That's great information, where would one buy an ITT brake pad from?
Seat, Skoda, Audi or VW
Joking aside - it's very rare to find an OEM pad in an Aftermarket box. Certainly, no one in the aftermarket has a whole range of OEM pads in their aftermarket range.
OEM and Aftermarket have very different requirements.
The OEM pads, for example, use fine blanked back plates (more accurate stamping process - but needs very expensive tooling), which works for high volume low variety part numbers of the OEM but not lower volume high variety of the aftermarket. These tools are usually owned by the OEM so even if the producer wanted to sell them independently they wouldn't be allowed.
OEM uses tailored friction materials, fine tuned for the specific application over years of testing - vs aftermarket where some budget/premium brands only use 1 or 2 materials to cover their entire pads range!
OEM uses tailored anti-noise shims, AM generally uses a couple of types, or even just a crappy metal shim.
I can usually find the OEM pad for a good price - similar/not much more to the 'big name' aftermarket brands.