Are all 170s not a recalled for injectors
Good England sir!
Yes indeed they were recalled, around 2 and a half years ago
Are all 170s not a recalled for injectors
Thanks cockheadGood England sir!
Yes indeed they were recalled, around 2 and a half years ago
If you've got your car back and all is well I don't see what the problem is? I take it this was all carried out under the recall action so didn't cost anything either?
Hi guys I'm looking at buying a 2007/8 fr tdi with this pd170 engine fitted would i just be able to call my local seat dealer and book it in for a free injector/harness replacement if its eligible? the car will be sub 50k miles.
If I were you, if you can afford it go for the CR engine 2009+ model, burns the fuel much more efficiently and doesn't have any dpf problems. On the 2006-2008 PD engines, the dpf was and afterthought and so had problems
I have just bought an 09 FR, as far as I was aware it was the PD170 engine, have I miss read this post or could it be the CR engine??
Driving on the motorway last night and lose all power, so pull over and now car will turn over but refusing to start, suspected injector problem so I rang seat customer services to see if my car was recalled and they told me they know nothing about any Leon's being recalled, they having me on or did unjust speak to someone clueless??
Are Leon's any more reliable than the next car?
Seems not unfortunately
I had a one year old Leon for five years. Other than a dpf fault (under warranty) and this injector problem (faulty manufactured injectors) mine never missed a beat in 75k miles.