So, update time. Car was in getting the issues sorted under extended warranty, the knocking sound turned out to be an ARB link bush worn through and the squeaky belts were fixed by changing both the supercharger and accessory belts and their tensioners. Cost to me - £0.00.
They did a full healthcheck on the car and found the rear discs and pads were needing replaced. I tried to get the dealer I bought the car from to cover at least part of it since there's no way they can have been in much better shape at the time I bought it but no joy. Oh well, won't be buying another one from them.
So I was quoted £500 to change rear discs and pads by the local Jag dealer so I thought "sod that" and went and got EBC Redstuff pads, Pagid discs, a new piston wind-back tool and the adaptor for the Jaguar caliper pistons for £150 and set about it at the weekend. Out with the old:
And in with the new:
Took a bit longer than planned but it always does when I do car DIY. Made a pleasant discovery while doing the job:
Goodridge braided hosts as standard, result
Brakes feel a little better already. The rear discs are bigger than the LCR front ones! Stock Jaguar pads are really, really dusty, the EBCs are meant to be much cleaner so if they're much better and the performance is improved I may change the front pads later on. The front plates on the calipers are supposed to have the //R logo on them but the R flakes off with heat, I'll order some new ones for all four calipers and give them a good coat of lacquer before changing them out.
Also managed to get a wee sound clip at the weekend, I know a few folk were asking...
Thanks for looking