
  1. CV Boot Kurfufle

    Well, took the wheel of this morning to have a look at the wishbone bush and found that the inner cv joint bush had split. Went out to GSF to get the boot kit and a new wishbone, got back and found that it was the wrong one. The diameter of the old boot was 110mm, and gsf gave me a 100mm one...
  2. how to remove boot lid plastic panel

    hi guys having issues with my car, the bootlid light on the dash stays on and im trying to get to the wiring, does the interior panel on the boot lid have any screws or is it just clips was going to remove it today but didnt want to break it, can anyone help please
  3. Rear boot leak at button

    I have had a damp boot for a while and after drying out the carpet and leaving a seat down to dry out the boot I went hunting last night. So this may help someone. The water was on the plastic sill when you opened the boot - sometimes to right as you look in and sometimes at the catch. It...
  4. Boot release

    Guys - anyone experienced problem with the boot release for the new Mk5? The Seat badge should spring back but seems to have broken over the weekend - still opens but no spring! Taking it back to dealer & hope it will be covered by the waranty. Hope this is not one of those re-occuring design...
  5. boot lid light on dash always on

    before i start i need to mention that my car had a rear collision and hence the problem when the boot lid is closed, the light on the dash still stays on, claiming that the lid is still open, i have looked for a switch on the boot lid but cant find one, i,m guessing that the switch is...
  6. Where to get a steering rack boot?

    Just checked and one of mine is ripped to shreds, replacement I think! Anyone know where to pick one up from that'll go on easily - I don't mind buying a tool to do the clips but I think the universal ones have clips that don't need tools. Thanks
  7. Boot lock not unlocking!

    I have a 1.4 ibiza 2004 Sport. The boot has been locked for over 2 weeks now. When I pressed unlock on the central locking 2 weeks ago I heard no noises, nothing, dead. After putting tonnes of WD40 and playing with the key I can now hear the motor working when I press unlock and lock but...
  8. cant lock leon mk1 boot?

    hi all, i had a leon cupra and i couldnt lock the boot (would open even though i had 'locked' the car on the fob) have now sold the car to my dad, ive bought another mk1 cupra and the chap who had it has written a note saying the same thing about his car, but he explains that if you turn the key...
  9. My boot will not open at all!

    Today I went to open up the boot on my Seat Ibiza 1.4 S 2004 5 door. I found it would not open at all, as if it was locked. I have pressed the unlock button on the central locking both on the key and from the button within the car several times but it refuses to open. I have also tried the...
  10. rear boot release

    hi my rear handle sticks open ithink the springs away in it,can these be replaced?thanks
  11. Cupranation

    Boot latch - word of warning

    I needed to adjust the boot latch to solve a rattling boot lid problem, got half way there by adjusting the rubber stops on either side but concluded that the catch also needed a bit of adjustment. Anyway note that the star bolts that hold the latch are a) very very tight and b) the star...
  12. Boot release handle thing

    Afternoon... again my neighbour has asked me (must get him to register himself!!!) about his Mk2 Leon. His manual release on the boot (the seat symbol) doesn't gently sweep back into position (like mine on my Mk1) but you have to push it back in. Anyone else had this? Did it solve with WD...
  13. 05 Altea Boot Lock Wont Engage

    this is driving me nuts - got home from work today took shopping out of boot and now boot wont lock. I have read over all threads and cant find a work around just to lock the boot for the night. its well out of warrenty and has had a replacement lock under warrenty two or so years ago as the...
  14. boot handle badge

    like an idiot ive broken the badge on the boot of my ibiza the badge that opens the boot not the handle just the badge. is there a way to get this off? ive tryd searching but cant find anything
  15. meckanix

    Front and Rear Bumpers & Boot lids

    Hi All, Does anyone know where to get front and rear bumpers & boot lids cheap? I currently need all three for a 53 Leon SX in blue
  16. Mk2 C U P R A boot badge part number?

    I asked on the MK2 mini section but they suggested ask on this bit, so im after the part number of the C U P R A badge from a MK2 Leon, the one that goes where the L E O N is on lower spec models. My local SEAT dealer has a part number that says CUPRA R badge, but 1stly i think this is wrong and...
  17. mk 3 boot lid

    heyy im knew to this im just wondering would a mk 3 boot lid fit on the mk 2? and does anyone know where i can get hold of a cheap spoiler for the mk 2??:D:D
  18. NickT

    Outer CV boot confusion

    Evening, I had my N/S/F outer CV boot replaced June this year, purchased the kit myself from GSF, genuine OEM GKN part for my 2001 LC and was surprised at how rigid and 'plasticky' it was as on past car experiences they have been more rubbery, anyway figured it was correct and had it fitted...
  19. Help please - boot dimensions

    Hi All I've got an FR on order - should arrive in about 5 weeks. Was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to tell me the boot dimensions as the brochure only shows the total boot capacity. Thanks Ali:D
  20. Cigerate Lighter in boot

    is it possible i have searched and no one has said it cant be done but no one has said i can i .it just i case of conect one up to the boot light or is there another way cheers for any help :shrug:
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