
  1. andyc58

    forge 007p

    Hi ive just ordered my dv.Is there anything i should no before fitting it.Its going on a lcr
  2. MrNorma

    HELP- Forge tip

    Need any help or pics that will guide me through fitting my TIP on my fr, done a search and nothing came up. Im as far as removing the old rubber one, now stuck with the big metal section that goes into the turbo.

    Forge T.I.P

    Hey Guys, I'm sorry for the newbie style post but what what advantage/benefits would I have if I was to fit a Forge T.I.P? I've only had my LCR for about 3 weeks and I've never had a turbo'd car before so this is all new to me. I'm mostly concentrating on cosmetic mods at the moment...
  4. marv_n69

    Forge 007p Right way or upside down?

    Hello guys n gals, I have a Forge 007p and i have fitted it the normal way up but when reading posts on here i see that people have fitted the valve upside down. Why is this? Is there any difference in performance/noise etc? Cheers Marv - LCR..............POW!!!!
  5. andyc58

    Running Forge 007 means huge Petrol loss?

    Hi i went to buy a forge 007p dv.But was told buy the bloke that i would loose load of petrol.He thinks i would go from about 25mpg down to 10 mpg.Is this true or his he talking crap???.I have a lcr
  6. Traction Control light on after fitting Forge TIP (Mk3 Cupra)

    Fitted it all up and when the engine lights come on all go off but this one? Car runs fine and is boosting to 15 but the light just wont go out even if i push the button. Did a search and found some posts saying could be the maf? Cheers
  7. andyc58


    Hi people i want to get a forge 007p dv for a lcr225 but people are telling me that i wont get any sswhhh from it is that correct?
  8. glangri2

    Loud Exhaust - Forge

    Hi all I am on the look out for an LCR, and I've just been to look at one which was basically pretty good. The bodywork was nice down the sides and back, but the front was peppered with stone chips. Nothing a day in the body shop couldn't sort out. Anyone got a rough idea how much it...
  9. Cupraken

    Fittiing Forge Quickshift!

    10 minute guide to fitting a quickshift: 1: Open bonnet 2: Remove circlip on cable 3: Remove 13mm nut in centre of gear quadrant 4: Lift off old quadrant and replace with new 5: Refit nut, circlip and close bonnet, done! Ok, not quite as simple but pretty much! Firstly, when undoing/doing...
  10. the splitter - forge

    hello, i have just bought myself a 2004 leon cupra r and was thinkin bout getn a dump valve/blow off valve for it. i have already read that the atmospheric ones are no use so i had myself a wee look on the forge website and found 'The Splitter' a recirculation blow off valve, i was just...
  11. Jerry*

    Newbie Question re: Forge Recirculating Valve.

    I've read lots of stuff on the forum about how many people have fitted the replacement Forge recirculation valve to their vehicles with great interest. I have some questions though which I can't seem to fathom out - hope people can help me? Is this the kit that most people fit...
  12. NickyJam

    forge or SS FMIC?

    hey guys, basically want an opinion on this... i'm gonna want to fit a FMIC as the SMIC is pointless and the car does suffer in the hotter weather, more smoke and less poke :ban: i'm only gonna bother with stage 1 remap so think that either will do he job i'm expecting p.s. have been...
  13. Problem with forge FMIC???

    Hi guys, Just fitted FMIC to Ibiza. Had to cut the bumper at the bottom as it sits too low. Has anyone else had to modify bumper? Is this normal?? Walshy
  14. Yellow Spring in forge DV on STANDARD car...

    Morning all... I am going to get my LCR 225 remapped at some point in the near future As part of the money pit aka project I will be uprating to the forge 007 and when ordering they offer a choice of spring colour Now after a remap I know they recommend the yellow spring, so there is no...
  15. Difference between forge 006 and 007

    Hi, just a quick question upgrading my dv soon but noticed forge 006 dvs are a bit cheaper. Is there much difference. Only running standard power at the mo no re maps etc yet. I know everyone swears by 007's on here but not sure what to do whether its worth spending the extra cash.
  16. Forge Side Mount intercooler... is it really worth it?

    Found a cheapish Forge side mount intercooler, is it really worth buying one, or the difference from oem wont be worth it? Its 27 mm x 5 mm x 15 mm bigger than the OEM cooler. Pressure loss reduction: 2psi Air temp reduction: 6-9 Deg.C what do you reckon? im aiming for 230 hp with a Forge...
  17. Markyboyt

    Forge TIP problems?

    I fitted my Forge TIP to my LC (AUQ) today and can honestly say that in 7 years of working on cars it is the most awkward thing I have ever fitted, but more surprisingly to me was what appears to be a very poor effort at locating the ports in a fashion resembling the old one. It was damn...
  18. forge fmc007p will it fit

    hi all will this dv fit my leon 1.8t forge fmc007p cheers
  19. lm_gauci

    Forge FMIC piping

    Right, i know theres quite a few people on here that are using Forge Intercoolers. Now this is not an attack on Forge as there service and products are top quality neither is it an attempt at a group buy. Basicly, after reading a few comments lately about the flow capabilities of the forge...
  20. Chino's Ibiza FR 20VT - 7.5 years on...

    ENGINE. Ramair Induction Kit Newsouth Power Gasket APR R1 Diverter Valve Forge Silicone TIP Forge Silicone Throttle Hose Creations Motorsport Silicone DV Hoses Assorted Silicon hose upgrades Awesome Breather Hoses Milltek Downpipe & Sports Cat Milltek Catback Exhaust Seat Sport FMIC Forge FMIC...
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