Proud 130..? Owner


Active Member
Feb 2, 2009
also might be worth mentioning about the factors that you have had to cancel insurance on the punto, change to the leon, and now your going to have to cancel again,,, just little things if they dont budge

mine has the mpg function but its an se... maybe your 110 is just an S.. even worse lol

Do you have extra buttons on the side of the wiper arm switch thingy, pretty sure in the manual it says thats were they are supposed to be.

anyway, its a nice car, nice condition, nice milage, wrong engine lol, will not be keeping it !


Audi Techie
Jan 10, 2009
I work for audi and im pretty sure in the past we have bought cars in from other dealers and also deliver/collect.

If worst comes to worst and you end up with the punto again and money back i would do that rather than stick with a car you dont want as that can be traded in elsewhere for the car you want..

But knowing what our place are like as soon as you start winging they should bend over backwards. In theory they have stolen £6000 from you. Its false advertising..

Make sure you print off the advert before they edit it.


leon mk1 fr tdi
Nov 26, 2004
lincoln, uk
easy, you ring them back tomorow, tell them they falsly advertised a product, tell them you want your money back and walk away from them, if they dont tell them you will get trading standards involved, you have the evidence in the advertisement.

you also want reimbursing for the cost of the trip. best bet is menbtion the word solicitor and trading standards, be firm and they will have no option.

i agree, although i will be quite honest from the advert i saw i would have assumed it was a 110 tbh as 130's are normally listed in the name from what i have seen. but the figures seemed to indicate it was a 130, poor job by the dealer if thats the case


Audi Techie
Jan 10, 2009
i agree, although i will be quite honest from the advert i saw i would have assumed it was a 110 tbh as 130's are normally listed in the name from what i have seen. but the figures seemed to indicate it was a 130, poor job by the dealer if thats the case

Advert aside its still overpriced for a 110 and was sold as a 130 with that amount of times he had asked for confirmation.


Insert witty comment here
Dec 2, 2008
If it was me I would want a 130 delivered to a local dealer, with a full tank fo fuel and some spending money!! (At least your travelling fees) Then drop the falsly advertised 110 there, leave them the keys.

And if they cant get a suitable 130, then you need a full refund (the price you paid for the 110 and the money from the punto) If they refuse then threaten them with action from the missus!


Active Member
Feb 2, 2009
Went to our local dealer today, they have confirmed its a 110bhp model and that this other dealer has truely shafted us and is a disgrace to the seat name.

Rang the dealer we bought the car from, he said the guy we bought it from (sales manager) isnt in, and isnt contactable until monday, this wasnt good enough.

Left it ten minutes and rang back, we asked who was in charge today, he said needs to speak to the guy who sold it (hang on, thought he wasnt contactable?) and look at the documents and will ring us back, this was @ 11.55am, if theres been no phone call by 12.55pm (half an hour away) we will ring back again,

This is their fault, and it doesnt seem like they are going out of their way to sort it.

To add insult to injury we have had a phone call about the punto we advertised privately @ £4750 !, i mean...if we got that back, dropped the price by £500, that means it would still sell at £4250 which is £575 more than what we got for it on the trade in and could source a 150 privately.

Am i right in giving them an hour to contact this mush and look at the papers ? do they need longer, or is an hour too long ?

Have printed out the advert from seat website before they decide to change it (if they would), its still listed on there @ 128ps, 127mph top speed, can anybody confirm the other figures ie :

Top Speed: 127 MPH
0-60: 9.8 secs
Torque: 310 Nm @ 1900 RPM
Torque Imp: 229 lb/ft @ 1900 RPM
Cubic Capacity: 1896 cc
Horse Power: 128 PS
Litres KM Urban: 7.1 l/KM
Litres KM Extra Urban: 4.5 l/KM
Litres KM Combined: 5.4 l/KM
MPG Urban: 39.8 MPG
MPG Extra Urban: 62.8 MPG
MPG Combined: 52.3 MPG
CO2 Emissions: 146 g/KM

