
  1. jattjoka01

    Bonnet doesnt open??? please help ASAP

    my bonnet just stopped opening!! i reach down to pull for the leaver it seems to pull the cable but no pop from the bonnet to lift it up and open..? ? ? any clue? i neeed it opned asap as there is no water for the windows in there :( i searched on this catch thing on how you remove the S BADGE...
  2. spenny2004

    Should this plug be touching the bonnet lining?

    Was giving the car a clean yesterday and just topping up water and noticed this plug sticking up in the air. Never noticed it before but i can see that it is touching the bonnet lining so much so that there is a big impression in the lining. So just seeing if this is how this is meant to be...
  3. Good garage to spray new bonnet, front & rear bumper - East London?

    Can anyone help I have just got a new bonnet, front and rear bumpers and in need them sprayed and fitted on anyone got a great garage that will do this I am from East London:p
  4. DaNnY_LaD

    Bonnet bras

    Could some people kindly post some pictures of bonnet bras on there cupras, I fancy one on my yellow cupra just cant make my mind up o and were was the place to get it from thanks
  5. Dave_88

    Gas lifters for bonnet?

    Has anyone fitted Gas lifter struts to their bonnet like on the Mk1 Leons, to get rid of the ghey metal support. Was thinking of doing it but wondered if anyone on here had attempted first? Help appreciated ;)
  6. bla1n3

    under bonnet lining?

    has anyone removed or known anyone that has removed the insulating lining under the bonnet? any benefits from doing this? thinking down the lines of heat under the bonnet?
  7. 16v Bonnet catch / tracking

    hi guys i pick my new car up on monday i decided 2 go from a mk 2 1.4 fresca 2 a 2lt 16v cupra.just have a couple of questions the bonnet does open but the catch in the car has just about had it also the tracking needs sorting any1 no what kinda price ill be looking at?
  8. Donnyboy

    Bonnet hood/bra

    Anyone know where to get a bonnet hood/bra for the Mk2 Leon? I only want the small one like in this link. -
  9. richybigman

    Carbon Bonnet

    Anyone thought of fitting one of these to their pride and joy? :lol:
  10. Bonnet release lever -how to detach?

    Hi, How the bonnet release lever can be detached? I would change the foot rest, but I don't know how to remove the side panel where the lever is, and I cannot access the screw which holds the rest panel. Thanks edit:Found the screw that holds the lever
  11. Bonnet not flush on Altea 2005 55 reg, please help!

    Hi, I'm looking to buy a Seat Altea, i have found one i like, but having looked at it i am concerned as the bonnet doesn't seem to be flush with the front of the car. It is an ex-leasing car and have contacted them and they tell me they have no record of it being in any kind of accident (but...
  12. Leon FR Bonnet Plastic (near washers)

    the moon shaped plastic on the bonnet.... is the cupra one the piano black rather than the bobbly dark grey colour. if so do you know if the standard one can be easily replaced to the cupra one, i now have the black grille and wing mirror covers and handles and b pillars and may as well finish...
  13. Leon Bonnet - Anyone noticed ...

    That the damned thing overhangs the bumper by a good 5mm. What kind of a shut line is that ? I just noticed when I was cleaning it, thought I'd hit something so went and had a look at a couple of em down the road. Nope, just poor shut lines :( Anyone else noticed ? Or did I just annoy a...
  14. Rael

    Bonnet Lifters

    I have searched on here, and on google but to no avail. I would really like some hydraulic bonnet lifters. Does anyone know of a supplier, or if some universal kit is available that might work? Cheers! :D
  15. bonnet wont open

    afternoon guys, my bonnet catch doesnt work :( did earlier lol, but i just went to pop the bonnet and all i hear is a click type noise but it wont pop up. any ideas?
  16. mitch2028

    Removing bonnet seal?

    Right ive searched the forum high and low and cant find any info on this apart from for a leon. The seal that sits between the scuttle and bonnet, i read that removed can improve cooling in the 'bay' can also improve the amount of noise you hear from your dv. Has anyone done this...
  17. Bonnet Latch Spring

    Discovered while going over a speed bump yesterday that my bonnet was not closed properly. When I tried to close it I found the spring that keeps the latch closed is missing! :-o Anyone have any idea where I can get a replacement without going to the stealers?
  18. alix

    How much for a bonnet respray?

    Previous owner of my mk3 has taken the metallic off my bonnet trying to remove bird poo, what will i be looking at for a respray? Anyone know somewhere good north London? Thanks
  19. MrJohnnyB

    Bonnet Release catch - Snapped Off!

    This morning I had my bonnet open and closed it in the normal fashion and was driving a few places for work, I got to a car park and after getting out I noticed my bonet release catch has snapped ie the one that protrudes from the grill. I have read about this before but cant find it for love...
  20. Vin-R

    Steam from Bonnet LCR??? pls help

    Hi guys need a bit of advice please.. Was driving around tonight, outside temp was 4.5* Went on a bit of a blast and it was raining too.. .and really cold. Pulled up at tesco for a spot of shopping and i noticed steam coming from the bonnet??? Is this normal ??? is water from the road ...
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