Losing Revs... FR TDI


It is mine, all mine.....
Mar 28, 2005
Afternoon all,

Before I go any further, I have searched!

Having a little issue with my FR, 21k, 18 months old - When accelerating, when I hit just over 2500RPM in 4th, 5th and 6th I seem to loose power slightly and the rev counter drops then picks up again I also occasionaly get a juddering like when an automatic changes down a gear - is this clutch slip or problem with the turbo? I've got no idea, gonna have a word with the dealer but though I might get a little bit of info first.....:shrug:


Full Member
Sep 6, 2006
Sounds like clutch slip from what I've read on here.

Are you putting your foot down in 4th, 5th and 6th below 3k rpm then?
It's generally not recommended as it puts extra stress on the clutch.


Working the Guns!
Mar 18, 2005
Would like to think its not clutch-slip especially as your car is standard with only 21k miles..... If so I wont have as much confidence of mine holding out with the extra power. :blink:


Eat My Smoke
Oct 20, 2004
Liverpool, UK
Deffo clutch slip, mine does exactly the same mate !

Hoofing it between 2.5 - 3k, the rev's will drop slightly, then after a second or two, will rise again !

Have you had a remap ?


Working the Guns!
Mar 18, 2005
Deffo clutch slip, mine does exactly the same mate !

Hoofing it between 2.5 - 3k, the rev's will drop slightly, then after a second or two, will rise again !

Have you had a remap ?

I had a clutch go on an old car and it didnt feel like that.... It would rev but the car wouldnt accelerate..just as if the car wasnt in gear.


Bit of an animal
Mar 15, 2005
have to go with clutch slip.... and yes you can have clutches go on a standard car, its just a case of a weak clutch batch that he has in his car, i've even heard of some standard clutches taking a remap without slip, so its all down to the batch you get.....

I would take it back to the dealers and demand the clutch is replaced if it is the clutch that is the problem. Unless ur going to remap then i would advise buying a friction plate or if cash allows a new uprated Sachs clutch.. has a better life and power usage than a standard, dont have to be so worried on when and how you put your foot down...


Eat My Smoke
Oct 20, 2004
Liverpool, UK
snoopcousins said:
I had a clutch go on an old car and it didnt feel like that.... It would rev but the car wouldnt accelerate..just as if the car wasnt in gear.

The clutch going & the clutch slipping are 2 totally different things.

If the clutch goes, you wont be able to put it into gear, and when you press the accelerator, the revs would rise but you wouldn't go anywhere. If it slips, it is described as above !
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Full Member
Sep 6, 2006
I would take it back to the dealers and demand the clutch is replaced if it is the clutch that is the problem. Unless ur going to remap then i would advise buying a friction plate or if cash allows a new uprated Sachs clutch.. has a better life and power usage than a standard, dont have to be so worried on when and how you put your foot down...

How much was your new clutch (including fitting)?


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Sep 26, 2002
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yes but even with clutch slip the revs rise and the car does not accelerate as fast as normal. clutch slip is like driving normally then when you hoof it you also put your clutch halfway down, what happens then revs rise .

the 1st post says his revs fall that does not sound like clutch slip, thats hessitation prob maf.
easy test start car, leave handbrake on tight, try to roll forward in 1st gear if car squats at back and wants to pull the back wheels or wheelspin clutch ok if you can fully release clutch peddle and rev the car in gear clutch slipping a lot


Working the Guns!
Mar 18, 2005
if the problems AoS has with his clutch occurred on a Remapped FR TDI is the clutch a gonner even if returned to Standard? Or can it still last for a long time?

I only had mine remapped last week and ive experienced a slight 'shuddering' or vibration AoS talked about when heavy accelerating around 2.5k revs (not flooring right foot to floor) and a very slight dip in the revs only for a second.

I have a months trial with my remap... should i return to standard do you think or should i only really 'give it the berries' after 3k revs?

Im worried now! :(


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Sep 26, 2002
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clutch should still last well when they start to slip just dont floor it before 2.5 -3k and the shuddering was mentioned on a previous thread as the dual flywheel nothing to worry about my remapped ibiza used to do it and i did 30k a year in that without clutch problems


Working the Guns!
Mar 18, 2005
clutch should still last well when they start to slip just dont floor it before 2.5 -3k and the shuddering was mentioned on a previous thread as the dual flywheel nothing to worry about my remapped ibiza used to do it and i did 30k a year in that without clutch problems

Thanks Kempos...

Good to hear the shuddering aint a clutch problem. I have no real loss in power, it still goes like stink so will just try the 2.5-3k revs rule and eeze the accelerator down a bit slower.


It is mine, all mine.....
Mar 28, 2005
Have you had a remap ?

Nope, no remap, all is standard :)( ) its a strange on, i dont know if it is clutch slip, reading all the threads cos in theory if you pressed the clutch whilst driving the revs wouldnt drop away they would increase (don't think I'll try that on the way home!)

A prime example of when it happens is approching a roundabout down to 3rd, round (going straight on) and power up through the gears.. Its only slight but still its not right..

I'll speak to the dealer, see what they say, still need to chase my replacement seat (sit on) cover.... FROSTS..![:@]


Full Member
Mar 19, 2002
You don't notice them increase I find. You feel something wrong then look and your revs are already dropping.


Bit of an animal
Mar 15, 2005
clutch should still last well when they start to slip just dont floor it before 2.5 -3k and the shuddering was mentioned on a previous thread as the dual flywheel nothing to worry about my remapped ibiza used to do it and i did 30k a year in that without clutch problems

Yeah i guess if you dont mind chewing your flywheel up into small metal pieces....:confused:

Its not the best thing the flywheel vibrations, means that the torque going thou it is too much for it and starts hitting the casing and destorying itself.. its not a problem i guess if you never replace the clutch or do any serious work on the car... but if you wanted to replace anything the flywheel would have to be refaced or even replaced due to the knocking... well that was my intepertation of it thou all the work I've had done to my car....
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Bit of an animal
Mar 15, 2005
How much was your new clutch (including fitting)?

Well i got mine for just under £600 i think from JBS, but that was only because the drive system was going to be in pieces anyway when they fitted my ATB Diff and Dog Bone mounts and etc... so saved in the labour charges....;)

Well worth the money in my eyes, i get to use all the torque thou all the rev range and its still a OEM feel....;)

I almost 100% convinced what AoS is describing is clutch slip, when the highest torque spike hits the clutch plate and even the slightest touch on the gas will make it slip it the clutch isnt up to scratch! I would just go back to dealers and get them to replace the clutch and see how that one goes.....
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Full Member
Sep 6, 2006
Actually, could I just have all your mods :D

You everything I'd want to do to mine (and more!)

Must have spent crazy money on it. Sure it's worth it though.
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