went well, as always
i always foam engine bays.
take note of all electrics, holes in piping / intakes ect, and then fire away. solong as you dont target as a certain area, for too long / wires / ecu and intake mainly there shouldnt be any issues.
i tend to foam and agitate with brushes in the tight parts before rinsing off with the presure washer, then go over the engine bay / trims in APC / De-greasers and various brushes to remove any stains and more stubborn marks, rinse again! and then i either blow dry it (as i have a compressior and airlines too) or just close the bonnet and turn the engine on for 10 minutes.
if im not happy with the results (9/10 so long as you do it often it will be clean and bright) i'll use a trim detailer such as aerospace 303. or a very light misting of GT85 on a cloth and wiped over the darker parks.