
  1. Timm

    FR PD130 Boost

    Hi Guys I've just put a boost gauge in the car and not too sure if i've done it correctly... from the standard BOV i've attached the T-Peice then so on ... is this the right place to fit it?? The main reason for checking is because the gauge is showing vacum but no matter how i drive the...
  2. danny20vt

    engine "stuttering" at high revs/full boost

    What is it with planning a RR day and things going wrong with the car? My problem this time is when accelerating, at around 4.5-5000 rpm and on full boost, the car sort of bogs down and starts stuttering like its on the limiter. A few months back a suspect MAF was causing probs but after...
  3. _chris_

    boost issue with cupra r

    hopefully someone might be able shed some light on my problem:help: driving last night and the car started boosting stange. It started to boost then would drop off then come back on then drop off all the way through the rev range. you can see the boost gauge moving up and down and also...
  4. Boost hose locations? Silicone upgrade

    can anyone tell me where the elbow in forges 5 piece silicone boost hose kit goes? I've sussed out the other 4 and just unsure of the 90 deg elbow's location. (is it under the bonnet or inside the wing with the IC piping?) cheers guys for any help.
  5. nuts

    LC Turbo Boost Issues

    I know that this kind thread is posted almost everyday, sorry!! It feels like my LC 20VT is having issues with boost. Concidently it coincides with the colder weather. I used to put my foot down in second and there would be alot of pull however over the last few days it feels a little flat...
  6. fourtwofive

    poor boost

    go a little problem with my boost at the moment. it boosts up to 1.5 bar then with my foot still planted slowly creeps down is this normal? i have vagcom and it shows nothing?
  7. sambryant

    induction kit causing boost problems.

    hello all. a little help is needed. i fitted a neuspeed indution kit to my lcr. all was fine for a few days. after a short run my turbo would not boost past 0.3 bar. also every thing was very very hot under the bonnet. if i turned of the engine and turned it back on, all was fine for 2 mins, and...
  8. fourtwofive

    boost worry

    hey guys im kinda new to owning a cupra. my car is currently running 1.4 boost on all the below things. im worryed that its a massive amount of pressure and dont want to rec my turbo or bottom end? any advice would be cool. i was thinking adjustable boost and regulator. cheers
  9. -=Rob=-

    Strange up/down boost problem

    Got a bit of a strange one, my Cupra is boosting a bit oddly on part throttle. If I accelerate using part throttle, the boost goes up to 1.5bar, then back to 0.5 and up/down/up/down then settles for part throuttle driving. It's annoying as the car surges and slows as this happens. On WOT the car...
  10. andieleon

    boost loss

    i have problem?? i noticed when i took my car out for a test after i put in my boost gauge that i boost a healthy 0.7 0.75 at first for a while and when i was on my way home the boost dropped to 0.5?? i have a lc with induction and n249 bypass, can anyone give me some ideas to what it might be...
  11. andieleon

    Getting boost gauge line through bulkhead?

    hey, i have a day off work today and want to make the most of it so i am running my gauges in. the only problem i have is finding a hole to take them through into the engine compartment?? does anyone no where the hole is or if i can take it through where the loom goes through ( cantsee no space...
  12. ibizadoyle

    leaking boost

    hey just received my forge i/c pipes for the seat sport intercooler and now it seems my car is leaing boost as it wnt go over 1 bar!!!! the couplers seemed quite loose when i fitted them could this be it any ideas?? thnks simon
  13. Murdered LCR

    LCR boost issues

    hi people right my car has stage 2 jabba map whichi love but when i 1st had i mapped it used to spike at 22psi and hold at 20psi in most gears now i seemed to have lost quite a bit im holding some times 18psi some times even as low as 14psi . i have checked all the boost hoses etc to make sure...
  14. andieleon

    Teeing Boost gauge from n249 bypass?

    Hi there peeps, just wondering if i can t off from the n249 bypass i have done to my lc and connect my boost gauge on to this system?? will it work...... cheers
  15. dippy4000

    boost pressure

    i'm just finishing putting in a boost gauge, would some body be able to tell me what a LC with a stage 1 map should be boosting at in psi please, it with give me an idea if any leaks are present. Thanks :)
  16. Cupra TDI 150

    Where to connect boost gauge hose to Leon Cupra TDI

    Hi Guys Where abouts is the best and easiest place to connect my boost gauge hose to? Does any one have any pics of the location they have used as not overly mechanically mind !! Cheers Duncan
  17. mALLA

    Is this normal? (vacuum on boost gauge when engine is off)

    My Autometer boost gauge (Phantom 5703) is not reading 0 when engine off (-4/-5). Can it be serviced? / Reset. I thought it was only suppose to be a "vacuum" when the engine is idling. The reason I ask is I’m sure my readings on my gauge seem lower all of a sudden ~ no loss in power , vag...
  18. Boost Problems

    Im running a ko3s with a stage 2 remap. Ive started to get boost problems, if i put my foot down she will wind upto 10-12 psi before shuddering, its as if the turbo is coughing. It only does this after 10 psi, what could this be? ive been to 4 different garages now and they dont have a...
  19. Stock boost on cupra k1?

    Evening all, Not long had my cupra and im very new to the seat scene. My question is what is the stock boost on these cars and what pressure are the internals/engine good for without loosing reliability and efficiency? Thanks in advance Rob
  20. craig lcr

    possible boost leak?

    i know that there is alot of other thread on this but would like some help with it. i reacently got my LCR remaped but just recently it has developed a bit of a stutted when accelerating.when you put the power down it goes fine until about 10psi then has a little stutter but then goes again...
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