any stage 1 remaps use the 4 bar fpr?
Not as far as I know.
I'm a bit confused by your question though...
Edit: oh, I get you now. It says 4 bar fpr in his sig. @OP - you should take that off, probably an idea to read up on A/F logging just to be sure, but nobody does a Generic Stage 1 map that needs a 4 bar fpr AFAIK.
And, At lickwid, fuel pressure reg won't make a difference to boost pressure. 1.6-1.8 spike is "fine". people will say otherwise and suck their teeth, but it's what all LCR's do (if you take into account that his boost gauge might be a bit out).
All the 210/225's "saturate" the MAP sensor, which according to many, is a REALLY bad thing
As I understand it though, when it's runnign above the MAP's maximum, it falls back to using the IAT and the MAF to calculate the boost. Probably explains why a duff MAF on a chipped motor is extremely noticeable...