
  1. edmong

    Boost Reading

    Hi Guy's, Got round to fitting my boost and oil temp gauges today, fitted the halfords ones. My boost is peaking at 22psi and settling between 17 and 18psi. Obviously modified to my signature but is it anygood?
  2. does timing pull effect the boost produced?

    hi all. was doing some research on some logs i had from before to see if the timing pulling in block 20 on vag com effected the actual boost produced from the car. i did a log where i ran to the red line in third or fourth cant remember which exactly, and found that when the cf's...
  3. devin13

    Quick question- boost gauge T piece

    hey, i have got an auto gauge boost gauge from halfords, and just finised fitting it into my drivers side airvent, im clued up on where the electrics go, i just dunno where to connect the T piece too:confused: if anybody could help or even show me a pic of where it has been connected that would...
  4. Mr_Dave

    Boost Gauges - Pics/Help!

    Hey everyone, Getting really annoyed searching for boost gauges now, been through loads, but can't find one I'm sure I saw on here somewhere. Basically I want one that matches well with the LCR dials, so a white backed with red illumination would be perfect, but if someone can show pics of...
  5. TimJK

    Best looking boost gauge

    Looking at getting a boost gauge for my LCR soon, and want something that matches the standard LCR dials as best as they can, Will prob also get a Nomad pillar pod, is the cheapest place direct from nomad as this is around £40 from them?
  6. WeeG

    Leon fr tdi remap boost problem....

    Got my leon fr tdi last week and got it remapped. What a hoot to drive!!!! serious serious pace! I noticed though after giving it some welly, there was a sudden power loss when on quick change from 3rd to 4th at 4k revs at bout 65-70 when you change into 4th the boost seemed to hesitate for a...
  7. Jabba VF34 Boost Sensor Resistors?

    Right, I'm guessing that these are resistors to adjust the boost so that the ecu reads ok. Now these resistors got burnt (this picture was before). I have taken these out, and as soon as i get to about 3,500 revs, the car goes into limp mode. What resistors do I need? Can I get a variable...
  8. BenO

    After market boost pipes and smoke?

    Hi all I’m trying to get to the bottom of smoke issue that has developed as a result of installing aftermarket boost pipes, (SFS). The issue began after installing a full silicone set, and has now become worse after installing a set with alloy sections. The car: Cupra TDI, non mapped...
  9. KatCowie

    Boost problem

    I have a 53 plate leon cupra and lately I have been feeling that the car is not running as it should be. It's hard to describe but here goes! It feels as though it's boosting when Im not trying to, and is ALWAYS in 1st and 2nd gear. It boosts for about 2-3 seconds and then you hear the release...
  10. Boost controllers

    Electronic Boost Controller Has anyone fitted the Gizzmo Electronic boost controller to their LC Mk1, I have the chance of getting a new one for £165 so im tempted to buy it, just dont want to get it if they dont work on my car
  11. AdamRoutley

    Are Boost Gauges Sealed Units?

    have a ractive boost gauge and the needle seems to have dropped to about 3-4 under the zero...(when keys are out) are these gauges sealed and is there a way to fix em? thanks
  12. oldman

    shrewsbury / oswestry / telford - boost checking

    Hello, Need to check boost actual & requested on PD150 Reason: car struggles over 3k to pull or do anything Live: shrewsbury Work: oswestry Times: any really over weekend and most evenings drop pm and i'll give proper contact details thank you
  13. boost problem

    hi guys not long bought my leon cupra ,love it but i noticed that it isnt boosting right sometimes ,now i have got a forge atmospheric dv on it and i have heard through owning gti 's before hand that it effects the boost and can make ur car runn bad ,could this be the problem ?? should i go...
  14. m.r.davies

    SOLVED: fluttering boost - now i have smooth power delivery

    ive had issues for a while where the power delivery wasn't smooth, when planting it, the car wasn't delivering the power smoothly at all, for like of a better word, it felt inconsistent i've read lots of posts on this, and it seems there were a few things it could be To solve this...
  15. lcr 225 boost pipe clamp sizes?

    just orderd some ths boost pipes and i wont to get some t bolt clamps form i was wondering if any one knows the size clamps you need (ive looked through loads of posts but cant find nothing) thanks in advance Dave... sorry if its in the wronge section in new to the site :whistle:
  16. Strange boost problem (17704) fault code

    Hi all, Really need help with this one, just as i cleared all the codes off my car and sorted it all out, the car has been driving superb, have had no troubles at all. Until yesterday night, and mainlky today now, when i put my foot down between 2 -3.500 rpm the boost stutters badly. So on my...
  17. holding boost

    Should boost pressure hold or is it nomal to drop? mine peaks to about 18 psi then seems to drop to about 15 psi.
  18. Squealing Boost Gauge

    After fitting the Allard pipework upgrade and running the boost gauge from the EGR, there is a squeal between 18 and 24psi ish. I have renewed the pipe from the EGR to the gauge itself and the squeal is still there. Has anyone else had this happen? Cheers in advance
  19. motty_90

    Possible Boost problem?

    hi, ive gone out in my car for 1st time today after it sitting on my drive for a month due to waiting for my previous insurance to finish, when you put your foot down in it she pulls well up to around 3500 revs and then it struggles to rev at all untill around 6,000 revs and it goes again. Is...
  20. RabReith89

    Need any help or advice on boost problem

    Hi i have been having a boost problem for about a month now, where my car is not boostin at all it drives like its a 1800cc?? Befor it got to this stage it was just boosting on and off, now the TCS light stays on aswell as the EML. The car was been maped by c-codes about a week befor this...
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