Leon FR PD170 TDi Injector problem


Active Member
May 13, 2007
I have a feeling I have the same problem as my car randomly died after changing a fuse and now it won't start. Jumped it once and it started fine and ran me home. Went out later and wouldn't start or jump, it did jump after about 10.mins but had about 3 revs then it died.

Today tried starting again and it turned over and started in the end then it died again and sounded really sluggish when I tried to give it some revs.

Quite ridiculous really as its only got 37k on the clock.


Active Member
May 13, 2007
can anyone advise how i find out if my injectors are gone? seat are claiming there is no recalls on my car but i have exactly the same problems as most people outlined in this thread. Do i need someone with computer software to hook up to the car?



Active Member
Jan 4, 2015
Northern Ireland

I own a 2008 Leon FR550. I've recently been having problems with it and was just wondering if any of you have had the same problems.

There are very strong exhaust fumes coming into the car through the vents, the engine really struggles to start and when it does start there is alot of blue smoke coming out through the exhaust. I originally thought this was perhaps bad diesel however I have been running the car on BP Ultimate Diesel for the past 4/5 weeks and there is no change.

I have made numerous enquires and I believe there is no DPF filter in the car and that it was taken out before i bought the car, so this also rules out a blocked DPF.

Has anyone had similar issues?


Active Member
Jan 31, 2015
hi guys, i have the same problem i think. when driving the car its been cutting out.. today i drove the car and the ABS warning light and a steering wheel light came up. Then the whole dash board went off and the indecators and stuff wouldnt work. i pulled over and turned off the car but the radio then stayed on?? i went home and left the car for 30 mins, when i came to start it, the car fired up then cut straight back out. fuses ok etc.. dont think im getting fuel to the rail, asif the engine control unit is cutting it out.. i thought the engine control unit might be faulty, but could it be an injector? currently the car is sat on my drive and wont start..


Daniel M

Blackbelts & Chickenheads
Apr 18, 2013
Just so others are aware, mine is having its injectors changed next Tuesday, so you can still have this done if not already been sorted.

Strange one for me though as when I bought the car May 2013 I had an email off Seat UK telling me the injectors had been done. Spoke to them yesterday as I was checking for my brother so thought I would double check mine and to my surprise mine hasn't has them.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2015
my son has just bought an 07 plate pd170 with the affected engine code fsh 70k (mainly dealer) is there anyway to check if injectors have been changed or if they need to be . we live in northern ireland but he is at uni in mainland uk so i would worry about the safety issues associated with a failure .
is the change listed in the service book ?


Active Member
Mar 14, 2015
Found out through dealer injectors had been changed times like this are when the dealer servicing proves the best choice even if you avoid their prices for the non routine items


Now AMG Powered
Dec 10, 2008
Barnsley or Burton
Found out through dealer injectors had been changed times like this are when the dealer servicing proves the best choice even if you avoid their prices for the non routine items

Dont be brainwashed into thinking your dealer servicing means anything extra, so long as you get a qualified mechanic to service your car using OEM parts you maintain your warranty, its EU law since 2003 and any sales rep telling you different needs bitchslapping. Plus this is a VOSA issue so it makes even less difference that you've been robbed by your stealer for the last several years.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2015
First post onto the forum and it's unfortunately down to a bad experience :(

Recently my beloved 56 plate Leon (of which I've had from new) suddenly cut out and came to a halt. Managed to get it to my supplying dealer to have it checked out. Initial thoughts were fuel pump related but after 2 and a half days of testing and diagnostics, was found to be a faulty injector #4. Was told that the other 3 injectors wouldn't work due to this hence no fuel. Also the wiring loom, which physically runs in the engine head needed to be replaced. Total bill - £960!!! :cry: Asked them to do the cambelt at the same time as it was about due. Finally got the car back after a week off the road.

Was told by the dealer that I was extremely unlucky for this to happen as the parts are quite sparse on the VAG/Seat parts availability as they don't generally fail. The dealer took pity on me and knocked about £150 off the bill after they'd done the cambelt replacement as well. (fully recommend RM Fisher of Galgate - nr Lancaster)

Hope none of you guys have to go through this!!!!

Hey just so you know nice just had the same problem. If you had to pay to change your injectors
Your probably due a refund.
They had a recall on fr's 170bhp in 2011
For faulty fuel injectors. My car came to a halt, took it to my garage he said it's fuel injectors and that he remembers there being a recal
Seat are doing this for free now.
I'd try and claim back what you have paid.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2015
I have just had the same problem occur with a failed injector on my Leon FR TDI 170 and have been quoted £1015 for the repairs with the injector costing £474 plus VAT. Does anyone know if Seat have issued a Technical Service Bulletin on this type of problem?

Yes they had faulty injectors on 56playe onwards I've just had mine done free


Active Member
Jul 9, 2015
Hey guys anyone who has a seat Leon fr 2litre tdi 170bhp
I recently had a breakdown car just cut out as i come off the motorway.
Took it to my local garage. He said it's the fuel injectors.
He is a lovely guy, told me that he can do it but he knows there was a recall on 56 plate onwards.
Took it to seat. They said there was a recall in 2011 and that they will do them for free.
So if anyone has the same problem. Ring 0500 22 22 22 and give them your reg it's that easy.
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