
  1. Advise on Race Fuel & Timing!!

    Hi Guys (n Gals) This is kindof a normally aspirated question too actually I drive a Stage 2 MK4 Anniversary AUQ, I ussually mascerade as a Leon Cupra, but decided I'd just be honest this time :D I was at the last vs. rolling road day ;) uk-mkivs is REALLY lacking technical knowlege...
  2. SirSuraj

    Was slightly sluggish after remap, dodgy coilpacks or wrong fuel??

    Hi After leaving AmD having done stage 1 remap, car felt beautiful. Couple weeks later, coilpack 3 failed. Replaced it. But it didnt feel the same as after the remap. I thought I had lost it. Then coilpack 2 went, so I decided to replace this and the remaining two, so all 4 are new...
  3. jonisginger

    Recaros, Fuel and power restortation

    Hi there, Will Recaro Evo 3s fit in my Leon S? Is supermarket fuel poorer than fuel company fuel? What can I do to restore my 8 year old car to roughly it's original power? And what can I do to boost it? Jon
  4. Dan1.6

    common fuel leaks

    well iv bought my 1.6 sport about 3 weeks ago and i ran out of fuel not long back due to a dodgey sensor which i will sort soon now my cars leaves a strong smell of petrol so i wounded were the common fuel leaks are for me to have a look around and just to be sure im gettin the car...
  5. Fuel type & mpg.... Does it work?

    I've got an 08 Leon FR TDi... 33k. 10 months old... I like to think the engine is worn in by now. Since the fuel prices have dropped a bit I've started using Shell Ultimate Diesel rather than just the cheapest in the area (helps work are paying most of it!) I think ive noticed a difference, a...
  6. Fuel Gauge

    Hope some one can help. My Fuel & temp gauges have stopped working for some reason. I put the car on diagnostics yesterday and it came up wit 2 codes. 00771 for the fuel and 01039 for the temp and it read that there was an earth problem. Could it be a fault in the clocks or a wiring fault?
  7. jordyboy004

    Fuel Cap Button Release

    just had to replace my fuel cap and now with the new one on when i press the button inside the car to release the cap it wont pop open. took the whole unit off again and had a mate press the button while i checked the pin. pin seems to go in and out freely when the button is pressed so obv in...
  8. D_O_U_G_I_E

    HELP! Fuel filter issues!

    Alright guys, l've been servicing my car today and everything has gone smoothly except for one thing.....my dam fuel filter! [:@] When ever l've replaced a fuel filter in the past, all l've had to do is simply undo a hose clip on each end, replace it the filter and fit the hoses back...
  9. DaNnY_LaD

    Walbro Fuel Inline Pump (2 Wires)

    Righto I have a walbro Inline fuel pump 255lph version and its all mounted up and secured with brackets and i used Braided fuel lines and AN fittings too.. But there only 2 wires i have to connect up...Can anybody tell me were they are..~? I know you have to splice in to the Fuel Pump...
  10. not holding boost and can smell fuel when i boot it.

    We basically my cars not boosting right, it seems like it drops off boost, and also doesn’t seem to boost up for what it should (18psi) I can also smell fuel when I put my foot down for, this is only if you put it down for over 15/20 secs. I have no idea what it could be :S I know iv got a...
  11. warren_cox

    REVIEW: (KMD High pressure fuel pump internals) + (Revo Stage 2+) = Grinning idiot

    After fannying about for ages I finally made the round trip to Chesterfield where Nino at JBS Auto's had sourced me some KMD fuel pump internals. I'd given up hope of seeing any Autotech internals, so resigned myself to testing out KMD's offering. I'd never been to JBS before despite seeing them...
  12. Colin C

    V5 170 bhp fuel consumption result !!!!

    I see quite a few posts on hear about the V5's fuel consumption so I thought I would post my results. I have just been away for a long weekend and covered 190 miles in 4 days on mainly A roads but also quite a few short journeys and down little single track lanes in Dorset. When I got home I...
  13. Fuel Light

    Well I dunno if all mk2's are like this but my fuel light comes on when I have quarter of tank left. Does this mean I can drive it till that quarter of a tank is gone or do I follow the lights advice and fuel up?
  14. Mk4 Fuel Tank Capacity?

    Hi All, I'm sure i've read in a few places that the mk4 fuel tank has a capacity of 45 litres. After the fuel light comes on I normally drive for around 40-50 miles and then fill up. when I fill up though i've never got more than around 39 litres in and that's absolutely brimming it. Does this...
  15. Leon Fuel Cap Release! HELP

    Hi guys. I've recently fixed my smoothed boot release. I decided to wire it onto the fuel cap release feed. Worked perfect. However yesterday i put two tyres in the boot which i didnt release had compressed on the glass which would apply pressure onto the lock, went to open the boot and it...
  16. where is the fuel pump relay?

    fuel pump relay?? i have a 1997 p reg cordoba 1600cc, it starts no problem but when it heats up and then switched off and left for 10 min wont start again, well, the fuel pump primes, starts the car but then cuts out, the car will start if left for a longer period of time, say 1/2 hour /40...
  17. Cupraken

    How do I recognise my fuel pump?

    Where is the fuel pump on my Cupra and can I tell if it's non-standard? Would I get any obvious symptons of lean cuts or will I have to wait till 23rd May when I RR it? Ken
  18. Fuel Line Popping Off Fuel Pump

    1.2 12v '03 Ibiza... Reversed the car down the drive and stalled...thought it was a bit strange. Then I could smell petrol. Opened the door to see a nice stream of petrol trickling down the road. One of the pipes has popped off the fuel filter (not pump as posted before editing) and I...
  19. DaNnY_LaD

    S3 4bar Fuel Pump...

    Ive been Offered a S3 Fuel Pump of a 53 plate.. Does anyone Now the part number for the Uprated fuel Pumps so i can send it him to defo make sure its the correct one....got it with 4k miles on it... Do i need to use my ibiza Fuel Sender/Level Or the s3 one? thanks
  20. Pulsebassuk

    My Dirty Fuel Filter with Pictures. Non Service?!

    Hi there Guys and Gals, I really cant understand why Fuel filters are a not included in a Seat Service. My car has done 58,000 miles and look at the state of it! it was black inside. When I banged it on the floor loads of black bits came out :repuke: and I have been using Optimax/V power for...
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