Leon FR PD170 TDi Injector problem

big jy

hi folks, phoned seat uk 2day an have 2 take ma Fr 2 seat dealer, they have promised if the injector 2 is the problem they will replace all the injectors. So its looking good that they are going 2 come clean for it :))


Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
This has just been posted on Briskoda! The BOLD bit i think is very important, every single one of us can now demand all 4 injectors to be replaced :cartman:

Dear xxxxx

Thank you for your telephone call of 19 September 2011 in relation to the injectors fitted to your ŠKODA Octavia vRS, chassis number xxxxxxxx.

I am happy to confirm that, if you have any concerns over the injectors in your vehicle, ŠKODA UK will pay for an inspection performed at a member of our Approved Retailer Network. If the inspection finds that any of the injectors are faulty, ŠKODA UK will approve the replacement of all four injectors as a gesture of goodwill.

If the inspection finds that there are no issues with the injectors, but you feel uncomfortable driving the vehicle in light of recent events, ŠKODA UK will pre-emptively replace all four injectors as a gesture of goodwill.If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me directly, using the telephone number provided below.

Thank you once again for taking the time to contact ŠKODA UK.

Kind regards

Dan Latta Customer Relations Manager
ŠKODA UK | Selectapost 34 | Sheffield | S97 3FA
Tel: +44 (0)845 7745745 | fax: +44 (0)844 8267855 [email protected] |


Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
According to reports on Briskoda today the guy above named Dan has taken over all of this now from Simon and is the single point of contact. He is also now allowing the replacement of injectors before they blow which is what i want! This is however from Skoda UK so SEAT UK might not be the same


The last few official letters being sent out from the various VAG customer services have one theme in common:

They admit fault by refunding everyone
They admit fault by swapping the parts
They admit fault by not fighting the issue because they would lose

Except they don’t ever mention they are at fault. As a result we have a few hundred owners who have been refunded, a thousand injectors swapped out… but no instruction from VOSA or VAG, and no attempt, to contact the rest of the 170PS owners who are running around with injectors known to be defective and known to fail.

The safety decision has been made on behalf of these owners, until of course they fail, then they get the official letter, which pretends to look after them by issuing a “goodwill gesture” swap. The official letter also states that customers who feel they may get a failure may seek swaps…

This is where the problem is… this letter is only sent to people who ALREADY know about the issue… what about everyone else?

They don’t want the message to go public to the other owners. They have a duty to inform the customer of a safety issue and rectify it… voluntarily. Our duty is not to turn a blind eye to this. Many things we benefit from every now and then are because a bunch of people like us, just got together and did it for everyone’s sake, from PPI scams to mislabelling food. A few fight, everyone else benefits.

Please join us, everyone who has been actively pushing the issue for their own sake and for others, and everyone who has just dropping in to say they have bee affected… in contacting the BBC Watchdog to highlight the issue in hope that we can get this problem solved pre-emptively for everyone though a recall and not after the dangerous failure has already taken place.

==== BBC WATCHDOG APPEAL===================================

Date: Sunday 25th September 2011
Link: BBC Watchdog (Got a Story) (bbc.co.uk/watchdog/gotastory/)

Form detail…
Subject: Transport
Sub Category: Cars

Fill in the brief detail section as you see fit. The key points left to address in my opinion are:
There needs to be a recall
The injectors are know to be defective and VAG are avoiding a recall
There are 1000s of owners who will not be made aware of this defect
The problem affects 2.0L 170PS Skoda, VW Audi, and SEATs
================================================== ========

I will be sending my from on Sunday and I hope everyone else does too… if VOSA are complaining about too many forms being sent in, I am sure we have the ability to get this serious issue noticed for when they have their Monday morning meeting. I don’t want to spam them, I just want them to take notice. This will be a one off plea to get heard.

Please post on other forums and spread the word. Thanks to everyone in advance.


Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
Received this last night


Thank you for your recent contact with regards to the PD injectors on your SEAT Leon.

We are aware of instances where a fault within the injector can cause the vehicle to cut out and prevent the vehicle from
re-starting. We have been in frequent discussions with VOSA on the matter and they are happy that there is no immediate safety
concern presented by this issue. That said, and although the percentage of affected vehicles is very low, we do recognise the
inconvenience and unwanted repair costs such a failure can cause.

As such we have taken the opportunity to offer our customers extended goodwill on the affected injectors (only fitted to the BMN
engine variant). Any injector failure within 84 months, repaired at a SEAT Dealership, will be covered by SEAT, regardless of
service history.
Revised parts were released late 2010 and as such the injectors fitted to your vehicle would have been of the pervious version.

I would also like to add that if you feel there is an issue with your vehicle then please contact your local SEAT Dealership for
diagnostics to be complete.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact SEAT UK

Kind Regards

Simon Ackroyd
Customer relations Manager
Tel 0500 222 222

[email protected]

ive sent them a copy of the Skoda email above and said im not happy


Hope people remembered to email Watchdog today, if not please email tomorrow if possible... we'll see what happens... thanks again.

Mad Jock

Jan 25, 2010
Bathgate, West Lothian
Injector issue

I sent off a report to watchdog as well just now.
I don't have a problem (touch wood) but I'm not happy with the number of owners that have had a problem and it's starting to seriously concern me. What's worse it that my wife has just bought a '57 plate FR as well now. Neither of us would be at all happy if we broke down due to this known issue.
I've also contacted SEAT UK and logged my concern with them and was told that Simon Ackroyd would contact me once he's back in the office on Monday. Kind of hoping that they change the injectors and loom on both our cars as it seems even if they are checked it doesn't mean they won't fail.

Cheers.....Mad Jock

p.s. Thanks go out to ALL the other peeps here who have highlighted the issue and pushed for a free fix :clap:


Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
I had a response from Simon last night, basically after i backed him into a corner with that email from Skoda UK saying if there customer isnt happy they will replace them, His reponse was basically can you call me.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2011
Well used these letters on here, wrote a letter demanding 4 new injectors and wiring harness. SEAT Barnsley agreed to test, no fault found but they wont touch them till Simon comes off holiday on Monday.

FACT is, even if they aren't faulty they will go, i am 3 months pregnant and my other half is a wheelchair user we can not wait for them to cut out and be stranded.

Ive reported it to Watchdog, because if SKODA can change them anyway why cant SEAT. Because of the hassle i got a bad attitude from SEAT Barnsley when collecting the car, been accused of using the above letters to get free injectors

Any ideas


Active Member
Jun 21, 2011
Its out of order, SEAT Barnsley didn't like the letters i provided them with off here, even though they know of the problem. The attitude on the matter stinks.

I rang SEAT yesterday and spoke to Laura, she said the car has been tested and it is safe to drive, so i said will the injectors fail, reply- Injector failures are rare but do happen, you are best speaking to Simon on Monday.

Nobody wants to admit anything and the dealers don't like free work, its not owners faults the injectors are crap.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2011
Andrew obviously your mapped and DPF free, how does that effect your rights to injectors under the warranty?

I ask this as ours is in dire need of removal, so im waiting for injector failure or DPF complete blockage, its like a lottery


Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
if theres a common fault with them then it doesnt matter if its modified or not, i beleive somebody off here has had theres sorted even thought they had DPF delete
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