Are those figures of the 110 or 130 ? I mean..the ps and top speed are 130bhp..but what about the rest
Last edited:


Active Member
Feb 2, 2009
The 110 should have just the 'i' from TDi on the boot in red
The 130 should have the 'Di' from TDi on the boot in red - assuming it hasnt been de-badged lol

They should of known that prior to advertising it shouldnt they ? As it does just have the RED i, i did some research but when a cars listed as 130bhp and your told its 130bhp time and time again you figure they are right, after all they are the experts...right?:shrug:

james walker

cooling is the key people
May 24, 2007
retford notts
they are the 130pd figures mate, keep ringing them every half hour until they give you an answer, they will not ring you if they can get away with it

the 130 pd stands for the horsepower, its actually 128 but rounded up

Cupra Ross

Breaks things............
May 15, 2005
Edinburgh, Scotland


Active Member
Feb 2, 2009

Some hefty reading but will tell you all you need to know. Forewarned is forearmed and all that.

Take them to the cleaners, this is an absolute disgrace. You either want a car delivered to you, in the exact spec as the TDi 130 SE that you thought you were buying or you want the FULL purchase price refunded to you by same day bank transfer and the 110SE collected from your doorstep.

Gonna have a read through those now cheers buddy.


livin' the dream!!!
Jun 30, 2004
Colchester, Essex
Unfortunately, the burden falls on you to prove them in the wrong on this one. Totally unfair but true. Its very hard to reject a car once you drive off, but you have reason here because of the advert and because as a main dealer, they are the experts not you, and you are within your rights to trust them to some degree over technical details in which you are neither trained or experienced in.

I'm no legal expert but I have rejected 2 cars successfully in the past. One I got my money back for in full (the trade in was still sold to them for £500 more than on the original deal as they had a buyer lined up), the other was fully fixed in the interim period with a loan car provided for me in the interim period.

So take some time to sit down and plan your strategy of how to deal with it. Go with a plan that you lay out on paper and stick to it. Some key elements have been mentioned already but keep calm when speaking with the dealer (you don't need the dealer taking a "dislike" to you or you attitude - so present yourself well). It is illegal to record conversations without the other person's knowledge so if you do decide to do that, never let on you are and remember that it is not of any use other than to take notes from.

Don't use the car at all without their agreement as if any damage occurs, you lessen your arguement about rejection and they strengthen theirs about your acceptance of the deal which is important. Your journey home is OK as that is not unreasonable.

Step 1 - Gather Your Evidence :-
  • Find the info on what "Seat Approved" really means. The Seat web site will have the details, and ensure that the car was advertised as Seat Approved, and that it meets all of their own criteria.
  • Study the advert and ensure you have a printed copy. Have it in front of you when on the phone.
  • Check your receipt for any info around it being a 130.
  • Make a note of the times and dates of conversations that you have had already had with them (and any names you can recall) that you can clearly remember. You don't need any uncertainty creeping in - stick to the absolute facts. These people are trained in sales and therefore in talking people into corners! If they take the conversation "off track" stop them and re-ask the origianl question or restate the original statement.
  • Know what it is that you want from them - a refund, or some cash due to the lesser spec (know how much or at least tell them that you will let them know), how much your expenses are for travel and fuel etc. Have it all written down so you don't waver and so that you come across as authoritative and assertive, confident in what your saying, knowing your position and knowing what you want. I'd want a full refund and nothing less.

