Haven't been using Cupra Connect since September, it showed back then that one day after I finished work it needed updating , tried to do it, showed that for some reason it could not be done, don't remember exactly what, meantime had no infotainment and I don't remember what else, was to go on a trip in a couple of days, went to the dealer , couldn't figure out what to be done, what was wrong, we had the system rebooted, tried to reregister as prime user, weren't able, needed more time which I didn't have, so the guy told me if would like to ditch the primary user and continue as a guest only, he told me that mainly all I could not operate is the Cupra info about my car which I didn't really use because it offered nothing that I didn't already know and would always almost show that the car is unlocked when it wasn't , so ever since only as a guest and
problem free, apart from the once in a while usual glitches of the infotainment and some functions when mainly starting the car in a morning, which either self repair in a minute or after a restart, although haven't experienced them lately and by lately I mean a couple of months or more.