White FR to Black Cupra - Cupra Now Sold :(

May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
What you thinking of replacing it with, Scott?

I'm not entirely sure, im happy to just run the mk3 and save up over winter, then see how im feeling after that. All depends on if i keep the mk3 and buy a daft seond car or sell the mk3 too and get just the one sensible car.

The later seems like the most sensible option at the mo, which has got me set on a bmw 123d m sport or a 330d m sport (both capable of 280+hp and 380+ftlb's torque whilst maintaing 45+ mpg, with a dpf delete and a map) Did briefly look at the 335d's but they are terrible on fuel and only auto :(

Drove a few 1 series in my last job and although they were the slow 118d se's they were awesome at handling and comfortable on long drives, didnt like the new 3 series coupe i got to drive as much though.

Lets hope its a TFsi with a K04 of some description

would have been an s3 or ed30 (or possibly a bmw 135i), im sure, if i was still only doing 56 mile a day commute but im currently doing 85 miles in my new job and further on thursday when i attend university, if i dont stay at my lasses up there on the night haha
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Few rolling pics on way to and from the SCN meet, thanks to Dan:





Red Ibiza 1.8T
Mar 28, 2009
The rolling shots look good Scott :thumbup:
I was looking into getting a 330d M sport too but on my current policy I can't get insured on anything over a 320 :(
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Cheers mate!

Think i'll end up with a 123d if im honest, much more 'me' i think. If i get another 'performance' diesel i cant hack fwd thats for sure!

I'm going to be half tempted to just save the money towards a house if/when the cupra goes, getting quite fond of my mk3 haha sadly a house doesnt go as fast as a car so i cant see myself going to such measures yet!
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Don't get me started on that lol he was a right bellend, just wouldn't move at all and some of the brightest foglights I've ever been behind! I made it quite obvious I wanted to be passed him as well! Cheers Mike, do you miss your old one abit?
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Cheers Al. Yeh I have, well I think so, just waiting for him to sell his car then I think it will be gone. He drove 3.5 hours each way to view it so shows it'l be going to someone who cares and that he's really interested, which was a must for me. Hes already on here so when it goes it should be sticking around :D

Finding the mk3 better every day though, won't want to get rid of that either in the end lmao just so cheap to run! 480 miles to 39 litres and that was with a knacked thermostat. Now the engines getting up to temp it seems even better :|
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