SOLD: JamJay's BMW 335i


BMW E92 335i M Sport
Sep 4, 2008
That's a shame but keep looking, the right one will be out there for you, just don't rush. Besides, your Leon is a nice place to be while you wait :).

I said that too but you'd be suprised at how little it goes up. Get used to standard power first though, in retrospect I might have waited a little longer but owning my LCR had me wanting more.

Looking forward to it! I'll take you out for a spin.

That's a good arguement, cabrio it is ;)

On a sad note, I was involved in a car crash this morning. It wasn't the BMW though, my girlfriend's poor little Toyota Aygo got beaten to death. We were travelling along an A-road and all of a sudden this woman shoots out of a side-road without stopping and hits us square in the drivers door, opening it up like a baked bean tin. We were thrown left in the car where me being the passenger smashed myself into the passenger door and my girlfriend managed to injure her left arm. The impact was with such force that we shot off up the pavement and had a head-on at 30mph with a lamp post where my GF hit her head on the wheel (airbags didn't deploy?!), my neck snapped forward and my knees whacked the dash. I immediately check my GF was ok, she appeared to be and was in a huge state of shock so my anger turned to the woman on the school run who was genuinely apologetic but seriously, WATCH THE ROAD! As luck would have it a police woman was coming down the road and pulled in and helped everyone, also two witnesses took their time to stop and testify that it was not our fault so I'll drop them both a bottle of wine soon once things are sorted.

Now, I'm not one to rape the system for a fake claim but we're now both in pain with neck, shoulder and back issues. It feels like I've just tried to shoulder press and dead lift the weight of a car and by the hour I feel less mobile, my GF has the same pain as well as a bruised face and arm. I've already lost one day at work and will lose another this week to be checked out by the doctors, should I bother to claim or am I taking the p*ss? If we were ok then no question we wouldn't but we're falling to pieces. We didn;t accept an ambulance at the scene as I guess the adrenaline was pumping.

Sorry to hear that, glad you're both ok though. I'd claim due to loss of earnings, hope everything gets sorted for you. :headhurt:
Dec 31, 2007
Gutted to hear about the accident mate. Hope you and the mrs are both on the mend soon.

I would speak to the doctor, get him to write you up a report and get a claim in. I don't condone claiming left right and centre but this sounds like a genuine claim!

Also, hope the mrs is ok with driving after this - some people take a bit of a knock to their confidence.


California Bound
Cheers guys, thanks for the kind words. Neither of us slept well last night, it's just a constant ache and I feel like I'm 80yrs old lol so best to be checked out. I have an appointment today and I guess the GF will be bombarded with claims calls over the next few days so we'll see what happens. Everyone is telling us to claim though, I just feel a bit wrong doing it because I know so many people fake it. I'm not sure what compensation these things carry or what I feel it's worth, if we get anythging then it'll be to replenish our savings and the cost of a new car for her...if Betty BMW is lucky then she might get a present.

Back onto car stuff, I should have some 'lowering' spring perches arriving from the US next week. I don't know if you've all realised but BMW's always sit higher at the front, this is due to (for some reason) BMW wanting it this way and seating the spring in a shallow perch bewteen the body & spring. These replacement perches are deeper and allow the body to lower down around 15mm at the front without affecting shock compression or suspension travel. I've always been happy with the rear height of the 3-Series but never the front, this should sort that out and may even mean I won't need to splash out on a pricey suspension kit, the OEM parts are brilliant otherwise.


LCR 225
Apr 29, 2007
Sorry to hear about this crash Jay :( Hope you're both ok and not too shaken up by it.

These things happen unfortunately. Tbh I would claim, I know many people are faking it but I personally would if it was me.


California Bound
Hi all,

A little while with no update but I have been buying things, it has just taken me a while to fit them. First up were some deepened spring perches, this lowers the standard M-Sport suspension by 15mm, making the car look nice & level. I can't see that I'd want to go lower than this really though, it's subtle but at the same time looks dropped & handles superbly :).

I've also fitted some 15mm rear wheel spacers and an interim measure before I get new wheels, it actually looks fantastic so I'm happy using these for the time being. I'll be adding some 5mm up front soon enough to balance the look.

The car certainly has an OEM+ feel about it now & I'm liking it.

Pics to follow soon :).

