i have bosh super 4's in mine and cant fault them in any way. had 3 sets in my car now(i change plugs every 10-15K)
i only change plugs that often as i can and dont mind doing it.
also get some new HT leads.
If your coil pack aint broke DONT fix it!
Cheers Adam
Are they bosh or bosch ? super 4's
The plugs you use, are they a ebay job? Or they widely available
I was just thinking maybe change the coilpack as it hasnt been changed before !
But if u say it doesnt need it, then y bother !
Just had a look in Halfrauds there
Yep there £20
Seen a set of 4 on ebay for around £5 - £7 delivered
Is there much difference quality wise in spark plugs, or are they relatively the same ?
I suppose so Adam
Car has been misfiring alot over the past couple of weeks so I hope the spark plugs fix
There has also been a bad smell, would this have been the culporate ?
smell is like when green leaves are being burnt
Just under load thank god
When theres more than just me in the car it happens
and how long has this gone on for ?
last time my car started missfiring (dead HT lead) i stopped the car and me and the mrs walked around 6 miles to get some new HT leads and i fitted them at the side of the road.. call me cautios but missfiring is uber bad for the crank shaft
Its a 2001 mk3 1.4 mpi
I dont know what the engine code is ..
What is AUD ?