
  1. Gogsie78

    Bloody Alarm

    Does anyone know if the alarm can be disconnected? mines has been going off randomly through the night and i have just had a visit from the police to say someone has complained. I have checked all the usual stuff and there is nothing flying about the car so im puzzled as to whats causing it :(
  2. paradigm

    LCR alarm keeps going off :(

    As of Monday, my alarm keeps going off for what I can only attribute to the boot-shut sensor. When I turn on the ignition, I get a half-lit (feint) warning lamp telling me the boot is open (its not). The lamp gets brighter when the engine is on, but after driving for maybe 5 minutes, goes...
  3. ChrisGTL

    What Alarm?

    I've come to the conlusion I love my car so much I would be much happier if it had a Thatcham Alarm on it. Just wanted to get opinions as to what to choose -Clifford -TOAD -Cobra -Gemini Any bad experinces with any of them? I had a Clifford with the intellistart on my now very old...
  4. gregorcupra

    Alarm keeps going off !

    My Ibiza's alarm will not stop going off :( So much to the point that its sitting outside just now unlocked. What can I check around the car to try and source the problem ? Thanks Gregor
  5. blackturbo

    Locking without arming alarm?

    Am I right in saying it is possible to lock the car without arming the alarm if you press the lock button twice? If so is there a sequence? I have tried pressed the lock button in quick succession with no success, do I need to wait for the car to lock and then press the button again?? :confused:
  6. Alarm broken - again!

    The alarm on my FR kept going off on Boxing day and the light that says a door is open was permanently on. The dealer said yesterday that a o/s door control unit has been ordered but it'll be into the New Year before it'll be fixed. :( I had the same thing just over a year ago when I first...
  7. Leon 1.9 TDI FR- Alarm sounding as driving

    i have an 05 plate seat leon 1.9 Tdi FR. It has regular service and has done 50,000k In the last few days i noticed that when using the remote central lock it seemed to unlock and then lock itself straight away. (the locking mechanism made a noise as though unlocking and then locked again. A...
  8. coggie

    Alarm problem

    Having a problem with my alarm recently. I lock the car with a single press of the fob, take two steps away and the alarm goes off. I can deactivate/silence it with the open button, then press lock again and walk away, no problems. It's happened 3 times now, has anyone else had anything similar?
  9. Another Alarm problem

    done a search for this but not come up with a definitive answer so ..... any idea on how to lock the car without enabling the alarm? and not just disabling the motion sensors cos i have tried that. my FR alarm has been going off, (only seems to be at night!!!), i was on holiday all of...
  10. Big_Lad

    Cupra Alarm

    Guys, How can i lock my Cupra without engaging the alarm on the car? Can it be done? I'm leaving my car for a week and the alarm is a bit sensitive at the moment and don't want it going off while i'm away so i'm just going to lock my car and hopefully leave the alarm off. Before anyone...
  11. LC alarm weirdness

    I'm having a weird problem with my alarm that searches have yielded no joy on so far. I've also RTFM... no certain answer there. Over the last 12 hours my alarm has gone off 5 times whilst my LC is parked on the drive (where it normally is overnight). There has been no break in attempts, all...
  12. SeanyK

    Cupra Alarm constantly going off!!! - Help!

    Hey folks! A few weeks ago, I parked up at home, about 5 mins later, my alarm was going off... I turned it off via the remote sensor, minute later its back on again! I tried pressing lock twice on the remote to stop the sensors, but still no joy. Same happened two or three times before I...
  13. Alarm and indicators flashing ??

    Hi.. looking for some advice My LCR has been in the bodyshop after somebody ran into the back of me. Thankfully it was quite minor. I had to have a new bumper.. a new metal impact bar that`s behind the bumper and 2 new number plate lights. There was no other damage at all. I...
  14. Odd alarm trip

    Hi All, My other half currently has the 'manual' key that goes with the Leon and I have the radio key... for the first time last night she got to the car before me and opened the drivers door with the key, the door unlocked but upon opening the door the alarm went off... now being a big of a...
  15. Alarm LED

    I have noticed something - my son has a Leon Cupra R and when he locks his car/activates the alarm the red LED on the drivers door flashes, however, when I lock/alarm on my Cupra the red LED doesn't flash... anybody got any ideas? Cheers!!
  16. alarm problems!!

    hi people, hope u can help me out. my alarm has been goin off non stop for the last 2 weeks. its the standard alarm so i was wondering if any1 else has had a similar problem??
  17. helms

    Red Flashing "!" and alarm

    Was parked on a steep hill facing up the hill, started my car in the morning, and a "!" came up flashing, also an alarm going off. When i rolled onto the flat and the car had run for about 15seconds it stopped. Car drives fine, boosts ok and everything. This morning, parked on pretty much...
  18. Cupra R Scorpion Alarm

    Does anyone with a Cupra R, fitted with standard scorpion alarm, know where to get a replacement remote keyfob from ? Seat tell me they never fitted the alarm, even though its listed on thatcham site, and got booklet Also Scorpion alarms dont exist anymore, so no help there ! Any help...
  19. swissrebel


    I know this might seem a silly question, but I might as well ask it and get a silly answer back. I've absolutely no idea if my Leon came with an alarm. None of the documentation (as far as I can tell) says anything about it - and i'm sure i'm missing the blindingly obvious - are these standard...
  20. SeanyK

    No Cupra Alarm LED?

    Hey all! Having purchased an Ibiza Cupra petrol last week, I noticed the LED does not flash? When activating the lock, or even double locking... Has it been turned off somehow? The alarm still works as I opened the boot and set it off to check! It's got warranty left on it, so if...