
  1. Lodgey180

    raised bonnet

    has anyone ever raised to rear of a leon bonnet.. you know like the escort rs turbos do and the french guys it would help with cooling under the bonnet right ??
  2. leeapole

    Odd Bonnet Question!

    Hi guys, Bit of an odd one this, i've had this Cupra 03 for about 8 months and never spotted it was different till someone pointed out my bonnet! Anyone seen this before or has someone got busy with a spray can? And if so any ideas how to get it off??!! Cheers guys, Leigh...
  3. MRK3 Bonnet Bra

    Any1 Know Where To get a bonnet bra cheap????
  4. dionbee93

    Mk4 Bonnet Bra

    Hi guys, basically how much and from where do i buy these? Anyone know of anyone selling a second hand one? I actually want this for function because I've had my car resprayed. Thanks, Dion!
  5. M4TTYF

    bonnet bra and plates (Mk2 Ibiza)

    guys i need to know if there are any places i can get a bonnet bra for my mk2 and some road legal pressed german plates pls
  6. bonnet raiser's

    hi does anyone know where i can buy these from and how much only want to lift it about 2 inches to keep the engine that bit cooler :)
  7. Bonnet rattle

    Hi all, I have noticed that the bonnet is rattling on my Leon 20v SE when on a bumpy road or when going over a spped hump. I remember having this problem before but got it fixed under warranty (car now outside of warranty period). It seems that there is bit of (down) movement in the bonnet...
  8. BigWill

    Upgrading the Big 3! (finally) Where are they under the bonnet??

    Hey there, I've finally got some spare cash to upgrade the power cables under the bonnet from the stock (8 gauge I think) to 0Gauge. But I really don't feel like paying for someone to do a simple sounding job. I need to change the Chassis to battery -ve (found that one) Alternator to battery +ve...
  9. OllieL

    Polo Classic Bonnet = Seat Ibiza Bonnet

    Quick question in my sleep deprived state A polo classic is the same as a cordoba, just different badges etc? So with this theory a Polo Classic bonnet is the same as a cordoba bonnet, which is the same as a Mk2 Ibiza bonnet? Love Ollie
  10. Bonnet Lift

    I am having some problems lifting my bonnet. The lever is extremely tight and feels like it is going to snap. Any idea's on how to get my bonnet open without using it?
  11. Andybon

    Bonnet bra

    After swaying back and forth, deciding weather to sell or noe, decided to keep the beeza!!! But now im looking to get a bonnet bra, the only question is Where can you get them from? Searched ebay and a few other sites but can't find them. One of the things on my list at the minute...
  12. JamesE

    Bonnet Bra issue!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys ive recently bought a bonnet bra and ive got a bit of an issue with it..... I cleaned my car last sunday and decided to put it on, i had it on there for til tues night as it started raining so i took it off, i then come back from work wednesday to find it had mate my paint work go...
  13. gregorcupra

    Dodgy bonnet catch

    My bonnet is a complete james blunt to open. When you pull the lever to open it it doesnt pop the bonnet up. You have to try at least 10 times and even then you have to get your fingers under the grill and pull up ! Anyone else had this problem ? How did you resolve it ?
  14. Carbon fibre bonnet for a mk4?

    anyone got anyideas if there is anyone that makes carbon firbe bonnets for mk4's cant find one anywere. i can get one for my mk3 but my mates after one for his mk4. cheers guys.
  15. Fitted a black bonnet... opinions....

    Well last week i give rogers a ring and seen if i could borrow his old black bonnet, as my plan is to go carbon :) Any who, so i fitted the bonnet, and i personaly do like it... i think... haha Whats your thoughts on it? :) It looks photoshoped but it was just about 7 layers of...
  16. Seat Leon 2002 - Unable to open bonnet

    Hey all, I went to top up the windscreen washer resivour this morning and was unable to open the bonnet! The release lever i the driver footwell works fine and the plastic lever in the grill pops out as designed, but when I pull the lever I am met with far too much resistance! The...
  17. Cupra Gsy

    Best place for carbon bonnet?

    As the title cuz im looking into getting one but would rather people say where they got theres from because i want a good quality one. As a mate brought one for his civic and its well crap
  18. alex_cupra09

    mk3 carbon fibre bonnet

    where is the cheapest place to get a carbon fibre bonnet for cupra.
  19. Chrisdaman

    bonnet measurements please

    random i know but the car is 30 miles away and it cant wait :lol: need to know the bonnet length and width for a mk2 ibiza Cheers Chris
  20. Reuvers

    Spray bonnet black?

    I've got another idea I'm playing with. My mates are spraying another car the 28th and seeing as my hood is in quite shabby state, I was thinking of spraying it black. What you guys think? And, should I go for matt black or metallic black (clear coating)? now with these wheels btw
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