Hi all,well not had car 5 mins and the bugger cut out on me,with christmas lights all over the dash.luckily i was only doin 10-15mph as i was coming to a junction to turn in.Managed to wrestle the car to the side of the road(big strong arm muscle u see,funny tho only on right hand arm...strange that

).anyway called recovery,not sure weather im aloud to praise/name recovery company or not but they were redhouse recovery from chesterfield.guy was absolutly brill very carefull and helpfull,really can't praise him and the recovery company enough.anyways he took one look and said"it'll be the injectors m8,there quite a common fault unfortunatly.i looked at him and said"how much am i looking at do u think"."£400-500 probably just depends how many have failed".with that i nipped to my mates house to get cleaned up/change of pants etc

..and he put my car on the bed of his recovery truck,which was a pain in the ass because whoever fitted the bodykit as put on the wrong side grill meaning you cant fit the towing eye in as the flap is on completley the wrong side

anyway of it was taken to a local auto electrician who indeed after a day of diag confirmed injector no1 had failed.got home l8 that night came straight on here and researched injector failure and lord and behold theres many a issue.noted seat c care no and nxt day put in a call.woooow,they were gr8,said to get it repaired and they were then going to pay me back after i gave them the reciept for the work,also then i was to take my car to the nearest seat garage where they will then replace the remaining 3 and the wiring harness

.need to book it in nxt week so i'll keep you all informed how it goes.got to say tho they were very helpfull and appologetic so fairplay seat but untill the work is complete i suppose i should be cautious.got a ref number so seams like should be ok.