
  1. snipaz

    TC and ABS problemo

    My Mk3 cupra has suddenly decided to show me some warning lights on the dash, a few weeks ago it was the EPC light which was found to be a wrong bulb in the brake light cluster ( yeah yeah i know......but all bulbs look the same almost and it did fit! ) Anyways, 2 days ago i started her up...
  2. my abs is going to be the death of me!!!!!!

    my abs is going to be the death of me!!!!!! *moved I have changed my abs sensor as it has cum up on vag com that it is the sensor!!! after changing it the light has not extinguished!!! do i have to use vag com to turn the light off or have i jus it rong???? plz help me!!! jaime xxx
  3. Abs

    Hi i've got a fault on my ABS system i did a search but i couldn't find an answer as to which bit to replace for definate :confused: This is what it comes up with: 01276 - ABS Hydraulic PUmp (V64) 16-10 Signal Outside Specifications - Intermitant This is on a 1.6 Cordoba...
  4. karl.w

    uprated brakes... ABS too early

    last week i changed my front discs and pads to black diamond pads + drilled and grooved discs. the brakes are now very very good but just 1 problem with them the ABS seems to cut in far too early. Has anybody else had this problem and can fix it or change when the ABS cuts in somehow?
  5. Abs Light

    hiya guys, after a bit of spirited driving the other day, the ABS light came on, and every now and again when i was breaking there was a noise coming from the drivers side front wheel. Its only everynow and again. It sounds like something is rubbing. The light will also go out, its not on...
  6. RickC

    ABS Coming On At Low speed

    i have a noise like a piece of plastic catching when i turn righ on full lock and when i slow down and nearly stop the drivers side brake sound like its locking up or this may be the abs, i also have the ecu light on aswel but this could be a different matter any ideas anyone
  7. ABS Pump Bleed Cycle

    Need to check the operation of the ABS pump on my A3 1.8T. Can the 10 second ABS pump cycle that VAG-COM initiates be performed with the wheels on the ground, bleed valve shut ie car as normal?

    Hello all i had the clutch replaced today on my 97 beeza now all is fine and dandy EXCEPT i'm having trouble getting into 1st gear there is no crunching and all other gears are fine any ideas (yes it was like this before clutch was replaced thought this would cure it but the clutch was burnt out...
  9. fuey

    how do you remove the front drivers side ABS sensor?

    I had a look/go at it this morning. I removed the bolt from the side, scraped away some rust, but the thing wouldn't pop out the back (used plenty of wd40). Am I doing it right? Also, if someone knows of the correct method, can the same technique be applied to the passenger side ABS removal...
  10. leegt5

    TCS and ABS Light on after changing Coolant Temp Sensor

    Any idea why this is happening anyone ?? Tried Disconnecting the battery
  11. j.a.kelly

    ABS off?

    hi guys, nuva noob wit vag com - gasp. jus done a quick searchy but no answers...I often take part in a form of motorsport called autotesting, and due to the nature of the driving, ABS is pretty much no good. so my question is can i turn off the ABS using VAGcom? if so how do i go...
  12. edc

    ABS sensor

    ... just cost me £154 to replace :( MOT due so had to get it sorted and no time to do it myself. Sensors cleaned off, fault code still present, replace sensor, £154 lighter!
  13. A.b.s Light On Permanent

    can anyone put any light on this. it is leon cupra year 2001. a.b.s. used to come on sometimes with the warning light below it. it also used to go off when you say got to 5/10 mph and stay off but was on with car stood still with engine running. now it won,t go off at all please help...
  14. Removing ABS Sensor

    Righty, i've removed the torx bolt but the thing wont budge :( Is it a case of pulling it off with brute force or do i need to undo anything else? My ABS keeps kicking in, when i had the car on vag-com it said the right hand side abs sensor was intermittent. I've just disconnected the...
  15. ABS Problem

    Hi everyone. I have a 1996 Seat Cordoba 1.6 SX and i'm having a problem with the ABS. The ABS light comes on when i have a passenger on the back seat. It stays on untill the passenger gets out, then restart the car and press the brakes. The only thing i can think of is that it's the sensor. I...
  16. ABS light

    anyone had a issue with it comming on?? i googled it and seen its a ecu fault with seats but wanted know if anyone had the problem and how it was sorted??? off to garage latter just wanted your guys advice too!
  17. Implausible Signal ABS Hydraulic Pump (V64)

    hi yesterday ı got abs and asr lıght on my dash ı checked my car vıa vagcom and the fault code ıs thıs ... VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N Control Module Part Number: 1C0 907 379 D Component and/or Version: ASR FRONT MK60 0103 Software Coding: 0021505...
  18. cuprabaz

    ABS Removal

    What problems am i likely to come across? What bits do i need? Any advise much appreciated. Cheers Barry
  19. ABS and TCS Light Permanently Lit Up!!! Help .......

    Hello all, First of all what a cracking site - i used to have a Vectra 2.6 V6 GSI and used a similiar site to this, but this is by far better and more informative!!!! Anyway onto the problem ...................... I have a Leon, 20v Turbo 2001 - Whilst driving in the icy conditions this...
  20. Sulli

    Doing ABS Bleed cycle

    I have just flushed, refilled and bled the brake fluid after replacing discs and pads, but still (as before) have a little bit of pedal travel before brakes bite, which I just don't get. When I did the flush I didn't have engine running, just did normal pump pedal when valve open, close valve...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)