What did you and your ateca do today?


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Well the Mib2 high screen turned very blue yesterday. Vaguely remembering what people have said in the past that they change colour in freezing weather... I did nothing. Glad to report after it warmed up it went back to the correct colour 😍.


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TMC working fine on mib 2 👏. I did post up the solutions with the links on the bottom of this, on TMC UK Solutions:



Inrix works better than Ttraffic Master so it would appear, better data feeds.


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Virtual pedal and the cat !. Scored yesterday, ran under the back when I was calling him in, seconds later the back raised nearly hitting me. A fault, what caused that ?... no we know how that happened :). Children and pets have that ability to generate the pedal action if you happen to be standing at the back with the key and they swipe underneath. 99.9% of the time it doesn't happen. Hence the warning beep ⚠️ beep they built in
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