
  1. jordyboy004

    Fuel Cap Replacement

    did try and do a search for this but couldnt seem to find anything. going to be getting my car resprayed soon and as my pertrol cap is broke at the hinge, currently perflexed it back together. was wondering how easy it is to replace one. had a quick look at it today but cant seem to figure out...
  2. DaNnY_LaD

    Uprated fuel Pump(Inline Or Tank)

    Is it really needed for the spec and power i am running 285-295ish bhp? Should i get a Walbro Inline fuel Pump Which goes in to the engine bay or the alikes of the S3 and LCR Fuel Pumps Which are 4 bar? Thanks
  3. seatcupra2001

    17538 P1130 Long Term Fuel Trim mult.,Bank2 System too Lean

    Hi im new to the site i just brought a seat leon cupra yesterday drove it home it was fine drove it a bout most of the day then at night time ecu light pops on so i phoned the rac an the said it was a code 17538 bank/mixture but when he reset the ecu it has'nt come back on but does any one no...
  4. Lodgey180

    fuel rails??

    anyone know where you can get fancy fuel rails for a lcr ?? fancy a few bling bits and my fpr is leaking so why not go all out eyy ?? thanks
  5. Uprating Fuel Injectors

    I have a 54plate LCR(225) and wanting to uprate the fuel injectors? any recommendations? prices and where i can get them from?
  6. Fuel Filter location

    Hey iam doing a service on my cordoba and i want to change the fuel filter on it but i dont know where it is can anyone help me locate it? Cheers Chris
  7. remaps and fuel type

    Hi I'm looking at getting a stage 1 remap for my cupra within the next few months - probably the bluefin. When I have the remap, do I have to run a higher octane fuel, or will it cope with the 95 RON still?
  8. AviTurbo

    high fuel consumption - ibiza fr 2005

    hi i've just bought the car and i notice a high fuel consumption the car have 53K with no remap or any change. since the last owner never change the spark plugs i took the car to my mechanic yesterday and he checked the car with a scanner , he told me all the sensors (maf , COILS ) are fine...
  9. Tizer

    More Fuel? Help Needed

    After much pondering and still no idea, i thought id post up result of a RR i had done a few weeks back, The man said it needed more fuel? is this correct? He also commented that i may need a new fuel pump of 4bar to eliminate the problem and get another 10-15bhp out of it. I spoke to...
  10. killer205

    fuel filter on ibiza 1998 2.0l 16v

    can anyone tell me where the fuel filter is on the ibiza gti 2.0l 16v and is it easy to get to
  11. Big_Lad

    The smell of fuel...

    Guys, I have a concerning problem with my Ibiza. It started with my car taking a while to start when turning the key in the ignition. At first I thought it was down to the battery on its way out, so I’ve replaced it, as it was still on its first battery when the car was registered in 2002...
  12. mymorph

    pipercross vs standard air filter, fuel efficiency experiment

    ive decided to perform a little experiment into fuel efficiency using a new standard paper filter Vs a pipercross foam filter. test: an 11 mile run along m54 @65-70 mph followed by 2 mile @ 20-40mph plan of 10x test run on each filter over the next month or two. variables: weather...
  13. Uprated fuel pumps for Cupra....

    Reccomendations please! Who has which brand and why did you choose that one?
  14. 1.2 Ibiza - best fuel?

    Hi, I was wondering whether there's any benefit at all to using premium or high-octane fuel in my Ibiza? It's only got a 1.2 engine, so it seems like the benefits would be limited at best. Does anyone know any better? Cheers!
  15. MadFaz

    fuel light

    well today the Ibiza went on its first long trip, a 440-round trip to London and back. basically, with bout 40 miles left on the way back, the fuel range was showing "0 miles" and the fuel light came on about 10 mins before that. it made it home but i was wondering how much fuel is...
  16. Fuel Pressure Regulator?

    Hi all, just been given a 4 bar fuel pressure regulater by my friend who cant remember what it is off just wondered if anyone can confirm its the right one for the ko3s upgrade for stage 2, thanks Part numbers are: 078 133 534 A p.s have searched but cant match the part numbers is my one...
  17. Poor fuel economy and engine management light on???

    Heya all just a quick post to see if any of you have come across this before Enginne Management light has come on (gettin it read on sunday to find out the fault code) I've noticed a slight drop in performance (slightly feels like a lack of boost but cant be 100%) but more noticeable...
  18. Fuel Economy Puzzler

    Hi All, I'm new here - joined after buying an Alhambra. There's a lot of experience and know-how on here so I am hoping someone may be able to help with my puzzling problem. I bought a 130 TDI Alhambra to replace a 115 TDI VW Sharan. My puzzle is that the fuel consumption is about 10%...
  19. adam cupra 20vt

    Fuel filter?

    Picked up my new Leon cupra last night its a met blue 02 1.8T completly standard at the moment :( I've just rang seat [dad has account at work] to order oil, filters , plugs etc cause I want to make sure its all 100% ........I tried to order a fuel filter to but the chap at Seat garage said...
  20. Fuel test port

    Does anyone know where i'd find the fuel test port on a LC 180. I'm fitting Nitrous and taking the fuel from here would save me having to cut the fuel line. Thanks
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