
  1. beezanick

    ABS Fault - HELP!!!

    Right - Had the ABS light come on a while ago. Used VAG-CAM and got a reading that it was 01276 - ABS pump signal outside specifications. Reset the light a few times, but it definatley was a real fault, not just a random glitch. Went to rosstech wiki which says that it is either the pump or...
  2. beezanick

    Replacing ABS Pump

    Hi, My ABS pump has recently decided to go on the blink. After much searching of the internet I have managed to find a refurbished one. My question is how do you fit it? Im guessing that you drain the brake fluid out of the system, unplug and unbolt the pump and ecu, plug the new one back...
  3. CHR15B

    Warning lights... (ABS & TCS)

    Just there on Sunday I removed the coilovers from the car and put (Almost new) OEM FR suspension on in its place... when fitting apart from the odd swear word here and there the suspension went on perfect. The car drives fine but got an odd knocking noise (I have a worn ARB bush) and still...
  4. Abs Problem Lcr

    Hi guys, i have a 2004 lcr, the abs and traction light have come on and the handbrake light is flashing, i've had someone come out an look at it and it comes back as a implausible signal now i havent got a clue what this means! any ideas? Also i slammed the brakes last night and the rear osf...
  5. Cupra_Wayne

    Is it possible to fit a abs sensor without removing the wheel?

    Garage has lost my locking wheel nut but are claiming it wasn't in the car and they fitted the sensor without removing the wheel. He said they had it up on the ramp. They did it at the beginning of last month so it's probably long gone, only just noticed its missing now. It's not even my car...
  6. ABS / ESP Fault

    Hi all I have an intermittent fault on the ABS / ESP system which puts the middle 3 lights on the dash on (red warning triangle, abs and traction control). It appears to coincide with when it is cold (or damp) so is most of the time at the moment! It's been in the dealers 3 times with...
  7. ABS relay number

    what number is printed on the top of the ABS relay? cheers
  8. ABS part no.

    Does anyone know the part no for an ABS unit for a Toledo 2.0 SXE 1998 (AGG engine). Thanks
  9. Phillc

    abs sensor fitting

    HI all, I have done searches but nothing showing on the fitting of the sensors, does anyone know if when i have fitted the sensors the fault codes will need to be re set, or will the car know that there is no longer a fault and switch the warning light off, or will i need to go through any re...
  10. davecash

    Replacing an ABS cable

    Any idea how much an ABS cable costs or how difficult it is to replace one? I need to replace one that has split in half right near the brake disc end.
  11. ABS Not working

    I have a four year old Ibiza TDI 130 Sport due for it's MOT next week. I thought I'd give the brakes a quick test as they are now 45k miles old and I found that I couldn't get the ABS to activate even by standing on the brakes at 60mph. I booted it from a standstill and the TCS doesn't work...
  12. ABS and TCS lights

    Hi, i've just bought a 2000 leon 1.8 20vt sport. On the drive home the ABS and TCS lights came on together. I pulled over, stopped the engine and restarted and the lights went off and then came back on later. Anybody got any ideas?
  13. ABS and traction control lights

    hello there everyone am new to all this so be gentle with me!! i have a ibiza 1.9 tdi pd130 fr and have just been down to Devon for the weekend from north wales, and on my way down the m5 after covering around 150miles the ABS and traction control lights appeared on the dash!? was a bit...
  14. jam666999

    ABS & TCS after fitting new bearing

    Iv had a quick search but couldnt find any mentioning both lights after doing this, relpaced NS front bearing at the weekend. Am i right in thinkin that because the abs was unplugged its logged a fault. once reset all should be back to normal? Any help would be appreciated cheers Jamie
  15. Abs & Traction

    Can anyone help, My ABS & traction lights are constantly on, they came on on my way to work this morning, turning the traction button on and off makes no difference. I've had a search through and think I've narrowed it down to 3 things, ABS Sensor, Knackered MAF or Coolent temp sensor...
  16. crezz

    ABS Light

    hi last night i went out in the car and the abs light had come on. ive been searching the site for over an hour this morning, and come to the conclusion that its most probobly the sensors. its been said that sometimes cleaning these might sort the problem out. whats the best way to clean...
  17. EZ Tutty

    I've upset the ABS!

    Well whilst fitting new suspension to my cupra i unplugged the abs sensors on the front as not to damage the wires. Well i kinda forgot to plug the passenger side one in, started the car and got the ABS and Traction Control Lights up. ;) I soon realised my mistake and pluged it back in...
  18. ABS light, problem no 1

    Hi right had the car a week now and last night for the first time the ABS light wouldn't go off, what could it be as the ABS control unit was replaced not so long ago??:confused:
  19. ABS Help

    Hi, I've searched and am still confused :confused: My car is a 98 GTI Cupra Sport but there is no lights on startup to indicate ABS and certainly no evidence of it when driving :whistle: I presumed that the car was fitted with it? Is there any easy way I can check? Cheers
  20. daveyonthemove

    Is your ABS dash light on? TIP

    A mate at work brought his G/F's MK4 golf in for me to plug Vagcom in. The ABS light was on permanantly so he wanted me to scan for any faults. We diagnosed a "Speed sensor" on the front left wheel (love vagcom for its accuracy) so decided to take a look. Got the wheel off and checked the...
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