
  1. Damoegan

    Water in the boot!!

    Useless Spanish build quality!! Tryed to wash the rear screen last week on the way to the RS Tuning RR day and nothing happened. It was -3.5C so I just thought it had frozen. As the weather has been a little warmer the last few days I tryed it again but only had about a 2" jet of water and a...
  2. BCM

    Boot Lock Solenoid.

    Hello my ETKA friends! Anyone got a part number and a price for this, mine keeps buggering up and the boot won't open, don't think my car likes this -8'C weather!
  3. johntheboy

    Boot Tidy

    Does anyone know if you can get them from the dealers and how much they would be? Only want something small to stop my de-icer etc rolling around in my boot and not a fan or cargo nets. If anyones got pics of there id appreciate them being posted. Thanks
  4. Rear boot side carpet removal

    probably a daft question but i want to remove the passenger side boot carpet and luggage net to have a steath sub box made but have been trying to suss it out but cant seem to find fitting gave it a tug but didint work and advise appreciated thanks chris
  5. Boot lamp

    I need a lamp for the boot as for some reason mine hasn't got one. Apart from being dark, it's getting difficult to find things at this time of year (dead bodies, illegal immigrants etc :whistle:) So in order to prepare for a trip to the local scrap yard, which other VAG product has the Leon...
  6. MrJohnnyB

    Mirrors Stopped Working and wet boot?!

    my Folding mirrors have seemed to have given up the ghost, I ahve checked the fuses they all seem to be fine... they folded in fine at the weekend at sainsburys but havent folded out. I take it me fitting a CAI kit has nothing to do with it as i assume there is no wiring that would even go...
  7. blackturbo

    Rattling noise - Boot latch?

    Hi guys and girls, My car has developed a rattling noise which sounds abit like shaking your car keys which I think its coming from the boot latch, is it possible to adjust it or will it need replacing? The noise cant be produced by rocking the boot whilst its open only whilst its shut so...
  8. Boot release

    My boot release, in the space of 30 minutes of leaving work and getting home, has decided it doesn't want to release any more! Great! Anyone had this problem before? Is it a common problem, or is it my car just being annoying?
  9. Installing a Subwoofer - Feeding the wires to the boot

    Hello everyone, Firstly i would like to say what a great community, and thanks for all the great info. After following Davros tutorial (Thanks Davros): I've got a problem in passing the wires from under the...
  10. De-Badging boot question!

    Im tired of people saying "oh your the one with a seat ibiza" so i want to take away the seat and ibiza badges and just leave the cupra on the back. Am i right in thinking i can do this without a heat gun and just use a hair dryer until they gently prize away?im pretty sure their glued on. And...
  11. krussel

    Oh great ! I am locked out of my boot.

    My day off today so looking forward to an easy morning. Waved the girlfriend off to work and the kids to school then jumped in the car down to the supermarket to do the shopping before it gets to busy. Shot around in record time and then back home. Then it went wrong as i could not open the...
  12. Trumpetman21

    Removing boot trim.

    Hi all, have done a search but cannot find a definitive guide to removing the boot trim on my Mk IV. I've got the old rear wash/wipe not working problem & it's the connector in the boot that is prime suspect (water dribbles out of the boot catch on the tailgate). I have removed the two...
  13. ianltd

    Boot Tray - Again!!

    Hey, Anybody got any pics of one installed and details of how the boot tray mounts into a Mk2?? Cheers in advance:)
  14. Tom88

    Power Cable to the boot?

    Hi ive got a mk2 ibiza and ive just bought a vibe cbr active sub, just wondering how the Power Cable is ment to go from the engin bay tho the boot? .. is there a hole or will i have to drill one through to feed the cable through??:D thanks tom.
  15. kineticz

    Boot lock problem / Lag problem?

    Hey, Got a couple of questions I hope you kind members can answer :D - When I lock my car up, I've found that you can still open the boot :blink: The alarm goes off but you can open it nonetheless?? - When I put my foot down it sometimes doesn't respond straight away, and then after...
  16. gazman

    Boot light and interior light timer

    Never noticed before but the boot light only stays on for about 20 seconds after opening Is this normal?
  17. CustomChris

    Battery in boot....

    Hello I have already searched before you all jump on the bandwagen with the "DO A SEARCH" post....less hating, more loving! Anyway, can someone explain how i would go about relocating my battery to my boot? What would i need and how would i do it? Many Thanks!! Chris
  18. M87NER

    k03s Hybrid Ibiza boot build pics pg3

    Hi, Well I have finally finished tuning/upgrading my car and now is the time to start saving money! lol :D Pictures below is from when i first bought the car up untill today (only thing missing is me new brakes which should arrive soon from badger5) I am finally happy with what i have...
  19. just bought a boot tidy... the one however that I bought has just the Red "S" logo on it sick and tired of things rolling around in the boot or just looking...
  20. Blueie

    Show us your Boot install .....

    Show us pics of your boot installs, will post mine soon still working progress........
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