
  1. richypanic

    Good old Seat ABS sensors

    Right, now Im in the mood for some input. My 98k Cordy is usually well behaved but the only real sticking annoyance is her ABS sensors reporting faults. Ive had 2 replaced last year to pass the MOT (dash light stuck on) Still though, the ABS kicks in randomly shudder under very low speeds...
  2. thewiizard

    MK3 Ibiza Cupra ABS Rings

    Hey peeps, anyone know if the ABS sensor rings can be split from the hub assemblies and if they can, can they be bought separately? Cheers.
  3. Rear Left ABS Problem

    i have an error come up on the rear left abs sensor have just replaced the sensor and reset using vag com clears ok. I drive down the road and then it comes back on. The only thing i can see that may be wrong is the rear abs ring is really lose on the drum is it supposed to fixed solid or...
  4. Seized ABS sensor

    Folks, I've had an intermittent ABS sensor fault on my front O/S for a little while. Just got round to buying a replacement sensor, but I can't get the old one out! I've taken the bolt out, but the sensor won't budge from its mounting. I've tried giving it a bit of persuasion with some water...
  5. ABS and Traction control lights on after remap

    Hi All, I had my custom remap this week and the day after i noticed the ABS kicking in at very low speeds but no light coming on. Was going to check the sensors next week, and hoped it may stop doing it in the mean time (wishful thinking!). Then this evening, both the ABS and traction...
  6. DaNnY_LaD

    Abs Sensor i Still have light

    Right i got a Abs & tcs light a few weeks ago and it was off and on... Now ive fitted the drivers side Abs sensor the lights on all the time....Ive check all the wiring and its spot on and the Fuses are fine too... This is the code i keep getting and it dosnt go away:00285 - ABS Wheel...
  7. chrisbond69

    Hub and abs speed sensor ring,

    im wondering if anyone on here can help i have a seperate front hub and abs ring for the front of my car looking at the hub it has three bolts holes and three countersunk holes on the front of the hub face, im wondering if anyone can tell me the part number of the bolts and perhaps nut that...
  8. ABS light

    Hi all, I am thinking of selling my Ibiza. We have a baby on the way and need something with more doors! Before I sell I need to fix a couple of things on it. The ABS light comes on every now and then - seemingly randomly. I took it to the garage and got new ABS sensors fitted, but the...
  9. ABS TCS and Bracke light on and beeping.

    ABS TCS and Bracke light on and beeping all the time and the fault code is 00668 anyone els ever had this??
  10. DaleGT

    help please ABS

    Hi everyone, ive just put my car through the mot and the garage i use say i have a problem with the abs valve body?? what is this exactly?? Since ive had the car (3 month) the abs light has been on the dash, i had that checked, and on the thing you plug in said it was a speed sensor, which...
  11. PhilW

    ABS Sensor Codes - Help

    Any thoughts? Sensor stuffed ot could it be something else or a dodgy connection? Easy to change or not? Expensive or cheap? Thanks.
  12. Need help.. abs and power steering light flashing intermittently

    hey, i'm having some intermittent fault but no one seems to be able to pin point where the fault it. my ibiza is 1.2 award 55 plate and after 3 weeks, driving home from work 1 night the abs light was flashing and beeping at me but went off after few second, happened 3-4 times on a 6 mile...
  13. No ABS or TC!

    Just got my car back today after it having spent 2 weeks in the garage with bad brakes. Turned out to be the master cylinder. Thats now been replaced. However, now i have no traction control of abs. I have "tried" both of them and they ain't kicking in at all. Any suggestions?
  14. DaNnY_LaD

    Help! Fitted abs sensor and still have light

    Right Its time to get this sorted: Ive scanned Normal Engine Mode and nothing came up..So then scanned the Abs section and this came up VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N Control Module Part Number: 1J0 907 379 AF Component and/or Version: ASR 20 IE CAN 0001 Software Coding: 13404...
  15. ABS light on soon after full service/new tyres

    Hi y'all I had my Cupra Sport serviced inc a full set of new tyres. When I got home I realised that the fuel was way down beyond normal; it turned out the garage had given me back the car with all four tyres almost half deflated. :blink: I sorted that easily enough but within a few weeks the...
  16. ABS on this car will be the death of me!

    hey people, my abs light has been on solid for a while now so i got it on diagnostic machine and told me that speed sensor was knackered. so replaced that light stays on, so go get it reset but light stays on saying fault with another sensor. so basically i have replaced all the speed sensors...
  17. ABS Problems!!

    Went out driving last night in the hard rain!! I started her up this morning and drove the 32miles to work as i got near work i had to brake a bit hard and i noticed that one of my wheels slightly locked up!! 100yards down the road my Abs & traction control light came on. After work i...
  18. kineticz

    ABS not working

    Ok, so I fixed the glovebox and boot mechanism thanks to advice on here :) Now there's just the ABS to sort out. I've measured the voltage across the plug to the front Nearside ABS sensor and there is voltage, it's around 3v iirc. So what could this be? I tried another sensor in the plug and...
  19. abs light on (sometimes)

    my abs light came on this morning then went off then back on and its being doing that all day anyone know why? thanks
  20. ABS T/C problem on cornering

    hello having a bit of a strange issue, when cornering in a right hand bend only, i get the TC light on and what feels like the abs kicking in?? the roads are not wet and i am not really driving that fast.... any ideas what thye problem may be? only things that i know i have issues with are...
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