Get all the walls white - this will seals them and increase light reflection
Yeh i've already done 3 of them about 5 years ago.... i seem to remember getting distracted and started rebuilding my Ducati after i had a tumble at 60mph
I've still got the paint so i'm gonna paint the last remaining wall at the weekend.
looks like things are in motion again its good to see.
wetting the floor whilst painting helps collect the dust too.
Thanks for the tip Al, i wetted the walls and floor when i painted the wife's bike, it does
help to keep the dust under control.
Glad to see some more progress
top fella
Thanks Barn, i'm still plugging away slowly but surely
Garagey Update
So my latest plans have been to try and turn the garage into a spray booth for the upcoming painting of the car.
I already started boarding up / covering up the rafters with poly sheeting..... its about 75% done, i'll finish that off when i happy with the lighting.
A couple of weeks ago i ordered a 12" extractor fan with variable speeds and electric shutters etc. I was planning on mounting it in the side door of the garage but after seeing it it's quite big. So i bought to mdf and i plan on taking the side window out of the garage and using mdf to mount the fan into position.
So i started to tackle the lighting this weekend - i was originally going to order up some strip lights offof egay but i know they'd be smashed to bits and couldn't be chewed with the hassle of sending them back etc... so i just bought some 4ft lights from B&Q they were quite cheap actually about £12 each.
I'm going to order some light reflectors of egay as b&q didn't sell them
So hoyed them up and wired them in -
I've also got a lowbay light i "borrowed" from work when they were closing down the factory at the other end of the garage -
Gonna buy a couple more strip lights for beside the lowbay light, and maybe a couple of wall lights to mount lower down .......once i've also painted the last wall white i think it should be really light in there.
Then just got to finish off covering the rafters and remove all the shelving and coverup the stuff i can't remove.
I also got bored and dealt with a bit of rust around the boot / back light area.... ready for primer on drivers side, sorry didn't take anymore pics
Sorry to all about the boring update but hopefully should get some paint down next weekend as i've got a 5 day weekend