Step 2 - Call Them to Reject the Car

  • Most important thing of all - KEEP CALM! KEEP POLITE and PROFESSIONAL in your approach! Really hard to do when they deserve both barrels, but like it or not - you need their help and co-operation.
  • Be very careful about NOT using words like "Stolen" and "ripped off". Use words like "disappointed" and "upset". Think of it like this...... if someone says you ripped them off or that you stole from them you'd get defensive and dig your heels in. If they said they were disappointed in you or that they were upset by your actions, you'd feel guilty.
  • Make the call from somewhere quiet so you can concetrate 100% on the call without distraction and so that you can make notes in peace.
  • Find out who is the most senior person on site today. Speak to the most senior person available today. Request a call back within the hour if they are not available. Don't discuss the nature of the complaint with the person answering the phone as you don't want them pre-warned. Simply tell them who you are and that you have an issue with the car you picked up yesterday. Chase them up after the hour expires. Do not request to speak to the sales person - you already have no trust in him/her so don't speak to them any further.
  • Explain the nature of your complaint and that you have only this morning discovered that the car you have purchased isn't the car you thought your were purchasing in terms of spec. Let them respond. Don't be afraid to make a statement and then say nothing - they will feel as if they have to respond and even if you pause for a minute of awkward silence, let them respond first (even if you have to ask if they are still there to prompt them!). It puts the pressure on them to say something and respond.
  • Then, mention the misrepresentation in the advertising etc. and that according to your other half's employer who happens to be a solicitor, this gives you just cause for receiving a full refund and your car back, plus expenses incurred. Make sure they know she works for a solicitor.
  • As you are talking, make notes. Record the time, date and who you spoke to. Note also the times you call and leave messages, or where you request a call back. List any actions, agreements, requests made (with answers) etc.
  • When you finish the conversation, read back your understanding of the status (eg that they agree you can use the car in the mean time withouth fear of penalty or it implying any acceptance of the deal) and list any actions they agree to take and anything you agree to. Before hanging up, take a moment to decide if you are clear with the conversation and anything agreed. Clarify anything that is not clear to you. Also agree with them when they will come back to you with any info/actions and if they are late chase them. Again, note it all down including that you had to chase them as they didn't respond at the agreed time.
  • Write notes on the conversation whilst its all fresh. Be honest and note detail of how you were spoken to - were they polite, professional, helpful for example or were they rude. Be honest.

If you do decide to keep it, do your homework about the difference between a 110 and a 130 in price for the same spec. Also, make sure you know what your car does not have, that the 130 will have as standard (such as trip computer, shape of the seats, wheel sizes, rear electric windows, front fogs - just some examples of the sorts of things some makers leave off smaller engined versions of cars which might not be true for your car, but check it all on Parkers). Also I'm pretty sure that the SE130 is badged on the boot with a 130 badge.

Personally, I would not accept the car. They have charged you a lot because of the sat-nav, the condition and mileage so don't accept a replacement either. Get your car and your money back. If they can't get your car back, then go for the value on the receipt that they list the Leon for in total. If they source you another car, it will be any old pile that they can get a hold of to get rid of you. Get your money back and accept nothing less - at least then you can buy something dirt cheap to run about in whilst you find a decent Leon that you actually want.

Don't accept any excuses around it being "chipped" and therefore a 130. Seat Approved cars should not be modified and if it has been and they admit as much, note it down as additional important information missing from the advert and any written information you have from them as you would not be able to insure the car correctly without knowing this, and "you would not have bought it if you knew it was chipped" is what you should stick to even if you might have considered it still - be very definite about this.

Get further advice from them and Citizen's Advice if your Mrs can't help via her work.

I really hope you get to a satisfactory resolution with this one. Its a bitch when things like this happen.


Active Member
Feb 2, 2009
Just printed out a 110 advert from the seat website, to prove all the figures that were listed for this car ARE 130bhp figures, also printing out a 130bhp advert to show that they are the same figures as the one we bought. And its not just a minor technical error, infact the whole advert is wrong.


Active Member
Feb 2, 2009
S3_AKR :: Thats one hell of a post ! Although...the mrs needs to get to work tomorrow, and it really isnt biking weather, buses arent on schedule round here, nor are they reliable enough to use for work !
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