
  1. Seat Altea uncomfortable seats

    I have just bought a black Seat Altea 1.9 TDI (2 weeks ago) and generally I am very pleased with it.One thing though, I find the driving position uncomfortable. I have tried moving it forward it and backward, up and down and can't get comfortable. Has anyone else had this problem? What am I...
  2. Close to buying an Altea XL......

    We have been looking around for a new car, we have made a decision to not have Vauxhall cars, as we have had nothing bu appalling customer service from them. To the point of rudeness. So we need a family car with lots of boot space. We liked the look of the Altea XL. We had a MK1 Leon and...
  3. neil

    MPG for 2.0 FSI Sport altea

    Hi , my mate has a 2.0 FSI Altea Sport and is a bit concerned that he is only getting on average 20 - 25 mpg , on a long run it managed 27 mpg . Is this about right ? Cheers , neil
  4. jtmac

    Creative badging? Altea Cupra?

    Has there ever been an Altea Cupra? this guy thinks so... I didn't think that there was any such thing.
  5. altea 1.9tdi reference sport

    hi all. im looking to move over to the seat clan, and looking to purchase the above or similar, please could you give me some feedback on the above with regards to thoughts and performance. many thanks in advance.
  6. Altea 1.9 TDI 05 Plate - Black Smoke

    just had my car in for its 50,000 kilometers service 2 weekends ago - to a seat dealer. since then I have noticed its smoking a bit and the exhaust is sooty. mabey its always been like this and i have only noticed now. No Loss of Power and MPG have stayed kinda the same. Since...
  7. altea warranty

    Hi there, I've seen a Altea today from a private seller, which I want to buy, but was wondering what the situation is with transferring warranty. Basically the car is 2 years old, has done under 60K and has full SEAT history. I then notice on the SEAT website, that the 3 year warranty...
  8. L7 KVV

    altea bodtkit

    Just purchased an Altea fr tdi today after realising It was almost £3k cheaper than the equivilant leon. Its this years and only 6k on the clock. now with what ive saved Id like to tart her up a bit. on the seat website accessories list, the altea body kit is up for £650 it seems reasonably...
  9. Altea as bad as Toledo?

    Sorry, I posted in Toledo section, and having had Altea loan car this week I thought I would post this follw up post here too for comment from Altea owners. : I bought a 55 Toledo 2.0 PD DSG in Jan, 11k miles and good condition. I've done 20k more miles since then and generally like the car...
  10. Altea TDi Engine Cover

    Hi, I am in process of buying an Altea 140 TDi B & W special edition-there is no cover on the engine and the dealer advises Seat don't fit them anymore.Is this merely a cost saving exercise or is there some technical reason ?I presume you can purchase one if required?
  11. Altea XL Boot Net and Tie Down Hooks

    Hi All Whilst the Altea Cruise control thread bemoans missing items I wonder if any body had tie down hooks fitted in the boot of their XL. I certainly did not but I presume early Alteas had hooks to go with their nets. For information the XL does have the mouldings in the boot liner, and...
  12. Altea XL - Cruise Control

    I recently took my car in for a service and mentioned that the cruise control warning light does not work when cruise control is switched on and was informed on collection that the light does not work on the XL models! Does anyone know the reason why the XL is not allowed the warning light...
  13. Carrying bikes on my Altea

    Originally raised this query back in June before I got my Altea XL, but raising it again to see if anyone has any more knowledge / experience on the subject. Need to carry 4 bikes on my Altea XL. I have a Thule towbar cycle carrier that I used with my previous Scenic but I have been scared...
  14. Altea limp mode help

    Hi all, I've got an Altea TDi FR which has had some long running intermittent faults. The fault is that it goes in to limp mode when I switch the car on. It never comes on during driving and I can clear the fault by either switching off/on or driving for a few hundred metres and off/on...
  15. goble

    Altea Freetrak now available to view
  16. Disappointing Altea XL problems

    Would appreciate any views on the following re my 2m old Altea XL 2.0TDi DSG, which arrived to great anticipation but has so far disappointed: - Awful mpg - typical combined returns around 28mpg per computer - have checked via fill-ups and its about right. This is normal driving not heavy...
  17. Just picked up Altea FR

    Well here she is in her glory, at last we have an Altea, only wanted to spend £10k max, but we spent £4k more and got the better car I feel:drool: By the way, all FR owners, how many flip keys did you get with yours?
  18. Altea Aluminum Pedal Set

    Forget it, this is wrong, they sent black ones, also the Leon pedal does not fit the Altea
  19. Altea XL - First Impressions

    Having had the car now for a few days, this is my first impressions. As my last car was a Scenic, this is the car I am comparing it to which may be the same for any potential buyers. Got the car, brand new, with a saving of roughly £2500 off list price. The car is standard apart from the...
  20. FinerDetails

    Altea Special Edition

    When I left full tiem employment at the end of Dec and started FinerDetails I sold my Altea in order to finance the company etc. With our sole car left to be the P206 belonging to Mrs FD. Having spent a fair amount of time looking round, we finally found a car we are both happy with. So...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)