It's about time I updated this, 1 or 2 mods in the pipeline and any excuse to show off the fantastic W8 light.
Standard light (minus cover)
W8 Light
Quick test after fitting
Really impressed with it, adds a bit of VW/Audi style class to the interior.
Red glow from the ambient LEDs
For anyone interested in doing this I posted a
guide here. Unfortunately for the Cupra/Boc guys, black versions of the W8 light are like rocking horse poo, but people on other forums have sprayed it black, and occasionally they pop up on eBay for silly money.
Impressive MPG - after 13,000 miles the car still seems to be loosening up nicely.
In other news, someone has scraped my rear bumper, so gonna have to touch that up. Will get it properly sorted in the summer when I finish uni. Also waiting for some decent weather so I can touch up the million stone chips that have accumulated over the winter
Oh and the major mod planned is to get it lowered, I thought I'd be able to stick out the ride height until the warranty is up, but I can't. Its a shame to have such a nice designed spoiled by the huge arch gaps. So that will be getting sorted as soon as I have the funds!