On another note, we're still waiting for the Mrs insurance company to pay up, other party admitted full blame but it's taking ages. We're still a little sore after a busy day but getting better and back to the gym soon I hope. Anyway, we've just put a deposit down on a brand new Mazda 2 Sport 1.5 for her, she drove it and fell in love (vs Clio, Corsa, Fiesta etc) & TBH it's plenty powerful enough for her.
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Active Member
Feb 17, 2012
Sh#t sorry to hear that mate least your both still here although in pain. I would def claim for the injuries mate which could cause you pain later on in life not just now. Was completly not your fault and you shold both be compensated for the stress, pain and suffering.

Hope your both feeling better soon.


California Bound
Here's the pics as promised, also I've just bought her some new shoes :).



19" staggared MV4 wheels.



California Bound
Looks very nice ! You'll have to take me out for a spin :)

Depends how long he keeps this one for :-o

He could well be in a coupe soon?

Hi lads :).

It WAS lovely Jay buuuuut, I've sold it already and before the Summer. "MAD!" you might say but the truth is I was offered exceptionally good money for it that I'd never have got for it again so with my business brain on, I let her go last week. I've since been carless and walking/on the train from A-B (what's new) but I'm hunting for something a little more driver focussed.

The 335i looked amazing, classy, sporty and aggressive but a 1750kg car with no B-pillar and fixed roof is really never going to cut the mustard in a corner :D and it annoyed me to know that no matter how hard I tuned it, the Coupe would always be better with the same mods. My decision to sell it was confirmed correct last week when I shifted some old parts from it, the people turning up on my doorstep, as lovely as they are, were twice my age and we're extremely surprised that I owned this and only in my mid-20's. I kind of felt like a young guy in an older man's car when I had it, it was kind of satisfying but then again I'm sure the "daddy's car" comment got passed a bit.

Anyway, the tune was removed from the car and now sits in my house unmarried to a vehicle, this is exactly why I bought the COBB remap. I'm hunting for a car with the same engine, a 335i or 135i Coupe this time. I'm leaning towards the 135i though, it feels a little more aimed at my age, pumps out the same power, handles better, brakes better (6-pistons up front) and I like the whole compact and brutal thing...much like the SEATs but RWD of course.

Watch this space though, whatever I get you're welcome to a ride in...remapped of course :).

P.S. I saw your car now with black wheels? Looks extremely nice! I feel another photoshoot is due soon.
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LCR 225
Apr 29, 2007
Lol, you go through them quick don't you mate ;)

What have you gone and bought now? The 135?


Fresh & Clean
Jul 20, 2008
Near Gatwick
Hi lads :).

It WAS lovely Jay buuuuut, I've sold it already and before the Summer. "MAD!" you might say but the truth is I was offered exceptionally good money for it that I'd never have got for it again so with my business brain on, I let her go last week. I've since been carless and walking/on the train from A-B (what's new) but I'm hunting for something a little more driver focussed.

The 335i looked amazing, classy, sporty and aggressive but a 1750kg car with no B-pillar and fixed roof is really never going to cut the mustard in a corner :D and it annoyed me to know that no matter how hard I tuned it, the Coupe would always be better with the same mods. My decision to sell it was confirmed correct last week when I shifted some old parts from it, the people turning up on my doorstep, as lovely as they are, were twice my age and we're extremely surprised that I owned this and only in my mid-20's. I kind of felt like a young guy in an older man's car when I had it, it was kind of satisfying but then again I'm sure the "daddy's car" comment got passed a bit.

Anyway, the tune was removed from the car and now sits in my house unmarried to a vehicle, this is exactly why I bought the COBB remap. I'm hunting for a car with the same engine, a 335i or 135i Coupe this time. I'm leaning towards the 135i though, it feels a little more aimed at my age, pumps out the same power, handles better, brakes better (6-pistons up front) and I like the whole compact and brutal thing...much like the SEATs but RWD of course.

Watch this space though, whatever I get you're welcome to a ride in...remapped of course :).

P.S. I saw your car now with black wheels? Looks extremely nice! I feel another photoshoot is due soon.

Right, well it looks like I'll be retitling this thread as I just bought myself a new car :).

See! did i not say about 6 months ago on your thread maybe you should sell for the coupe' before you spend too much on it. Still though it was a beautiful car, and to be honest i wouldn't suggest it's an old mans car at all. Just the average mid 20's kind of guy can't afford it. [B)]

Where did you see me with my black wheels? thanks, the MO's had their time now i've got some light superleggeras to get more traction, corner better etc

What did you buy instead ?!