
  1. Black TDI Turbo

    Forge DV Testing

    Hi everyone ive seen on this site somewhere before a guide on how to test the dv to see if there ok, however ive been searching and cannot find it anywhere, could someone please tell me the quick test to check them. Im pretty sure its as follows - Push the piston up with your finger or a...
  2. TommyCupra

    Forge TIP fitted

    What a :censored:, anyone else fit one and found it a nightmare? didnt think it would have been so hard to fit. I ended up cutting about an inch off the turbo end of the pipe is this normal as it wasnt going to go in as it was. I think it took me about 2h30m in total which i didnt think...
  3. p34ch3y

    advice on blocking the bit off at the bottom of the forge tip

    is it ok to block this off also could i then block the bit off of the top of the throtle body and where it gos to the carbon filter thing block that there as well?
  4. Leon Cup R

    Dynatwist induction and Forge Spliiter DV

    Hi, Just purchased these 2 beauties, was wondering if I need any additional bits when installing. Typically what sort of increase in performance should i expect from the induction kit on an LCR 225? Next plan after Xmas will be REVO any other upgrades required or recommended before I do...
  5. CupraElliott

    Forge DV

    I had read many topics about DV but cant seem to get a specific answer so I apologise for making another topic about DV's! I am not sure what I am shopping for. Can anyone link me to the Split R or 007? Is it any of the below...
  6. BOV from Forge Motorsport

    I have just purchased a BOV from Forge and was wondering if anyone has had dealings with them. I was wondering about delivery times and how long it would take to be delivered to Scotland. Anyone got an idea? Cheers Jamie.
  7. anyone tried the forge induction kit on their cupra tfsi ?
  8. Beaker™

    Forge Golf TIP - Good Or Bad?

    Whats the differences between the Forge Golf (mk4) TIP and the Forge Ibiza TIP? Is there any reason to be choosing one over another? Only difference i've heard of is the DV port being further away from the MAF on the Ibiza TIP, and closer to the MAF on the Golf TIP, this correct? Also i hear...
  9. diss_50

    Silicon Hoses - Forge etc.

    Is there much point in me changing the hoses to my intercooler to the forge silicon ones? And is the performance, efficiency of the vehicle affected atall? :confused: I think the hoses look smart is there anywhere else I could put them?? Has anyone done this?? :blink: Cheers
  10. CJFR

    Forge diesel dumpvalve - pin69?

    Hi got the forge diesel dumpvalve (and before anyone starts, i couldnt care less that its a 'diesel dumpvalve' and theyre crap) for the motor but think the garage has put it in wrong. Theres a wire that goes to pin69 which the forge guide said maybe blue and grey. Long story short, the blue...
  11. Best place to get a forge t.i.p.??

    Hi, I'm looking to get a forge tip for a mk3 ibiza cupra and was wandering where the best/cheapest place to buy one would be? Cheers, Max
  12. pete8tch

    forge side to side short shift

    as the title suggests , fitted 1 of these today from awesome, (thanks andy). seems fine , not startling but more feel and better matched to the car. 5 mins to fit , bloody hours if you drop the circlip :cry: pete
  13. Forge dump valve

    Fitted my forge 007 dv today, (was expecting my air filter to be delivered too, but it wasnt!) But there isnt a 'pssst' noise! Im not very mechanical, so have i fitted it right? Or is it because i dont have a filter, and its not getting enough air?
  14. Forge intercooler - necessary?

    Morning all If I set my car up with induction kit, DV, cat back exhaust and Revo, is it necessary to get a new forge intercooler or would that just be a luxury mod as opposed to a requirement? Thanks
  15. Punch IT!

    FORGE TIPs (Help)

    Hiya i have a Forge TIP for my 51 plate LC. The car engine code is AUQ and after having my H&R springs today the guy took a quick look at the TIP and said it does not look like the right one. Is there different TIPs i did speak to forge and told them my code (AUQ) Help peeps has anyone got...
  16. owen lcr

    forge recirc valve

    got a new forge recirc valve and was going to attempt to fit it today but i dont have any instructions, has anyone fitted one and could give me a step by step to fitting it, i had a look on the forge website but i could only find a guide to fitting the atmospheric adaptor cheers owen
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