
  1. Altea Starting Issues

    I have recently brought a Seat Altea 1.6 petrol and have had problems starting it since. It is a weird problem because after being left overnight it 80% of the time starts correctly but if for example I went out somewhere and left it for a few hours I would have to turn it over for a while and...
  2. Altea Service

    Hi, It's a well covered subject but looking for up to date experiences of good dealer servicing in South Manchester / Stockport / Cheshire. My XL 1.9 TDI is due a 20k service, so far looking at: Lookers Stockport [very local but a few reservations based on experience buying the car...
  3. altea gone

    well ive gone and done it now!!!! ive sold my altea xl today and bought a new car but its not a seat:blink:. the car has been great very reliable and comfy fairly economical and certainly quick enough!!!. i just find that my local dealers are appaling and seat customer services are not much...
  4. Logan 5

    Altea FR 12v Socket Issue / Roadtest

    I replaced my LCR with an Altea FR several weeks ago. One of the reasons for this was because I do loads of outdoor activities and the LCR had became unsuitable. With the low clearence I was always having to abandon it, plus I was starting to need more space for my gear. So here goes then the...
  5. chrisash32

    I hate to moan about my Altea becuase i love it... But....

    She has started smoking... and not even the sort that nicotine patches can sort! Coupled with drinking lots of water off it went to SEAT for a pressure test! SEAT wanted £65 to diagnose the problem... Worst case has happened and its my head gasket / cylinder head with a minimum cost of some...
  6. Altea 2.0 TDI Sport - Great Miles on a Tank of Fuel

    Just back from a week on Holiday in the Cairngorms which gave the Altea a Nice run out. Filled up with about 49 Litres of BP Ultimate (stop fueling on the first click at the pump) so reckoned around 53-54 lites in tank. Before heading off reset all computer as norm. The Journey was 210 mile...
  7. Logan 5

    Altea FR, What should I do? Help

    I bought this a couple of weeks ago to replace my Cupra R. Im in two minds if to modify it or not. Dont really want to keep it looking like its just come out of a showroom, want to personalise it a little. Only thing I've done so far is put in a couple of SCN and Auto Emocion stickers and...
  8. Altea FR TDI+

    Altea FR TDI (BMN) with GT22. 2,75" inox exhaust, DPF removed. http:/ / Error in image adress is done by purpose. I am not allowed yet to post the url's, so I had to use a little trick.
  9. Altea less than reliable?

    Hi everyone, I am picking my Altea up on Saturday, (56 plate, 1.9 TDI Reference Sport, 38k, Black), I bought it because I thought VAG reliability in a more stylish shell and we wanted a cheap to run, relieable car. However, I have been browsing these forums, and from what I have read, the Altea...
  10. Aberdeen\Grampian Altea's

    Hey there. New to the site, was just wondering if there is any Aberdeen\Grampian Altea's in here ? :shrug:
  11. Logan 5

    Altea FR Tow Bar ???

    Hi people, Going to need a hand with this one. I bought a Altea FR last week and have been looking at putting a removable Tow Bar on it. Ive been to the local Seat dealership who say that the Tow Bar they sell for the Altea is not compatable with the FR. Does anyone know the reason for...
  12. altea to a leon

    hello all im looking into changing my 2007 altea with 20000 miles on and changing for a facelift leon fr in emoceon red with the t/c pack on and would like some advice if poss? 1. ive been offered 8000 for my car !is this good? 2.the new car is gonna cost me 19860 in total with t/c pack again...
  13. Coil Spring - Altea Sport

    Hi Guys, anyone got the part number for the Offside Rear Coil Spring for a 2004 Altea 2.0 TDI Sport? Many Thanks
  14. Altea 1.9 tdi

    Hey guys, have an Altea with 110,000kms on the clock and it has a little bit of back pressure....I think!!! While warm and at idle when you pull the stick or remove the oil filler cap there is a bit of white steamy stuff blowing out. It's not using oil or water and it does the little shimmy on...
  15. Altea DIY cambelt change?

    Hi, My wife's Altea is approaching 40k miles and 4 years and I would appreciate advice on what parts are required to carry out a DIY cambelt change? I have changed cambelts in the past and am generally pretty capable mechanically but I need advice on which parts need to be changed (eg...
  16. My Altea 2.0 TDI SE from HELL

    Thats right my Altea from HELL . believe me if I could Id bloody nuke the f****kn car . This is my story. I have an Altea 2.0 tdi (140) Specail Edition with an 07 plate and I have had the following problems but one is just driving me absolutely CRAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZY !! 1. Passanger door...
  17. Altea 1.9 tdi power loss

    Hi, New to this forum... Can anybody help!!! Engine warning light has come on and i have seriouc lack of power and puffs of black smoke come from exhaust HAD ON DIAGNOSTIC AT SEAT BEFORE DUE TO SAME PROB..... fault was a dirty MAP sensor... once cleaned was ok but 4 months down line...
  18. powerflex arb altea

    hi has anyone fitted the new arb bushes to an altea , they list 3 sizes 23mm 23.6mm and 24 mm can anyone advise on which size for which model, seat dont sell bushes just a new arb the powerflex one are less than have the cost of a new arb , the problem is you dont want to take out the bar and...
  19. Air Con Altea reference

    My Altea a is 54 plate & the air con switch light comes on but thats it. There is no climate control. It has been re gassed & they have done a diagnosis test. The things that came up with a malfunction were 01 - engine, 08Auto HVAC. 17 - instruments, 46 Central Conv. I was then told not...
  20. Altea 2.0 TDi running unevenly

    I have a 54 plate SEAT Altea 2.0 TDi which is giving me problems. The problem started a couple of weeks after I bought the car. I first noticed it sat at the traffic lights when the engine was running unevenly. A couple of miles down the road it had stopped and was running OK again. It has been...
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