk3 and my fuel and temp guage is not workin i brought the car like this was told it could be the clocks or sender but im not sure just wondered if anyone else has had this prob or know what it could be :help:
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