White FR to Black Cupra - Cupra Now Sold :(

Goddam, ordered Forge cold-side relocation, actually cant help myself lol :(

Gonna go see if my itg filter is in at motoscope now and order some plugs i think

i keep getting close to ordering one myself just for the sake of it i stop myself everytime i tell myself it doesnt really serve a purpose although it will be good to see what you think of it and if it makes any extra sound.
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Yeh I've been like that, cold air into the turbo instead of really hot air and the valve will operate quicker as it's next to the throttle body though, can only do it good! My tb hose is blue aswell and wanted it to be black anyway so was gonna buy another one, thought may aswell go the full hog! Hopefully will arrive this week and can fit it and let you know :)

Also taxed the car today aswell, pure arse rape haha


Sir Bob,a geordy legend..
Oct 15, 2007
Scott, I would stick with NGK over IK22 myself after hearing all the bad storys about the IK22's....

I ran NGK's and had no problems at all..
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
They were my thoughts but people seem to either love them or hate them. Got both sets so if the densos fook up always got new ngk's spare. Had iridium plugs in my old 1.8 Sri corsa and it actually felt tons smoother and that, which I was surprised at!
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
I've only heard of the engine not running correctly with them, no worse. Can't see a spark plug electrode causing a valve head to snap off either. Never seen that once in 7 years working at engine builders. Seen electrode coming off and pitting the piston and combustion chamber but any faulty plug will do that.


Sir Bob,a geordy legend..
Oct 15, 2007
I think it happened to both Bill & Danny, electrode snapped and jammed up a valve against a piston and snapped the valve.
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
I don't understand how it could jam the valve open enough for piston to snap it though. I've snapped a cambelt before and they were all bent loads but not enough to snap even and they were right the way open some of them, not just held open a couple of mm by electrode jammed in the seat. Sure it's like most products, people will have bad experiences people will have good, just bad reviews get heard allot more haha we've got them in the e type race car at work which has done many a race and been okay.

Will see how it goes :D
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Coldside relocation came today, cheered me up after 15 hours of been on the move when i got home! Started fitting it about 10pm, just wanted to stick it on quickly, got most of it done, just had the intercooler pipe to throttle body hose to stick on and the recirc into this and it would have all been done! Couldnt get this hose on at all, was never going on, so i compared it to the other forge hose i had just taken off:




Its not even short by just a little bit, even the blue hose is pushing it when it comes to fitting that in all honesty but abit of messing about and it fits, black one would never fit.


So after a long hard day i met this and had to take it all off again. Ill have to have a word with Forge and see what they say.

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1/4mile - 13.935 @ 100.54
Nov 9, 2006

This pic shows that both pipes are exactly the same length though, its just the angle you're holding it at and the curve of the pipe thats causing somewhat of an illusion. If you look at the edges of the blue and black pipes at the bottom end, they are in line with each other. Keep trying to fit it, you'll get there eventually... the pipes are always a tight fit when they're new.


Sir Bob,a geordy legend..
Oct 15, 2007
Best way to measure it is with a piese of string!!! :)

If its too short then I'm sure Forge will sort it out, Scott..
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks

This pic shows that both pipes are exactly the same length though, its just the angle you're holding it at and the curve of the pipe thats causing somewhat of an illusion. If you look at the edges of the blue and black pipes at the bottom end, they are in line with each other. Keep trying to fit it, you'll get there eventually... the pipes are always a tight fit when they're new.

its not an illusion, look back up at the top of the pipes, they are inline and not offset like the bottom ones. I get what your saying but look at it again, your getting confused with the picture. Thats why i did a few angles :p

Best way to measure it is with a piese of string!!! :)

If its too short then I'm sure Forge will sort it out, Scott..

No need to measure to tell its miles shorter in this case though, not a chance in hell :(


Sir Bob,a geordy legend..
Oct 15, 2007
Have faith, Forge will sort you out once they pick up your other thread.

Top quality customer service from Forge :)


1/4mile - 13.935 @ 100.54
Nov 9, 2006
its not an illusion, look back up at the top of the pipes, they are inline and not offset like the bottom ones. I get what your saying but look at it again, your getting confused with the picture. Thats why i did a few angles :p

No need to measure to tell its miles shorter in this case though, not a chance in hell :(

I still think it's the same length, or near as damnit! :p Bring your car to me and I'll have a go at fitting it lol.

As said though, measure it and see, I think they're the same, after all both pipes were modelled on the same OEM IC to throttle body hose so if there is a difference, it'll be a manufacturing fault rather than a design problem :)