
  1. Headlight needed, also bonnet if anyone got one

    Hello. I am after a passanger headlight for my cupra tdi. Its an 04 and the light must have all the mounting brackets (not bothered about screws/bolts). Also if anyone has a good condition bonnet in platinum grey then that would be magic. Send me an e-mail and we can take it from there if you...
  2. Bonnet Will Not Close?

    I can't get my bonnet to fully close. It locks at the latch but will not lock all the way shut. This happened last time I opened the bonnet and adjusting the lock (by removing the seat grill) may have helped, although it didn't lock first time, it took a few pushes. Now it will not lock at...
  3. Yellow leon, black boot, roof and bonnet?

    Ive got an 2002 yellow leon cupra its got lcr bumpers and skirts i was thinking of getting the boot sprayed black? maybe the bonnet and roof aswell? what do you think? just the boot in black? thanks :help:
  4. T_higgs89

    Bonnet bra

    anybody put a bonnet bra on a black car thinking of getting one but wanna see some pics for it first i heard that some people get paint fade if they are on for too long how do u prevent this? thanks guys
  5. (Just for fun!) Crop circles on the bonnet...

    Here's a lighthearted post for the new year, feel free to reply in any way! :D Has anyone noticed the 'alien markings' that appear on the Toledo bonnet when it's iced up? It may actually be specific to the V5, but when the bonnet is iced up and white, and the car is running for a while, curious...
  6. Dave_88

    Bonnet Bra fitted =)

    Look what Santa brought me!! :D Was abit fiddly to get to sit right but I like it. But as I am well aware will not be to everyones tastes!
  7. How to remove bonnet release handle?

    Hi all, I am currently trying to put wires through into my doors for my speaker and have done the passenger side no problem but cant get the bonnet release off, any ideas? Many thanks ad
  8. Donnyboy

    Bonnet sound deadening

    Is the sound deadening under the bonnet the same on all mk2 Leons? Just had mine replaced as the original one was wet, mouldy and sagging onto the engine. The new one looks thinner and neater, but the old one did look a mess and had probably swelled. Anyone got any pics of theirs or others???
  9. Removing bonnet and rear bumper trims...

    Guys, Are these trims screwed or riveted on or do they just snap in and pull off? I havent been out and looked yet but if anyone know's it would be helpful! The 3M Di-Noc Carbon Fibre vinyl has arrived from Germany (found a cheaper place in the UK now though) so was going to have a play...
  10. Shaunyboy


    Well its hard to find a cupra r bonnet as most are smashed up in breakers yards. So will a normal leon bonnet fit a cupra r?
  11. Empi5

    Carbon Fibre Bonnet - Scratch repair

    We have got about a 3 inch deep scratch on the bonnet, is there a simple repair/Cover up, or are we stuck with it, ?
  12. mk3 wing+bonnet

    Can anyone tell me if the wing and bonnet are the same across the range for the mk3? i'm wondering if the panels from a 1.4 would fit a cupra. Thanks folks, Dan
  13. Bonnet Help

    Hello to all, im reasonably new on the forum although i have had my black LCR for 8 months now. I have recently had a bit of a disaster. (long story-including a truck backing into my car!) Basically my bonnet is ruined and has been completely dented beyond repair but the lucky thing is...
  14. olliep

    bonnet bra

    does anyone know of anywhere (apart from autobra's) to get a bonnet bra for mk1 leon? i've been looking all over and can't believe that ONLY one place sells the damn things!? none on e-bay either?!
  15. Pabs

    Ibiza Mk4 Custom Gas Bonnet Lifters/Struts - Finally Finished!

    Mk4 Ibiza Bonnet Lifters Well folks, I've been keeping it on the quiet up until now, as I wanted to ensure I could pull it off, but now I'm happy with the finished product, it's time to show you all my hard work! So, as you're probably aware, the mk4 ibizas were never lucky enough to come...
  16. DaNnY_LaD

    Raising Bonnet Hinges

    Im looking at raiser my bonnet hinges to allow more heat to escape from the turbo my Engine bay is like a oven with the Bt Setup... I done this with my old 2.0 corsa but can't remember how todo it.. Anyone now how or even with pics...
  17. carbon fibre bonnet

    I am looking for a carbon fibre bonnet for the mk2,just wondered if anyone has any ideas on where i might find one
  18. bete noir

    Bete Noir's Black Mk1 Leon Cupra R

    I bought this car from Empi5 in Jun '09. These are a couple of the pictures Phil sent me when he had the car for sale. When advertised, the car had 41k on the clock, and Empi5 had owned (and loved) it from new. The following mods were already in place: Revo Stage 2 Blueflame...
  19. bonnet

    before you moan at me for not looking in the FAQ i did but never found what i was looking for i cant get my bonnet open how do i get it open as it wont pop when i pull the lever??:confused::confused:
  20. MK3 Bonnet

    Evenin' All :D Anyone know the best place to source a MK3 Bonnet? :help:Fleabay is turning up nothing.. Can anyone recommend a breakers yard.. the stealers want 190.00 for a new one (in plain metal :ban:) Thanks