
  1. Boot open light?

    Just a quickie... Should the 'door open' light illuminate when the boot is open? On every other car i've owned it does, but not my Leon.
  2. Martin_DSG

    mk2 leon boot build

    So..................................................what to do. is it possible to remove the sub from its enclosure or will it cause me problems? and has anyone done a spare wheel/boot build for a mk2 leon? also i have this i have seen some with alpine written on them, whats...
  3. gazcuprablk

    cv boot not split but grease everywhere

    right ive had this problem with my cv boot ive changed 2 now on the passenger side in 2 months and it keeps doin the same thing everytime theres grease everywhere behind the wheel and it is not split and is still on where it should be, ive been using the genuine vag ones on there and they are...
  4. Jamie P

    Boot interior light -Where?

    Guys, bonjour, this is doing my head in now, i have no boot interior light, and for some reason, i cant locate where it once was... Ideas on a postcard... Also anyone know the size bulb? 38mm?! Thanks, Jamie.
  5. Practical Boot Build.

    Hi there guys, just got myself a 1.2 sx. The plan is to go down the ICE route instead of engine mods/remapping, due to it being only a 1.2 & i love my music. Now I'm fully capable of changing the stock speakers & fitting a new headunit. But I need some idea's for a 12" sub enclosure...
  6. bozwellox

    Securing a subwoofer in boot?

    Just wondering if anyone has any tips on securing a sub box to the boot to stop it moving (or worse still, flying through the car in a crash). I'm toying with the idea of cutting a piece of MDF to the shape of the boot and screwing it down to that, but would rather find another way if there is...
  7. Jerry*

    Loud Rattling Coming from Boot Trim - Help Please!?

    Hi there, I picked up my 2004/54 LCR last week and its great. There are a few rattles that I'd like to sort out though, none worse than a loud rattle that seems to be coming from the boot lid plastic trim. Its the large black plastic panel that is directly under the rear window on...
  8. fossie

    boot problem

    Right went to open the boot today, central locking works, could hear the motor in the boot but it wont open, the handle doesnt seem to 'pull' anything.... Tried turning the lock with the key and you can hear the boot motor turn slowly... Now i need to get into the boot so i need some advice...
  9. Havok316

    Boot Clip

    Hi does anyone know where I can one of these clips from besides Seat? I've been told they don't stock them anymore. Its the twisting version of the clip found at the handle ends of the boot trim on the corners. cheers
  10. ljpacey

    battery in boot and cone fillter mods.

    hi guys i put my battery in the boot a few weeks ago and now i finished it heres some pics of what i have done,
  11. Moley RUFC

    Boot Hump with 18's sorted?

    I sent my dealer a list of my requirements for my next Leon, should I go for a Leon, and also a lost of questions one of which was what are Seat doing about the ridiculous boot issue with the optional 18 inch wheels. He said this issue is now resolved. Anybody including any dealers able to...
  12. Boot Issues

    Hi Guys, I've been searching through the forums for the last week or so trying to find someone who's had the same problem as me, but can only find the reverse! I've had my Leon (1.6 SX) for about 3 months now. After a while I realised that the boot light didn't come on. I'd already fixed...
  13. ljpacey

    battery in boot. and pics :)

    hi guys this week i felt like putting my battery in my boot so i can make a better cold air feed to my fillter and free up some space in the bay, i all so took the front bumper off to look were abouts i can pipe a front mount intercooler ( i am not buying a forge one cost thay are way over...
  14. Urgent Key Fob Issue - Only my boot unlocks :(

    Hey everyone, I changed the battery on my key fob (all was working well before but the range was a bit pants) got the right battery (CR2032) and put it in correctly, tried to do it as quickly as possible as I know a lot of modern keys have a time limit (approx 30 secs I would have thought)...
  15. CraigW

    Steering Column Boot

    Are you able to take this off and put back on?? Its the one that goes from the inside of the car to the outside. Reason Im asking is that I was an idiot when I was doing my pedal box and dropped a nut down when I was disconnecting the steering column. Thanks.
  16. Boot Power and Lower Dash removal?

    Hi I now have one of these and need to add the following: 1. Power in the boot. This was part of an option that I dont have, I am guessing that the main cabling is in the loom somewhere and hopefully I can buy the bits I need anf fit it without any cable cutting? So anyone work for a...
  17. Boot wont open

    Hi all has any1 ever had a problem where the seat badge that oopens the boot dont seem 2 oopen the boot anymore. The S stills moves as normal but there just isnt any tension behind it 2 pop open the latch. Any ideas? Can ya take the S badge off or is there another way of gettin it sorted...
  18. cd changer cable in boot

    1 of my mates used to av a mk3cupra and told me there was a cable from the radio to the boot for a cd changer, i,ve got a 1.4chill an had a look in the boot but cant find sh*t just wanting to know if there is 1 there
  19. NottsLCR

    Anyone got Smoothed Boot Pics?

    Hi, I thinking of taking all the badges of and colour coding the 'S' badge just wanted a few pics before i do it to help decide! Cheers
  20. cupradan

    Boot lid trim question

    My Cupra has lost one of the little button things that are in the main boot lid trim. theyre the bit that the parcel shelf lifter cords clip into. does anyone know if you can get these little bits on their own or if a whole boot lid trim piece is required? Cheers
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)