You Know You have a mk2 Ibiza When........


Wheel Connoisseur
Jan 1, 2009
you know you used to have a mk2,
even after you sold it, you are so used to looking in the for sale section for it, you catch yourself still looking....DOH :doh:
Aug 22, 2008
you know you used to have a mk2,
even after you sold it, you are so used to looking in the for sale section for it, you catch yourself still looking....DOH :doh:


hey i thought the new owner was joining up i wanna see what they havedone to her now :)


Nazi Moderator-Bot
Mar 6, 2005
Moved to the DarkSide
I'll know more when i can get a bit of dayight on things kez.. went out in the dark in the car earlier , 1st time its been used since before chrimbo tbh, been using the Mk4 over the hols, getting warm air but just no fan / power to the fan
Aug 22, 2008
what I thought too kezz, but he did say he won't be taxing her until jan, so possibly soon?

ahh right soo maybe we will be seeing her soon then

I'll know more when i can get a bit of dayight on things kez.. went out in the dark in the car earlier , 1st time its been used since before chrimbo tbh, been using the Mk4 over the hols, getting warm air but just no fan / power to the fan

well no wonder she isnt a happy bunny leaving her sitting there while you take the mk4 out to play :p


Nazi Moderator-Bot
Mar 6, 2005
Moved to the DarkSide
wouldnt suprise me if theres water got into it tbh, i did get snow off it time and time again but theres bound to have some got down under the scuttle and gotten elsewhere. :(

ahh well it gives me something to do tomorrow

Kezz, I would have torn the bumper off within seconds of moving tbh.


Yes, I'm licking my hand
Mar 16, 2009
you know you used to have a mk2,
even after you sold it, you are so used to looking in the for sale section for it, you catch yourself still looking....DOH :doh:

Haha. The amount of things I've seen go really cheap and probably would have bought before!!!


Nazi Moderator-Bot
Mar 6, 2005
Moved to the DarkSide
You jump in , starts on the nail.. drive a while and all the windows steam, on goes the have warm air, but no fan.. in any of the settings :(
had to keep dropping hte windows to get rid of the condensation and wiping the windscreen
guess that goes on the list of *Jobs to do*

And as it turns out its a dodgy connector (wet has got on it at some stage but its dry everywhere at moment even after all the atrocious weather and me not having even attempted to move the car) so.. 1/2 the dash apart.. one wire cut back due to water ingress, one connector raped out of a socket *was all melted up in there* then one screwblock and one push fit connector end crimped on to the extended wire and WE HAZ WARM!!!! On all settings too :D


you know you have a mk2 when you can put 1 gallon in the fuel tank and somehow manage to squeeze 50 miles out of it :)
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