anyone know if its possible to change the time that it allows you to "drive assist"? 15 secs is the default and even though i'm holding the wheel (lightly) it beeps at me thinking i'm not using it. upping it to 30-45 secs would be handy.
The S3 has a boost dial where our water temp is. Have anyone managed to copy that one, or IF its possible to show boost in mfd?
Just out of interest will you be using a Ross tech lead for this or a cheapo?
Ok great, nice to know you've had some joy with a copy lead. Got one on route from China.
Mine doesn't have the same coding screen for byte 16, so I'm a little reluctant to change anything.
Did you change byte once you changed the bit (so click on say byte 9) - you should then see the 6A change in the byte list.
Does anybody have experience with the hill hold control and VCDS?
The hill hold on my car is terrible and I would like to disable it.
I have a very steep shared driveway which I have to drive up and reverse back down on to a main road. When reversing down, I get near to the bottom and wait for a gap in the traffic. Once a gap appears I can't get the car to move again for 4-5 seconds. While trying to get it moving again the car stalls, then bloody rolls away. I personally think it's dangerous.
I've driven a lot of cars with hill hold, but nothing that behaves like the Leon.
I see the A3 doesn't have it as standard and can be enabled with VCDS. So this makes me think it can be disabled on the Leon.
I have a cable and software but need a little guidance if anyone has tried this before.
Anyone got this working