Leon FR PD170 TDi Injector problem

Well im under the impression that the problem was isolated before 58 plate so my car should already have the new ones but i want this confirmed! i regually travel around the country in this car so ive told them if i do find mine has the old ones i want it sorted before they blow

Don't blame you!

I asked for the same tobe done with mine two weeks ago, so they offered to do an injector test which came back absolutely fine (apparently) and I have a 4yr old girl so that's why I had a concern. 2 weeks later and injector fails!


Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
one of my contacts is the head of SEAT UK so if i do have the old parts then i think i will get him involved :cartman:


Active Member
Jan 4, 2010
Well finally after 2 months I have the refund deposited in my bank.
It's been a bit of a drag and a pain to get it all sorted, SEAT probably snowed under with claims, but as mentioned by others Simon Ackroyd at SEAT customer care oversaw the whole thing.

Something funny that tells me he is a bit snowed under - he phoned and left a voicemail saying that their database did not have me as the registered owner of the car and could i contact the local dealer to get my details corrected. I phoned him back and talked through this and what was required and that the cheque would be sent out once my details were correct. Then a couple of hours later he phoned me back to tell me the whole story again about how I need to go the the dealer and get my details changed... seemingly oblivious that I had previously phoned him back and discussed this :lol:

Anyway the whole process started at the beginning of July. The car went in and had all 4 injectors replaced. Was promised refund for the £700 I paid last year for the failed injector. Took until end of August to actually receive the cheque but it finally arrived. The letter and cheque was actually from "Volkswagen Group" rather than SEAT.

Faith in the car kind of restored but I think I shall be forever slightly wary...


sorted, 2 injectors replaced foc. car running ok, just waiting for cheque for £1400 for earlier replaced injectors. hats of to simon at seat uk excellent customer service, just a shame there wasn't a recall. can you believe the courtesy car was an 11 plate cupra in silver with 1650 miles on it .good fun but couldn't afford to run it, 17.9 mph ave on the day hee hee.


I've booked it in this Friday for 'diagnostic checks' as they call it. So will let you know what happens.

I agree that they should be recalled. Not fun having the engine turn off on the fast lane of the M4 in rush hour with no warning!

Just thought I would give an update on my situation. I took it in for a service and they said the engine (inc the injectors) were fine but the exhaust recovery system was blocked which needed to be cleaned out.

But a month later driving to work the car cut out again and wouldn't start! Just heard from SEAT that they will replace all the remaining injectors free of charge even though its out of warranty.

I really think that all of the cars affected by this should be recalled and the injectors changed as its potentially a very dangerous fault. At £200-300 an injector is only the £££ that’s stopping them from doing it.


Full Member
Mar 19, 2002
Where did people get their cheques from? Mine came from the dealer but came back less than it should until I chased it again and got another.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2011
Hi all,well not had car 5 mins and the bugger cut out on me,with christmas lights all over the dash.luckily i was only doin 10-15mph as i was coming to a junction to turn in.Managed to wrestle the car to the side of the road(big strong arm muscle u see,funny tho only on right hand arm...strange that:D ).anyway called recovery,not sure weather im aloud to praise/name recovery company or not but they were redhouse recovery from chesterfield.guy was absolutly brill very carefull and helpfull,really can't praise him and the recovery company enough.anyways he took one look and said"it'll be the injectors m8,there quite a common fault unfortunatly.i looked at him and said"how much am i looking at do u think"."£400-500 probably just depends how many have failed".with that i nipped to my mates house to get cleaned up/change of pants etc:cry:..and he put my car on the bed of his recovery truck,which was a pain in the ass because whoever fitted the bodykit as put on the wrong side grill meaning you cant fit the towing eye in as the flap is on completley the wrong side:wtf:
anyway of it was taken to a local auto electrician who indeed after a day of diag confirmed injector no1 had failed.got home l8 that night came straight on here and researched injector failure and lord and behold theres many a issue.noted seat c care no and nxt day put in a call.woooow,they were gr8,said to get it repaired and they were then going to pay me back after i gave them the reciept for the work,also then i was to take my car to the nearest seat garage where they will then replace the remaining 3 and the wiring harness:funk:.need to book it in nxt week so i'll keep you all informed how it goes.got to say tho they were very helpfull and appologetic so fairplay seat but untill the work is complete i suppose i should be cautious.got a ref number so seams like should be ok.


Some VOSA official (awaiting confirmation from admins) has posted on Audi-sport and BRISKODA with some support numbers, and telling people to stop sending forms in.

No mention of anything to do with a recall.

A Romanian journalist on BRISKODA is claiming that the new "continental"
Injectors are simply rebranded Siemens ones, and will be prone to the same failure. As I mentioned before, i have had a new injector fail within 6 months, but put it to bad luck...

... If there is any truth to his claims, I think it looks like VAG is just buying a few more years on people who know about the issue, and will let the cars slowly die out of old age by then, no recall.

I calculated something like 24,000 of these engines on the road between 2006-2007... Imagine how many more abroad...


Active Member
Apr 3, 2011
Is it just a waiting game for the injectors to go cause I'm wanting a dpf delete and remap but am afraid that if I have it done seat uk won't pay for new ones


Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
I can confirm that the chap from VOSA is from VOSA, im Admin on a forum hes posted and a quick look on his set up form confirms this using his emaila address which ends with a .gov.uk address and his I.P Address also pointed to a .gov.uk domain

big jy

Though l was the only one with the injector problem, but it seems not. My leon is in the garage just know, #2 injector down, wiring loom nackered as well, going to phone seat uk tomorrow an see what joy a will get with them. Let u all no how a get on :)


Is it just a waiting game for the injectors to go cause I'm wanting a dpf delete and remap but am afraid that if I have it done seat uk won't pay for new ones

Just call SEAT up and get them swapped. The bottom line is you know they are duff, I can't believe people are still listening to these dealerships and not swapping them before they fail. It is a KNOWN issue, they WILL fail. The Sales of Goods ACT 1979 covers the fact they are selling defected goods and ideally this should be a massive lawsuit, which nobody will do, everyone seems content with a refund and a hug after they fail.

I can't remember what forum it was on but someone else did the exact same thing, the guy was basically told "they should be fine" by customer services, and he just took their word for it. They failed within a week. What gets on my nerves even more is there is no follow up, he simply got them swapped and that was it...

I just don't get it. We should all agree on a specific date and all fill in the online Watchdog forms. They should take notice of a couple of hundred emails coming through. VOSA are clearly backing down and instead of contacting the 18,000 other owners telling them there is a fault, and taking to VAG's front door, they are sending US a letter, telling us to stop contacting them....




I think we should do this, it will take 2 minutes of everyone's time, and believe me there are hundreds between the forums and facebook... you won't regret it when it's on TV and VOSA/VAG are forced to answer the questions they're avoiding.


Feb 19, 2008
Morning all.... ive just had the fuse board replaced through warranty as it broke and while it was in at the dealers i asked about checking the injectors, they came back and said that they were fine. i quickly contacted simon at seat uk and after a few long discussions and phone calls he agreed to replace my injectors and wiring and any other relevant bits. Approx just over £4000 spent all through Seat.


Active Member
Apr 3, 2011
So if I call Simon ackroyd at seat uk he will agree to replace my injectors, are they replaced with Bosch injectors or still the siemens ones as they will surely f**k up agen
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