
  1. 59 Altea Emocion S 1.6

    Hi, My dad has recently taken delivery of a 59 plate Altea Emocion s 1.6. We have noticed on the car that the engine doesn't have the usual plastic shrouding over it like other VAG powerplants. The holes are visible where the cover would clip on but the dealer informed us they're not...
  2. plumbrob

    altea fr pics

    i can now add the link to my car pics. if anyone has any info on the car i would be glad to hear it . i only know that it came from beckets seat
  3. altea heater/ blower problem

    hi, i am new to this site and would like some info please. my heating a/c blower is not working in my altea tdi (54 plate). i have checked the obvious fuses etc and they are ok. the climate control says the blower should be on but nadda, not even a whisper of air comes out. many thanks
  4. Wilkip

    Altea not starting straight away 2.0TDI

    Morning all Just come back from a business trip, went to start my normaly reliable Altea 2.0TDI and it didn't start. After cranking a quite a few times it did start. I thought perhaps the fuel needed to go through so didn't think much of it. But the same thing happened the next day! Once...
  5. Altea Space Saver

    I have a 2005 Altea 1.9TDi, I`ve been without a Spare wheel for some time, and bought a full size spare from eBay, but I don`t think I can live with the bulge or reduced boot space using the shelf over the top of it. So, I`m going to get a Space-saver wheel, I remember reading somewhere...
  6. Toledo Altea Multi Function Display

    I have a 2005 (55) plate Toledo Tdi Sport and the multi function display works except when I try to access the Lights and Vision tab, it just pauses and kicks me back to main menu. Anyone else had this problem? or similar? Thanks
  7. Altea dial clocks MFD

    Hi guys can anyone tell me whats involved in changing the clocks on a 2007 Altea I currently have the standard clock set with no real MFD, it just shows time, mileage, and trip computer stuff etc. If i wanted to put a MFD2 / 3 in what problems might i face Can anyone help me with any...
  8. Altea exhaust trim

    Mylocal SEAT dealer has offered me an Altea exhaust trim (twin chrome) for my leon tdi and was wondering if anyone has any picsof it fitted or not fitted,i think it is the Altea fr one?! thanx Will the exhaust on the leon is twin straight pipes
  9. best way/place to sell an Altea?

    Hi chaps. Currently on my 2nd Altea, but I fancy a change and have ordered a Ford Kuga 2.0 TDCi (I know). Hoping to collect at end of September. Looked on Autotrader and there aren't many Altea's - especially private sales. Anyone had any previous joy selling an Altea privately ? I've sold...
  10. Radio Fascia help needed on Altea

    Hi guys Can someone help me as my local Seat Dealers can't be bothered or are just usless I want to install a new SAT NAV / DVD / CD player, you know the type Sorry can't post URL yet so look at ebay item 320422361620 as a reference But all i can find are double din fascia's with...
  11. dad wants to buy altea- what should he look out for??

    toledos etc the turbo boost, leaky door seals wet mats etc etc, but what about alteas? all info greatly appreciated. cheers
  12. Altea Problems

    Hi, All, went to my Dealer Today as i have a few problems with my 05 Altea TDI Sport, firstly the standard Radio when playing cd's skips all the time and secondly and have the wind noise from the drivers window, I had the mirror kit fitted as i was told this was the problem, but to no avail, the...
  13. 16inch steel rims at Seat Altea Fr

    Anybody know if 16inch steel rims fits a Seat Altea FR (diesel 2007-model) /Jan
  14. Altea brochure - 2008 model year

    Morning all, I have recently bought a March 2009 (pre face-lift) 2.0TDI Stylance, however the spec seems a little odd, so I was hoping that someone may have a 2008 dealer brochure kicking around that they could either scan for me, or post to me to scan and then I'll return it - I'll pay for...
  15. clear tail lights for Altea.

    Hey chaps. We have the Light Blue Altea... other half has now decieded the red case on the tail lights doesn't go with the pale blue... (women). The only lights I can seem to find are: From what I can tell - they are exactly the same style as the original ones except the CLEAR...
  16. whey got Altea! :D

    :D Didn't go for the one with 87K.. spent £1K more and travelled 4 hours away and got this: 2005 - 2.0 Fsi Sport Tiptronic (posh name for semi automatic?!) with 25K on the clock. First time driving an automatic..... why didn't I do it before! Love everything about it - the...
  17. plz i want code cassette seat altea 2005

    :(plz i want code cassette\radio for seat altea 2005. thnks
  18. altea 2009 tdi stylance help

    after a little bit of help plz my wifes just bought a altea 2009 tdi stylance still on the older shape not the new speck .we have looked a few cars and models all of them were 2008 cars tdi i noticed that they had 2 tail pipes coming out the back the 2009 one she got only has one y...
  19. Seat Altea FSI 2.0 - (87,000) '05 - buy or not?

    Hey chaps! I currently own a seat ibiza '09 car. After a slightly more roomy car as a second one. I've fallen in love with the FSI 2.0 version. It's an '05 plate. Pretty good body work, minor marks as you'd expect.... Inside the car is MINTcondition however ..... it's done 87,000...
  20. Seat Altea 2.0 Tdi sport losing power?

    Hi, I bought my Seat Altea 2.0 Tdi sport last month and I have had a problem with it since then. When I was driving it back up from Leeds where I got it on the motorway it lost power when I was cruising, all of a sudden there was no acceleration. I stopped the car and it was fine for a while...
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